thursday, may 3, 1979 daily nebreskan 'Paper Chase' t Continued from page 12 Paper Chase is on Tuesday nights at 7 p jn. Based on a hit movie, it start James Stephens as John Hart, a first year law student trying to succeed in a contractual law class dominated by Professor Klngfield (John House-. man). ' - , . . the show has suffered from bad ratings because of the time slot It's In, opposite ABC's Happy Days. In a 13th hour effort to save the show, Strautman said, he mailed a letter to friends and media asking for support in organizing a campaign to save the show. In the letter, he described the show as "the only one aired on Tuesday night which requires more than an eighth-grade mentality and stimulates more than carnal thoughts." . Sabotage hour He blamed the bad ratings on the time slot, calling that hour the "sabotage hour.' The ratings for the show increased when it was switched from 7 to 9 pjn. on Tuesday nights for three weeks, but then they dropped again when CBS returned the show to its original hour in order to present the CBS Tuesday night movie. t , The ratings increase demonstrated the show had an audience at t different time period, he said. He said he. sent to the letter to trie program mangers and media critics such as Peter Citron, an Omaha World-Herald columnist, and Dave Wingert, a WOW radio announcer. , Criteria criticized He said he probably will bring his campaign to the PTA, which is committed to promoting educational shows such a Paper Chase. "Because of the time element involved and my limited resources, I don't have much choice but to contact the PTA," he said. WI will be contacting the Lincoln PTA leaders soon with my plan" He criticized the network's use of ratings as a basis for determining the life of a show. He said ratings are based on the same families selected for three or fours years by the Nielsen Co. in their television surveys. The problem here, he said was that the same families who watched Happy Days last year will watch it again this year and therefore a new show has a hard time establish ing an audience. Optimistic Even though the show is losing millions of dollars in advertising revenues for the network, Strautman said he is optimistic about his chances of saving the show. "Tin an cptimisUl think I can accomplish any goal I want to " he said. Strautman said the networks are more susceptible to audience response after UB&Star Trek error, where they canceled show with-poor ratings that returned as a hit in syndication;: ;;. . ;,:-,.;- .. - ... If CBS knows viewers are disgruntled over their can celing an educational show, the show might be spared, he said. r"" He linked his struggles of one man gathering support against a major network with that of Howard Jarvis, the man who initiated the tax Proposition 13 in California. "He was one man taking on a massive government and gaining support,' he said. I think I can do the same against CBS with a little support." ' Two Eyed Jacks presents Sandij Creek Pickers ffiajj 49 5 and 6th F "'MamBchlso Cherry boasts a eat of lut goddeiwes who are virtually th "aeneM Glrli or toay porn Your best bet eo far In 1B78." -Bixk Vmv ST s iieinYPAnis ixsuectee CCSSTasCCBSSCI AszmcaTia xjaffeana CJ.UUSS A Quality AJult Mm bria Herls 474-0940 1611 V" U Opm 10:50-6:90 ARTISTS Positions are now open for fullilme and paitilme artists for the fall 1979 Daiy Nebmskan Pick up applications and sign up for Interviews by 5 pm May 3 at the Dafy Nebraskan office, Room 34, Nebraska Union. 9 I I IFor mote information I call 472-2588 -Nebraska Union 14th V R 4T wM 0 i Bank Hours W Y I (Hon thru Fri h I c ?it0K,5 No service chae on inactive Y I SCXt V tO riOOn 00 accounts through summer. tho ZOO is proud to procont fllligatof Recording Artist and his CHICAGO CLUES CDND Thuro.-Sat, ITlaij 3-5 Lonnie just completed his first solo album for Alli gator after collecting rave reviews for his recent work on the "Living Chicago Blues" series. He also had a number of RB recordings o the Goldband and Mercury labels in the '50's and 60's and a solo album for Capitol m69 which is now out of print and a elector's item. As Downbeat magazine point ed out in their current issue, fame has been late in coming to lonnie Brooks. He is weli-Known in Chicago dubs and to European blues audiences but little known in the rest of the United States. We think that wIH soon change. Check him out this weekend at the ZOO. Lonnie and his studio band will be playing the blues Chicago Style. $250 En tertainment Charge. - 11 -a 1 4 I . i J if " t pago 13 METER MAD t v Oil L&OOjB QSl " i '