Summer Nebraskan, Thursday, June 28, 1979. Page 7 wna c s up weekly? Thursday, June 28 Childrens Repertory Theater production of "The Wind up War." 1 p.ra. on the Uwn south of the College of Business Administration. Brown Bag Lecture: Peter Levitov, Coordinator of In ternational 'Educational Services. Speaking on: Adjust ment of Foreign Students to Higher Education in the United States. Piano Recital: Harvey Hinshaw, 8 p.m. Westbrook Music Building, 11th and R Streets. Sheldon Film Theater: "Images," showing through Sun day. Screenings are at 7 and 9 p.m. with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. Admission is $2,501 Final date for submitting masters theses (at least one week before oral exams) for eight-week and first sessions. .Friday, June 29 Nebraska Repertory Theater: "Take Me Along," based on the play "Ah, Wilderness!" by Eugene O'Neill. 8 p.m. at the Howell Theater. Tickets are $4.50 each. Children's Theater: "Ichabod," 1 p.m., College of Business Adminstration Lawn, 11th and R Streets. Saturday, June 80 Nebraska Repertory Theater: "Take Me Along," 8 p.m., Howell Theatre, 12th and R Streets. Tickets are $4.50 each. Sunday, July 1 Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery: Drawings by Harriet Derrever, Sculpture by Ernest Trova, Ceramics by Margaret Furlong. Hours: Sunday 2 to 8 p.m.; Tuesday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sheldon Gallery and Sculpture Garden 12th and R Streets. University of Nebraska State Museum: Featuring Audio Tours, Hall of Elephants, Hall of Nebraska Wildlife, HaU of Man, Behlen Hall of Time and Space and Health Science Galleries. Hours: Sunday 1:30 to 5 p.m.; Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. University of Nebraska State Museum, 14th and U Streets. Tuesday, July 3 New Exhibitions: Paintings by Chad Keel, Earthprints by Don Cunningham and David Williams. Thursday, July 5 Brown Bag Lecture: W.W. Swepston, President of Lin coln Life and Casualty Company. Speaking on: "We minus I equals success: Sold Out, Hold Out, Drop Out, and All Out." 12 noon in the Nebraska Union Main Lounge. ' First session enrollment below 1978's First session enrollment in the 1979 summer ses sions at UNL is down 190 students from last year's first session enrollment. Because of Increased enrollment in both the three-week pre-session and eight-week session, however, enrollment in the overall 1979 summer school remains nearly 60 students ahead of last year. Enrollment in the first five-week session totaled 6,332 students, compared to 6,582 in the first session last year. Undergraduate enrollment in the first ses sion this year is 3337 students, 23 less than last year, and graduate enroll ment decreased by 129 students to 271 students in the first five-week sea sion this year. EnrcHment ia courses of fered by the Division of Continuing Studies deeretssd by S3 ttcdssts ia 18791 first sessisa to a total of 1C3, and ,118 students studying for pro fessional drees ia d?a tistry tad law 2s tijbt less tfcaa a year tea. kv Total ezrclistri tst tit 1979 tmstr atssisas thus tst Is 9.C37 ccrpired to Advertise in the Summer Nebraskan 472-3210 112 Avery Hall Live Music at HIDDEN VALLEY: It's country time with Poverty Hill FrL, June 29 & Sat, June 30 Also featuring Rock Therapy Sunday, July 1 full bar and dining facilities 108th & Pinelake Road (2 miles east of 84th on Pinelake Road) :::;:::::::::::::::::::::::! :::::::;::::::!::::::::::::: :::;:::::::::::t::::::::::t: mm i i i Brownag Lecture i t ilritehiatibhid; $150 Pitchers For Softball Teams Moa Thru FrL BARBRA STREISAND -THE. ElfJE Ticksts$4X3fi ' .'."" . SsssonTk&ati $133(A34R3ys) LissscSii tl i V I On Stage TAKI Friday, Junb 29 and";;." Saturday, yuno,30 0:00 p.m A sunny end noclilnls music -trip Into tho cdriy ICOO'o.- ; 1:40 3:40 asm RYAN O'NEAL 5:40 7:40 9:40 f "1 . o3 a year tro.