Summer NebrcsksfV Tuesday, June 121379 - i f , 7-'.. I .... t J Sour Mash will be featured Friday evening at 7 p.m. behind the Sheldon gardens. IPC concerts scheduled for Sheldon gardens It's time for lome good country picking this week as two bands, each featur ing different types of mu sic, are scheduled to per form in the gardens behind Sheldon Gallery. Bluegrass Crusade, and Sour Mash-both well known bands in Lincoln are scheduled to- perform Wednesday (Crusade) and Friday (Mash) at 7 p.m. The concerts are being sponsored by the Univer sity Program Council in an attempt to provide summer events for summer school students. Nathan Wesely, Presi dent of UPC East, said because summer school students pay student fees, they 'should also benefit from them Wesely 0 0 0 would coordinate the existing agencies and departments that deal with the aged. ". .. "With the money we are spending, we should get more services out of it and better services.'1 Wesely Joined Sens. Jerome Warner, Waverly and Steve Fowler, Lincoln, to pass LB 119, dealing with municipal power systems. Wesely said, "All of (the public power systems) go to the Power Review Board before they build a facility or transmission line. Except for the municipal power systems. They have a huge loop-hole that is causing problems . . ., particularly in recent years." Wesely said Grand Island and Kearney built power plants within their cities after being told by the Power Review Board they didn't need the plants. "Hopefully, the municipal power bill will keep energy costs down. It was sort of a first step In recognizing the need to do more In regulating the public power district." Checks and Balances Wesely then compared the municipal power bill and his hospital Certificate of Need bill. "You want to have, In both cases, quality service. You want adequate service, but there is a tendency to become empire builders, not only In those areas but in many other A DtiDfrf V 0 a r. T 4 AILIL otmsSummeW ILBNOW while vou Your Best ChanceW S&VE bri Summer's Wardrobe. , v "s- ; Our Biggest and Best Sale Bill 07 them! This mm ae AH 44 noma 14 &h HOURS: d1 3 & V areas. He said a hospital administrator who wanted the best equipment or the biggest hospital without being concerned about the general community would be an example of an empire builder. He said he thought the bill would provide needed checks and balances. "We are going to move in other ways also to try and strengthen the review," he said. Another bill from the short 1979 session that Wesely voted tor was Omaha Sen. Emie Chamber's the death nenaltv reneal bill. He called it one of the more symbolic -changes of the Legislature in a long time, although the repeal bill was later vetoed by Gov Charles . Thone. Wesely esid, "Thtt was an amazing thing to have happen. Never before had a death penalty repeal bill got past the first stags ' of debate. . . When we voted to advance it from that first stage of debate, that was historic in and of itself and to continue and pass the bill was really incredible" - "I supported the bill, I supported the repeal, but my position had always been that I wouldn't support repeal unless there was ; a toughening of sentences; a built-in sentence." 'N - " l "' "v''' He said he though the people of the state probably could have lived with the repeal bill. ., "I think that was a tougher bill than What we have now. Right how, a person getting a life sentence for. murdering somebody will get out on the average of 15 years, IB years. "The problem is that the judges and juries do not want to potentially kill somebody. "However, when I read about that meat cleaver killing in Omaha and everything, 'then I wonder if the death penalty isn't the right way to do it (punish murderers). SpenkelmVe execution He mentioned the Florida execution of John Spenkelink. "But then you see what happens and it's a different kind of brutality, it's a government sanctioned one. ' ' "I don't know. I just don't see it as the right way to do it. Wesely said didn't think the Nebraska bill would pass next year either. "There are 26 votes and that's it. There are not SO the number needed to over-ride a governor veto), "The repeal of the death penalty as envisioned-by Chambers won't happen unless there is a change in make-up new senators or a new governor). "However, there may be a tightening of the law so it isn't as broad and that may be the best thing overall anyway." Wesely said he would support the death peanlty for the killing of prison guards and for terrorists. Besides the death peanlty repeal bill, the Legislature passed a bill providing for district elections in Omaha city elections. That bill was signed by Gov. Thone. Regional-center. v. "We try to give them the same feedback that they would receive in the public sector' Jeffries s&id. . If a person is having eajextramsrital &irt the center triestodi3courUtheeeasthegcncrdrrv:VJcwtn she added. Miser problems - Although sexual contact is not dlscccraged, a state institution must be conscious of the law. Problems could occur with minora, Zeisset said, but so far the center h&M not had any problems with minors. : . . Because of the law, and varying philosophies ca ssx, minors present a dlffageat pmhlrm thzn ih p!?, Zeisset said. Minors do have to be counseled lor b&h cc&trcVhe added. ., - "IfwesnspeathataytmngrcsbsXtwid3 counsel her and try to get her to tsks ths pa J2rtei 'said - -f ; . .,..v ., However, when a minor is away from hens It ta dilScdt to teach hia the valsas his psrestswszishitd have, Jewries said. Whs tha ccsr ds, t2st cdd,istsZ2E totherrtoChowxsCTtftorTrLhCj