The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 28, 1979, Page page 12, Image 12
tuesday, august 28, 1979 page 12 daily nebraskan STUDENTS Looking for a part-time job? Runzt drlv-ln near campui needi part-time help 11 a.nv3 p.m. dally. Apply at the Runza In the Glass Menagerie, 1227 Q St. GODFATHER'S PIZZA Part-time waitresses wanted. Day and night hours available. Apply In person to Terry, Bill or Mike. 12th & Que The Scarlet & Cream Singers ere looking for a second memb er of their technical crew. Should have some experience with stage lighting andor sound Apply to Barb Hengen et Alumni House, 472-2841. PART-TIME JOBS for fall semester at City and East Unions. Varying hours and positions. Apply Room 220, NE. Union, 472-2181, and NE. East Union, Room 314,472-1776. DAILY NEBRASKAN PRODUCTION DEPT. Now hiring part-time paste-up. Evening hours 7-? Sun.-Thurs. Apply Room 34, Nebraska Union 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. to Kitty for more Information. Part-time secretary. Hours flexible. St. Mark's on the Campus, 13th & TV, 474-1979. Busboys for sorority. See Mrs. Scates at Zeta Tau Alpha house after 1:30 p.m. or call Kris at 4774141, ext. 245 for more information. DAILY NEBRASKAN CIRCULATION DEPT. City and East Camp, s routes available first semester, 1979-80 Car, pick-up or van required. Must be free appro x. 9-10 a.m. M-F to deliver papers. Average pay is $6hr. or $120 mo. or more. To apply see Anne, 34 Nebraska Union between 8 a.m. 5 p.m. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Full & part-time positions. Operating tele-computers. No experience needed. Must have bubbly personality and good phone voice. Call Cher at 466 8294,9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Attention Skiers! Part-time student sales representative position available for 1979-80 school year. Job involves pro moting high quality ski and sun trips on campus for commission plus free skiing. To qualify, in dividual must be highly moti vated. Please call or write for an application. Summit Travel, Inc., Parkade Plaza, Suite 11, Columbia, Missouri 65201, 014)874-6171. Part-time janitor. Hours arranged. St. Mark's on the Campus, 13th & R', 474-1979. COMING SOONi Pillow couches, chairs, ottomans and throw pillows, hoc a taonc to match your decor. J Order now for pre ) overhead sale prices or Mor more infomation call 474-4689. Confidential Pregnancy Counseling & Related Services Drop in Office Hours 11-3MTWF Th4-7 I! WANTED FIRST SEMESTER 1979-80 DAILY NEBRASKAN DOCK DELIVERY PERSON Van or pickup required, as wall as lots of muscle. Must have free time from 8-8:30 an. M-F. Pays $7.60day minimum; approx. $600 for the semester. If you live In northeast Lincoln, this Is especially per fect for yout Job Involves bring ing 17,000 copies of the D.N. from the Sun Printing Company (Cotner at Garland) to the Union dock. That's all, for $7.50day. Interested people, please see Anne In 34 Nebraska Union be tween 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Spanish speaking person needed to assist in Montessori classroom. Must be available Monday -Friday, 12:30-4 p.m. Call 489-81 10 days or 475-9158 evenings. Waterhole and Horsefeathers are taking applications for wait resses doormen and batenders. Apply to Stan, Monday-Thursday after 7 p.m. and Friday afternoon. CAMPUS REPS Wanted to sell Printed sportswear to campus organizations Work for the largest printed sports outlet in the upper mid west. JIM DIER SPORTSWEAR 1724 "O" 474-4308 The Market by Danielson't Part-time, sharp Individual, re tail experience, plant back ground helpful. Mon-Tues-Wed 12-6. Contact manager 466 2532. 20 Campus Sales Reps Wanted Tremendous commission system Allows impressive earnings for only a few hours per week. Call Flower World, 474-6938 Buspersons, 11 a.m .-2 p.m. $3 hour plus meals. SOUPS ON 435-7687 Part-time cook during school term. AM-PM hours, Monday Saturday. $135 a week starting, depending on experience. Paid vacation during school term. Call for house officer after 5 p.m. at Cornhusker Coop, 474 9772. Wanted football (flag) play ers. Must be over 6'3" and have good hands. Call 474-9285, ask for Buzz or Stad. MINNEAPOLIS Labor Day Weekend Will drive or fly to Minn. You r choice cheap I 474-6654 IT'S EASY i REUXIN& IMMEDIATE CASH TAyfAENT after, each Donation CALL 474-2335 for Appointment LincOLM PLASMA CORP. 202i o er. Coming Next Week . . . Coming Next Week . . , Branded lit College Night Branded 1st College Night of the year. of the year. BRAND NEW- " BRAND NEW Student Charge Accounts Now Student Charge Accounts Available at Branded. Inquire at Now Available at Branded Credit Office. Inquire at Credit Office IIIII..II.II1JUI III III. . II I .11 LI 1 L I. M - I Female roommate to share two bedroom house. $115 H utilities. Call 435-6458 1346 N 25th. Mature roommate needed to share sharp apt. with studious, fun-loving grad student near East Campus. $92.50mo. 435 2876. Roommate wanted. Near East Campus. Call 464-3459 after 5 p.m. Female Roommate Wanted for 2-bedroom apt. $95 H utilities. 423-0034. MALE ROOMMATE FURNISHED MODERN TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATHROOM APARTMENT. FIVE BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS. OFF-STREET PARKING. $130 ELECT RICITYMO. CALL 477-3889. Roommate Needed-$62.50 V utilities. No smoking, no doping. 475-8721. Female housemate wanted, beautiful private living quarters, laundry. Judy 489-1556, 423 1133. Need female roommate to live with 2 other girls. Very close to school. Must be studi ous, but like to get crazy some times. Prefer upperclassman. Rent $91 .66 per month utilit ies. Call 435-2773. MB: . Glad to be back. Looking forward to living up to the DN photog motto of S.D.R, & R. The Kid AXO's are proud to welcome all their new pledges to UNL You're the greatest Miriam, Wishing you the best of luck this year. Let's give our best to keep in touch. Your best friend old roomie Sheryl Campus Crusade for Christ Cookout Tuesday, August 28th, 5:30 p.m. Dave, Barry's 1728 S. 11th. Eveyone Welcome! little BECOME A low OD cash? PLASMA DONOM Powers and Powers, Attor neys Criminal and Civil fees esti mated ft hour consultation, $10 Uncontested divorce, $160 cost. Most 1st DWI defenses, $100. 474-5054 LINCOLN DANCE CENTER 540 N. 48th Register now for exciting fall classes all forms. Professional Instructors Vrana and Saunders 466-3165 Coming Next Week . . . Brandels 1st College Night of the" year, BRAND NEW- Student Charge Accounts Now Available at Brandels Inquire at Credit Office Rugby Practice . Thursday 5:30 p.m., behind Women's P.E. Everyone Welcomel DuanoSchulzl Band Planning o danco? CallDuano GchulzDand 4GQ-31G9 ACROSS - 1 Follower of rip or whip S Particle in a cyclotron: Abbr. t Salesman to whom "attention must be paid" IS Once more 14 Immensely desirous It board 17 Longest river in Africa 18 Snow field It Language that Latin replaced 23 Drudge 21 Con men 23 Elated 23 tse, founder of Taoism 23 Faced with difficulties 21 "Eureka!" to Descartes 2S Doxy adherents 22 A Jones who owns a locker 2) Elated . 2 "AuldLang 42 Pulitzer winner of 1&8 44 Lucineoftfce Met 42 Part of a cast cf thousands 47 BXO.and PATH O Elated S3 Like Marat, Paine or . Trotsky' OSoc2for4! Across CI WriterLccs , 13 Caretaker, for short . 3 Hunger. tyzsptoza STUDENTS i Earn better grades with minimal effort. Start the semester right. Learn the secrets of the "A" students. Tips on reading, note taking, studying, test taking, and dealing with In structors. Send $4 to A.J.S. Enterprises, Box 27089, Omaha, NE 68127. S.A.B. Members: Welcome Back Party I Thurs day, 5:00 Alumni House- We'llseeyal EVERYONE is Invited to the fall picnic for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Thursday, Aug. 30. Meet at 5 p.m. by the fountain for rides. TASSELS ATTENTION Meeting Tuesday, Aug. 28th. Important: Bring money for tickets and I.D.'s. All members must attend. Disco Roller Skating Party with Freddie Bell Out of Sight Production Arena Skating Center 300 N. 48th 8.10 p.m. Tues. Aug. 28th $2 STANDARD gas special 4 ' A shaggy soft hide...": Pope S Having a share of 8 Advantage 47 Taxable item 8 Explosive letters 3 It's in a jamb DOWN 1 Division of a' . long poem 2 It makes friers into criers 3 Memento 4 Elaborate (on) 5 Italian city or loose gown Acting super erogatorily 7 "'the is easy" t Untie Evict 14 Blind trio 11 Discordant 12 Code words for n's 15 Tenth part: Comb, form 22 Pushcart fare 24 King of Norway 27 First lady's man 28 Mocha 2) State peremptorily 38 Not one of the major birds 21 Two-jawed device 32 Cameo stone 33 " It Romantic?" , 34 Lustful look 38 Sault Marie 1 P F 1 i 1 I' I i j 110 U 112 ; L 13 114 IS 1 it " jiii Ti 1 " . -mm mmmm mmm- n ... 1 23 24 . , . a " ""r m 27"! JfjiiTl" 2T" "" T" r """" a" " " " """" 4'f "T" """" " jy--"r- a mmmm ,. .. -Pjr" "T -a t ni" jT iA sti ji " """" T" """ " " " ' " ' i I I I I i mmmm ' Coming Next Week . , . Brandels 1st College Night of the year. BRAND NEW- Student Charge Account! Now Available at Brandels Inquire at Credit Office Ever considered that joining Campui Girl Scouts may be the way for you to enrich your year at the U while providing a unique service to young girls In our community? Find out by calling Therese at 464-6935 or Susie at 489-8193. Sheldon Art Gallery 12th &R St. Print Market Aug. 21 -Sept. 16 Advertising Art and Fine Art Wide Price Range Tues. 10-10 Wed-Sat.10-6 Sun 2-6 MINNEAPOLIS Labor Day Weekend Will drive or fly to Minn. Your cholce-cheapl 474-6654 7-0 ttsn.-Pri. Q-0 OsturcSay regular full ft ! " 6m tort OWMMle AMMftW. TwU Ttrw Shoe Oil 0nm ' M C0" QUE PLACE 8TAPJDAPD Stan Mills. Dealer 17 th end Q 475 8619 37 At once 48 Studio item 41 One of Kipling's "twain" 48 After much delay 48 Hold a grudge 58 Nil bonum 51 Source 52 Opposite of live 52 Texas farmer's acres S4 Jazzman's ' ilve.e.g. lathskeller order 58 Piece for a sitar player 57 Son of Seth 58 Prepossession 58 Suffix with leather and major ulL.-.ILI Lii 1320 N Street