pagt 6 -i k s a i a . l ... . ! ( ) MK A Y - I r rl"1n UliirTliir m l'' i - ' j i v' "j, . , ARTHUR BLYTHE LENOX AVENUE EREAKDOWft " ' Ittchidlrtfl: , Down San Diegowly Leriox Avenue Breakdown SlWin' ThroughOdessa da.iynebraskan W ti, fo ASUN revived student interest in frusirating timesMarienau By Barb Richardson ' f -'- 1 i ft ,wr... ni.,.l mfi , , , f t- j JC 35633 , Arthur Blytht his been atuaimea me new neavyweight of the alto taxophone. His debut album-"Lenox Avenue Breakdown" shlne. with the radiance of new constellation, On Sale Now $4.99' ;. ' - - g AM Patadiie OilanA. including: GtadToBeHereParadlseWay Moprtess LoveInto The NightHard Road i t iHieiif 7 lrD ' ! vim JC 35817 LAKE delivers their best ever With their third album-"Para-dise Island." pne listen and you'll agree that rock 'n' roll is here to stay, . HUBERT LAWS Land Of Passion including: Land Of PassionThe KeyWe're In Ecstasy we win ee music rorfeverHeart beats 1 v - JC 35708 "Land of Paccinn" ; k. hot new album by Hubert Laws. The 1 flautist of the downbeat Readers Poll helped t6 produce this exciting new album which features the fa mous members of his musically gifted family. 217 No. 11 477-6061 W v.. I,Li.l lilTH Tl C:; TEUTti CATHI electe:oc:.z;.::3 - ' lne!s!$pj - ' Tha Unknown Cisskwmy me D Prtnc K8w DavisDeirt And The Comforter Love And Uodetanftg 'WBifit - JJJimrriirTfi lMj...'iji.Hwif .n. ijpi ihjihi " rinfcn JC 357S5 This Is tha t;cond cht ter In the story of John McU;';hl!n'e return to tha efctrc c-j;.jritf tchs5 which ha fourKJ?d-prc-'t. Jonfus!on. Rscorded with Tha"brt Truth Cand who toursd with John last year, tha record It tight. ccas t.'bfa and psronatt. ttie mart who lost the ASUN presidency to Bud. Cuca was appointed by his past opponent to Student Court Wednesday night at the ASUN meeting. And the man who gave lip his post to Bud Cuca discussed the successes and failure of last year's ASUN. After the new senate and its executives Were sworn into office, Bud Cuca's appointments, Joe Nigro to Student Court and Kent Whltacre as ASUN treasurer. Were approved. Before the new senate was sworn into office, past ASUN President Ken Marienau talked about the successful and not-so-successful efforts of this year's senate. "One of the greatest accomplishments we had is there is now a greater interest In student government," Marienau said. Marienau said he thought the fact that only six senators quit during the year was an accomplishment for the senate. He said in the past the senate had a "high turnover." Establishing the student credit union also Was on Marienau's list of the Senate's successes. The greatest and most controversial ac complishment was Students' Day, according to the past president. He said the past Senate should be commended for its courage in going through With the Students' Day. "We had our failures and problems too," he said. Marienau said poor record keeping of ASUN Was one of the senate's downfalls. Lack of communication between the se nate and the rest of the campus and be tween the senators themselves was one cf the senate's failures , Marienau said . The senate relied on invalid infor mation, Marienau said. He pointed to tile problem with voter registration it the beginning of the year as art information problem. Marienau said while looking over the minutes of the first meetings. of the past senate; he found that the senate had planned to work on landlord-tenant rela tions, but because they never did he listed It as one of the senate's faults. , Marienail also had comment's about the Daily Nebmkan. IU laid becaiisd tU Daily NebmskaA Is thi only camptis paper "the startdard journaHsni cynicism cannot neces sarily b6 applied.11 m said the student paper must realize that editorials haVe a big impact on the campus. He said negative editorials can hurt organization's efforts. Although MarleriaU criticized the Daily ttebmkan hd thanked the paper for its coverage MarienaU was given a standing ovation after hit last executive report. Past senator BrUce Kendall was pre sented With ASUN'S outstanding senator award by John Lydick, whd past First Vice President Bob Moody said Was "in strumental in establishing ASUN." Past Secdrtd Vice President Scott Bal lentlne gave ASUN Distinguished Service awards to Kenneth Havelka for his Work as chairman of ASUN'S Commission of Educational Quality. John Kreuscher for his Work on the credit Union, and Susan Ugai and Nartcy icher for their wbrk on ASUN'S Electoral Oomirtisslon. Approving Its last resolution, the past senate pissed I pun-filled resolution com mending the UNL Gymnastics team for winning the NCAA National Champion -shipis. The resolution said, Whereas, the Uni versity of Nebraska -Lincoln Men's Gymnas tics team was tanked very high, barring ndrte. .. .whereas they vaulted to the title. . .While thousands of fans on the floor exercised their Voices. . . Whereas, the SdUnd of Victory still rings. . las they are unparalleled bar none in the field... Whereas, ASUN is cortfident that they will again pommel their opponents in the future, therefore be it resolved, that ASUN heartily congratulates them. . ." . : " .. ' . ..,, . . . .;, , . . . ... ' 1 - i L u - - ; r T O : Ltf Q fm i CO mi- y