The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 23, 1979, Page page 4, Image 4

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dally nebraskan monday, aprll 23. 1979
l1nA D m n
Bird burners prove tliat
are the real turEeys i
Among poultry farmers it is com
mon knowledge that the turkey is
one of the dumbest birds in the
world. One of the common legends
concerning turkeys, factual or not,
has to do with rain.
It seems that turkeys, when it be
gins to rain, look up to see what the
heck is hitting them in the head. As
they gaze at the sky they go into a
kind of trance - and subsequently
As dumb as turkeys may be, they
have nothing on a few UNL students.
It is the expressed opinion of many
of us that there are a few students on
this campus whose IQs are much
lower than turkeys, on a level
parallel to the sponges and other
lower invertebrates.
How else can we explain the in
credibly inhuman conduct of those
few students at a bonfire early Fri
day morning? It seems that when
they had run out of furniture and
various other articles of private
property, they turned to five live
turkeys, allegedly stolen from the
university's Institute of Agriculture
and Natural Resources last fall.
It's hard to imagine what kind of
perverse pleasure can be derived
from watching live turkeys burn in a
bonfire. In retrospect it's a bit fright
ening. If these persons enjoy burning
live animals, what other diverse and
sundry activities turn them on?
As children we all did destructive
things for which we were later
ashamed. As youngsters we all abus
ed animals or people in some way.
The motives were never clear. It was
as though we were purging ourselves
or our primitive instincts, traits
which were carried over from the
days when men lived in caves and ate
raw meat.
Thankfully we outgrew our child
ish beastliness - at least most of us
did. Evidently there are a few per
sons still stalking the night, the
ancient taste of blood still on their
tongues. For those primitives we
hold -one fond wish - that they dis
cover the meaning of' civilized
justice. Perhaps justice will come
next fall, around Thanksgiving, in
the form of a rotten turkey or a
bone in the throat
Student says Islamic people are selling faith for power
To: Muslim Student Association
Assalamu Alaikum
According to Quran, true believers in Allah should en
courage and demand others to do good and discourage
and stop others from doing the denied, (i.e. bad). Our
prophet (m.b.uh.) said in one of his statements, "If
anyone of you see a denied thing committed, then he or
she has to change it using the hand (i.e. power); if not
possible, using the tongue (i.e. by talking, writing, etc.);
if not possible by the heart and that is the weakest faith
of all."
According to this point, I want to write, asking you to
be aware from those who are driven by hatred, envy and
backwardness accumulated through the centuries of
colonialism and invasions by the many traditions and
customs which have nothing to do with religion. Those
who are now organizing themselves in such a way or
another, selling their most precious thing (faith)-if they
have any left-to take over any regime.
Faith of the world
As you are, we are Muslims and we are looking forward
to the day that Islam will be the faith for all the world,
because we strongly believe it is God's religion.
Because of all of this, last Wednesday we interviewed
Dr. Gamal El-badwi to talk to him about Islam and to
discuss the Islamic point of view about today's problems.
The sad thing that disappoints is as Arab Muslims is
that we found he talked about an arabic Islamic leader the
way Rabin (prime minister of Zionist government) talked
about him a few weeks ago. This simply shows the strong
relationship between what they call themselves (Mamie
Brothers Cabinet) and the Zionist government, which
occupies our most precious holy city (Jerusalem).
To be specific, we talked about the true Islamic re
volution in Libya, and we don't like to mention what
Gamal said about the Arabic Islamic leader Brother
Quaddafi. If it was logical he would have thought deeply
and judged the revolution taking place nowadays in Libya
as very Islamic! For all of you, for the sake of truth, I
would like to point out some important facts:
... t
1) Quran, the book revealed on Muhammed and which
is the word of Allah, is chosen to be the constitution of
life for the country. Now Quran is either complete or in
complete. I think all of us agree that it is complete. So, if
it is declared to be the sole source of rules and laws, then
there is nothing wrong with that.
! ' 2) Bat, Quran had always told us to follow the prophet
and that is where the Sunnah comes. The Sunnah is not
just sayings, talks - and speeches, it is that and work.
, ...
3) Quaddafi did hot ignore Al-Hadeeth but called upon
the Muslims to study the various statement, compare
them with Quran and operate the national lope that Allah
gave us to keep the correct and get rid of the bad tradition
end habits which caused our backwardness for centuries
and most of which his been inserted in our culture bythe
West and lews 0 exclude the good ones, who are few).
- ' "
": 4) Quran did not block our way -wherever we go. Allah
set up certain rules and laws, most of which are natural
insertions, Implications along which we should proceed
but lie left the rest for us to work out and to discover,
le Quran did not tell us to manufacture the car or build
up rocks tJ but He did encourage us to look into the uni
verse around U3, tad to work hard to achieve peace,
strength, and prosperity.
individual as long as heshe does not exploit others. At the
same time, observance is paid to the group as a whole.
Isn't that the human point of view of Islam and isn't that
what the prophet meant when he said. "People are alike
the teeth of the comb."?
6) Islam is a human religion and it can accomodate all
people under the one umbrella of truth, since there is no
compulsion to religion and there is no place for unneces
sary prejudice. What is going on in Libya is naught but the
liberation of human beings; so there will be no more
slavery, no more exploitation and no more second class
citizens of any kind, like women say.
Facts about Quaddafi and Libya:
a. ) Libya has emphasized that "arabic," the Quran
language, is an international language and strived until it
got accepted by the United Nations.
b. ) Libya's big role in the Philippines towards the
Muslims and similarly in many other nations.
.c.)1he protection of the Arab and Muslim economy
through revealing the exploitation of the oil companies,
achieving the right standards, and protecting the sources
and income.
d. ) Five military American bases and two English ones,
which were causing nightmares for the Arabs, were kicked
out of Libya a very short, while after the revolution.
e. ) Libya called for and insisted on equality of nations
and the veto right of the so-called big nations to be
f. )In 1874, the United States listed Libya as number
enemy and may still be.
g. ) Quaddafi in his last visit to the Communist coun
tries, i.e., on June 1979, demanded better treatment of
the Muslims there and supported them.
h. ) Libya continously supported strugglers for their
rights and freedoms everywhere, in Africa as well as in
Asia, and in Europe as well as in the two Americas.
i. ) Libya's sincerity in Arab unity and consequently
Ialamic unity, supported by the following:
1) The moral and materialistic support to Arab and
Muslim countries.
2) The good treatment Egyptians enjoy in Libya de
spite the present bad relations between the two countries.
3) The efforts spent for immediate unity with Egypt,
Syria, Sudan, Tunisia and Algeria.
j.) Libya's nearing transfer to the era of people's
ownership of power, wealth and arms. The concept of the
armed masses, can only interpret, the real will of defending
the faith of Allah.
I do not want to be biased towards Quaddafi the way it
has been against him; but I would say that he is a human
being, he has his mistakes and there could be some mis
takes in the application. However, the future will reveal
this, "If Libya is on the right track of true Islam, then this
experiment will be crowned with victory and success re
sulting in justice and prosperity for human beings."
Had! Omar Rghei
Chemistry student
Life's rejects gather at Swiss haven
By Arthur Hoppe
Another of the world's great injustices is about to be
corrected. No longer will deposed dictators, cast aside
like old shoes, be forced to wander the face of the earth,
unwanted, unloved and underfoot.
Resorts International, Pd., a Franco-Swiss combine,
is now completing its long-awaited Hideaway Haven for
Former Heads of State on the beautiful Caribbean island
of Sain te Elbe.
OiVMicr ii m ir
4 V
5) Quaddafi calls for equality, with respect paid to the
"We feel that we're performing a humanitarian service
by providing care for life's rejects, said M. Homaire T.
Pettibon, executive director of the project.
Take the poor shah and his family.-He gave Iran the
best 38 years of his life and what thanks did he get? Do
you realize that today he doesn't even have a home to call
his own?
"Or General Somoza. Nicaragua has been in his family
for generations. Yet now the Nicaraguans themselves want
to, throw him out and install another president; Who do
they think they are, the CIA? Nor let us forget Idi Amin.
The way it looks now, those ungrateful Ugandans aren't
going to reward his decades of dedicated service to his
country with so much as i gold watch."
-Hf : Brochure!
M. Pettibon said brochures were already going out to
potential residents.
, "One thing we don't have to worry aboutls a lack of
clientele Jie said. "If necessary, we could fill the place
up with former South Vietnamese generals alone."
the palace-away-from-palace," as the brochures
refer to it, provides the service) one might expect from
such an establishment.
"Surrounded by sparkling, blue, -shark-infested
waters," says the brochure, The Haven offers its guests
the safe and secure atmosphere they are accustomed to.
'Round the clock tank patrols are augmented by our small
but highly effective air force so that .you may relax in
comfort. '
"Direct telephone lines have been installed to all
Swiss banks and a team of highly drained ghostwriters
will be standing by to help you with your memoirs and
other ghost stories."
Memoirs important
M. Pettibon said this last was of the' utmost import'
ance. : -,
"If Mr. Nixon could make 52 million writing about his
petty, if sordid, misdeeds, think what Idi Amin auto
biography would sen for," he said. "After all Mr. Nixon
never chopped off a head in his life not literally.
M. Pettibon added, however, that the Haven's main
contribution would be in "psychological support ser
vices." ... i ' t ... ' . i-Ar-u-"' V- A-: -
'We've found that most dictators suffer from severe
post -part urn depression on being booted tout of office, he
said. "We plan to greet them here with t large brass band
and a big welcoming committee singing, 'For Hes a Jolly
Good Fellow so that they'll feel wanted.
"For the tint month or so, well surround them with
grovelers night and day Grovelina is getting to be a lost
art, but I feel we have tome of the best grovelers In the
business on our staff. ' "U-;. .V
"Best of all, each dictator will be among his own kind.
Can't you see the shah and Idi Amin reminiscing about
excruciating methods of torture? Or Somoza and Thieu
waxing nostalgic over the fine points of corruption?
In no time, theyH be their eld selves asata. . . ;
M. Pettibone was asked if he didn't fed deposed dict
ators should pay for their crimes. "Certainly, he said
with surprise. "We're not running a charitable organizat
ion. But I can't think of one these days who can't afford
our services." " - - - :- ".
Ccpyrkht Chronic! kVi'eAfa Company 1979