The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 21, 1979, Image 1

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number 2
university of nebraska lincoln
june 21, 1979
lot i. alum center site
By Gordon Johnson
The staff parking lot north of the Nebraska Student
Union has been tentatively approved by the Central Plann
ing Committee as the site for a new Alumni Association
The Alumni Association has received a $500,000 dona
tion from Arizona publisher Milton Wick for the construc
tion of the building. Private contributions will match the
donation bringing the total to $1 million, according to
association officials.
At the Central Planning Committee meeting, May 24,
Jack Miller, executive vice president of the Alumni
Association, presented five possible site locations for the
building. The association's first choice was the staff park
ing lot north of the union and its second choice was the
metered parking lot also north of the union.
Better relations
However, Bud Cuca, ASUN president, raised some ques
tions about the need for a new alumni building in the
center of campus.
"I know the Alumni Association does a lot for the univer
sity," Cuca said, "I just don't know if it (new building)
should be placed right in the heart of the campus."
Miller said placing the building in the middle of campus
would better student-alumni relations.
"We want to do what we can. to bring the students and
alumni together," Miller said.
Miller admits that students might protest the site pro
posal because of parking loss and said that if students were
vocal enough, construction efforts could be difficult.
The parking problem has been around a long time, Miller
said, but added he believed that as the price of gasoline
Stadium addition
could eliminate-
160 parking spots
If the Memorial Stadium expansion proceeds as schedul
ed, UNL will lose about 160 metered parking spaces north
of the union, according to John Duve, UNL parking coor
dinator. While the expansion is constructed, the circle staff park
ing lot on the easfside of the stadium will be used to store
construction materials nad machinery, Duve said. After
the addition is completed, he said the area will be turned
into a mall.
The area should be closed before the fall semester
begins, Duve said. The staff spaces will move to the
metered lots north of the union.
The metered lots are being sacrified, Duve said, for the
convenience of parking permit holders.
"Our total system is self supporting," Duve said, "And is
in the business of serving the parking sticker holder." .-
The meters will be moved to other areas, he said.
"Since we have the devices it would be a shame not to
use them " he said.
Duve said he felt the students have not been aware of
the issue because of the emphasis placed on the stadium
The reason the metered lots are being used he explained
is because people who park in front of the stadium work in
the Love Library area.
Staff are given parking areas closer to the heart of cam
pus, he said, because most of their cars are not moved dur
ing the day.
If students were to park in the central lots, he explained,
there would be too much traffic that conflicts with
gets higher, parking may cease being a problem.
"Everyone wants to park right outside the building, and
it's not feasible " he said.
Visitors center
Ray Coffey, UNL's business manager and member of the
Central Planning Committee, said Miller suggested the
new building also be used as a central ticket office or a
visitors center.
Coffey said he wasn't sure if the proposed site would be
approved by the chancellor and the NU Board of Regents.
"I suspect that there are a lot of people who have reser
vations concerning whether or not that prime site should
be used in that way," Coffey said.
However, such a building, he said, would be better at
that location than an academic building.
The proposed building, which is expected to be between
12,000 and 15,000 square feet, would displace about 160
staff parking spaces, Coffey said.
Before the proposal is passed, Coffey said, he would like
to see the university make a firm commitment to replace
the lost parking spaces.
Coffey proposed building a parking garage on the east
side of the union behind the Nebraska Historical Society.
Impact Statement
Some questions were raised at the May 24 Central Plan
ning Committee meeting concerning who would pay the
utilities for the new alumni center. Miller explained at the
May 21 meeting that a special fund would be formed to
meet these costs.
A sub-committee was appointed by committee chairman
Ned Hedges to study the proposed site and make an im
pact statement. The committee will report to the Central
Planning Committee August 15.
The Central Planning Committee makes its recommen
dations to the chancellor, who will then make recommenda
tions to the NU Board of Regents. The regents will decide
whether to proceed with construction.
Until a new building is completed the association will
stay at 1520 R St. After a site has been approved, it will
take two years to finish, Miller said.
The association has been moved a lot in it's 105 year
history, Miller said, and has been at it's present location
since 1975.
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About 120 women marched against rape Monday night. For more pictures and story turn to page 3.
photo by Shelley Smith
Sports center official's letter led
to stadium addition nrohe-sen.
inside to$oy
Women march against rape p. 3
Press ahead in race p. 4
Keystone Review p. 5
Jones gets top spot p. 8
By Shelley Smith
A sports center official met with members of the
Legislature's Appropriations Committee Monday after
noon to discuss a letter he sent the executive board oppos
ing the proposed 9,000-seat addition to Memorial Stadium,
the Summer Nebrtukan has learned.
Paul Schneider, administrative assistant of the Bob
Devaney Sports Center, met with Sens. Donald Dworak of
Columbus Steve Fowler of Lincoln, Peter Hoagland of
Omaha and Ron Cope of Kearney immediately before the
appropriations committee meeting where the committee
decided to investigate the proposed addition.
Dworak said he approached Schneider and asked him to
meet with committee members when he learned the points
Schneider listed in his letter against the addition had value
for the committee.
In the letter sent about two weeks ago, Schneider listed
10 reasons why he believes the 13.4 million addition should
not be built '
"I am definitely opposed to a silly thing," Schneider said.
Among the reasons listed were:
The back row of the proposed addition would be nine-.
and-one-half stories, equal to three-fourths of a block away
from the sidelines of the football field. Schneider said
About 3,000 additional spaces would be needed to ac
commodate 9,000 more ticket holders.
Reports have shown that when Nebraska has a
moderate or losing season, ticket sales drop. He said com
mon sense should prevail, supply must be under demand in
case UNL should have a losing season.
The Legislature already appropriates $1 million
to the UNL athletic program which includes maintenance
fees for the Bob Devaney Sports Center.,
The nation's energy problems. Outstate Nebrsakana
are requesting the most tickets, he said.
There hasn't been a sufficient study conducted about
the proposed addition.
Dworak, although never a supporter of the addition, said
he was convinced the addition is wrong after talking with
Binoculars coceessisn
"He's (Schneider) been around for a few years, when he
tells me that the back row is going to be nine-and-a-half
stories away -and he's only interested in the concession
for binoculars -rm not sure how salable these teats will
be after one season."
Although the addition would be financed by the tale of
revenue bonds which would be paid off through the tilt of
football tickets, Dworak said he was concerned that If
ticket tales couldn't produce enough revenue, the tutors!-
ticket holders in the east baleonv teita fcav been earn.
plaining for yean about the wind and told and have re- M nfcht tsk the Legislature to appropriate funds to keep
quested to be moved tower. miner sports in existence.