mm - Wednesday i may 2,1979 llncoln, nebfcska Vol. 101 ho. 120 JO)OSE iA(j?J u u witfia - ' i l " I i ii y li , ,"' ' - 1' . v: . i ' ) '." ' ' ? V::l i N V -I In baity Nebtokiriphbtd Mayor Helen feobsslis ' Lincoln Voters Tuesday returned Helen tioosalis ta the mayor's office by i larger margin thart expected ii slid defeated chal lenger Start Matzke garnering 53 percent fioosalis received 065 Votes white Matzke hb Wis leading in pre-eiectian polls and Wort the April briniary, received 18,063 VoteS. taking het supporters it the knolls; feoosalis Said It Was i COrtie-frorrt-behlrtd campaign but she "knew they could da it' khi attributed part af her success ta campaign Worker anddauntV Cammifc sionei- Jan, Gauged biart td have each feaasalis Volunteer ball four people1 arid ask them td Vote fair her, then calling them again on clectidrt day; Baasaiia said she heard "many got hat four, but 15 at 2d. WI haw haver seen anything lib the effdrt that the hundreds ar peaple w this warn but tagether' &aa salissaid. Momentum tamed She said Matzke was a "taugh and watthy appanent but she felt the "ma mentum had turned her way" during the last Week of the campaign. She said the Lincoln General Hospital lease issue limust have had someeirecran the outcome af the election and painted ta the petition signed by WOO people in four days as evidence of the public's Interest In the issue the integrity of the eity'i eamfirto sive plan which had been attacked by Matzke aided hef campaign, boosalis said, EtedtidH mriei written by ftdtty SMHk L kmt Wdkmrtt Shelley smith M Richardson, ibm tmtiss Vat SwtntdHi tfohfort Mnm and Frank Hassle? Fiiiancinrt for chiller unit Matzke, thanking his supporters at the Villager Motel, also said the Lincoln Gen eral Hospital question was uane of the sig hificant issues at the endu, His sentiments were echoed by Jim Olianlon, his campaign manager, and by tlmwood pollster Joe Miiams. "If the palls were right we have ta laak at what happened in the last week; OanlansaioV Mileage "1 think she was able ta make a lat of mileage out air that (the hospital issue), ilieeaunal race shuws that' Williams also based his analysis an the defeat ar the three ineumbent members in the tity eauncil raee, Matzke also said he may have been hurt by the debate between Baasalla and himself, "I gat, beat sa it. must have hurt me still undecided alter debate fcaitiewhere Matzke said ' . He laid he was wvery disappointed" with the last but said b last ta a "very worthy individual tothe mayar ran i ood net, ftn losing fty itaiidy Eex end ttdckyStttiftk . financing for an air tanditianing Mi far feast Campus fctai is hat resolved md the university inay vtili be raced With tan tract penalties, despite legislative tous- Mon af the project Tuesday , w it r&My washotthin thepawer" of ttie Baard af Regents to inter Wa a contract for the chrne Mt fcegent James Mayian Mid following the debate tuesday. 1 Maylan said that because of the ttagi tude 6f the project and because funds weri nat luaranteed, the baard probably should nat have purchased on credits ; Missed cancellation the feaard of Regents Wred Ma the taniiact rar Wie thmer in Kavembew ifter they had listed it as their number one capi tal tanstrtictian priarity. the University, had Hintil Feb. 6 Cancel the cantract Without ehalty-. r ... thi' ohiSer ltse' costs 1463,000, Xtih University guested "SI.!-: Mlion TrOrh the Legislature sa "the init; tauld be instated. An additional S450.000 : Was Veiuested for. installation next year.- feut ihe Appropriations ornrnittte &d . ftO include Jthi ,thiZer in , its capital construction fca, taiich 6, the isappoLit ftient of NU officials.. j . Arnci;."r.cnt cfTered ' Mlevue Sen. Frank Lewis offered in ImendmenV Tuesday hft have tp-. vrAv4 ftHhtirinb Vf hft chiller tinit. hut 4he rnoney tyOuld have been taken out of . !he 0J operating budget,. tather than the sc&aitil construction budzet. ; . Th6 Lewis amendment, vhich failed on k' 1-18 Vote,; Vould 'have taken $426,572 frora $1343,122 Recommended Tor central administration salaries. The teehdment :alsd ' 'Would-, have taken $250,000 from the budget teccmn.cnda tion for the fctitutd of Ajricture tr.d Natural Resources, and $300,000 from the City Campxa budget. -r , ' Lewis tlso brop6sedis $123,423 cut -l from the KU cudget 'earlier Vh:n Omsha Sen. lDive KeweH Was rucceseful 11 elimi- Mtlni financing far the State University of Nebraska ton a 5 -12 vate . Should buy it v1f that chiUer is sa impartatk then I think we shauld buy itk And thase wha can affard it shauld pay far it' Lewis argued. He said if central administration is capable of making "such sloppy decisions (as entering into the contract without an assurance af funds), then we dont need that much tentral idministratian . v1f they have ta tighten their belts, taught Lewis said. They have absalutely vialated their authority and they know that, they think youVe stupid, they think you tfant have any thought processes Lewis told his colleagues. fHiey think they tan tnanipulate yau, wold you; da anything they want ta da ; vith yo'u, and come back with some flimsy . txcusethe attacktontintied. tarter; Lewis had distributed i t)aify Nebraska StOry from Friday's issue. . Won now have in yanr hands the wgents . desire ta pre-empt the Legislature Lewis - Sdd. - : v this ts Yiot a dollar land cents watter. tt ts a philosophical Witter, Adding whe ther the Coard of ftegentt oir the Legisla ture has tiltLmate control over the univer sity, Lewis said. The State Supreme Court hat hied that the wgents have iat tiltLmate ,tontrolbut , the Legislature has $2. budetfcg Authority and can exercise control troti the budget process. -s y : J ' Scottsbluff Sen. 'Oiara Vicliol agreed ith Lewis that the tegents overstepped their authority, but did riot Support Lewis fcrcpc:ed cuts. Cocker "I thL-"k wesre beLng Vnae into k Sucker c;iLi, Kichol said. Even Apprcpriations .Committcft ' Chairmafi ' Jeroir.e ; Warner ireed that the Vcgcn'ti'. exercised ..rx)0r to keep the comr... itvS prcpcsiiS intact. The Leis am d,leav in the ce.p;id construction biH.VhichiH d today. ta i very wotthy epponent. The cltltem af Lincolrt made their choice and we'U abide byit'MiUke said, . Matzke later went fram the Villager tb the Knolls ta personally congratulate toalisanhefvidary, He laid his future plant were reporting ta wark it Southeast Community College at 8 a.m, this morning. Red rase j fioosalis who carried a red rasa through out the evening also commented an her up earning term, "The city la alder, areat are getting alder and we must rehabilitate thase areas she said. She said the next four years will be critl eal far the city in several areas such as keeping government casts dawn in spite af inflatian, facing the energy crisis, rehabili tating the alder neighborhoods in town and dealing with the rising east afhaspitaleare ittlinealm The eity "must tighten its shaestrings ttaasalissaldi Cammenting an the eity eaunell elee tian, Coosalis said the peaple agreed with Mat2ke wha said Lincoln wanted change but they wanted the change an the cauneiL Boosalis said the voters recognized "the bickering did nat eame (ram me1 She said she cauldnvt be mare pleased11 with the autcame of the council elections, " the peaple hiW.cipoltftflitohiw voted for who they want to represent themaasalissaidv And, while telling supporters she was losing her voice, she added "maybe t won't need my voiee with the new council that wanleeted v 4 JL..- 5iit (',r v w. i a i i i 1 1 J V 1 5 -J L.w2 i"anef ts tS c t t'er tX VuS Ciw,.. .wrry 1 2 eiieerj Li Aits tnJ Serccs tiXrJ tzt tt Ci X Cc 3.