thursday, eprll 19, 1979 paga2 dally nebraskan IPS 2T C BEEIK5 LT mElFIZINES EraE:25EI!IDIK5 Syndrome survivors studied S'taSta 9my diet for no icrt . Slvorce ind 60 percent "lew their 5S u hS been funded by hometown, pull up itikei ind often dis. sWoELEAwW '" ' folding 2S itt'S? ?ito b.d the iutUUc, on Moi. ana nopwooa, mati()n compIicd ffom t j5f 4g8 qucstion ... L ii k n, n1" Ind Pon Interviews with parent! The research will be coordinated by Dr. Nebmk whosa Infant died un. John Defraln, a professor of Human and expectedIy, refrain md.Uien infanta ap. Development and the F mUy Jt UNL and tQ be heiUhy baWc VVhen th dP Dr. Glenn C. Rosenqulst, chairman of the i experlcnce a dcep um f Pediatrics Department at the Unlverilty of kd oftenbie each Mother for the Nebraska Medical Center. tragedy, he explained. dl3GD(kff , ''. "V. 8:30 aw. - Student Affairs Staff, Room 243. 8:30 ajn.-6 pjn.-Chem-Istry Department Sympos ium, Room 202. . 9 ajn.-5 pjn.-lES-Foreign Children, Confer ence Rooms. 9:30 a jn.-Panhellenic, Room 232. Take vour choice ind apolv thii coupon to- , ward the lenses of the frame. In either case COUDOn OOOQ Vou will be getting the biggest bargain in eyewear history. This coupon Is applicable ihril Anril 9flth only when ordering a complete pair of glass UllU f-iym ton i M enw amJ tome,). We can copy your eyeglass prescription from your present glasses, or make them according to your doctors prescription. Coupon must be presented at time of pur chase. Offer good only at time of order. This may not be used in conjunction with any other offer at The Optical Shop. All lenses and all frames en sale for only $19.95. Take your choice and pick any style from our enormous collection of fashion eyewear for the low price of only $19.95. Pick any type of lenses, in any prescription such as photogreys, photo-suns, plastic half-weights, tinted or even oversized fashion lenses. Te Optical SB I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I 333 No. 12th St. 477-9347 Mon.-Frl. 10-6 pm Train til 8 pm Sat. 10-1 pm 1 1 217 No. 11 1 IX . h?&J? Eddicjobson, ( n, g Johntirotion '''''. ;n gy Terry Bosaio ' r f.v?gs L .... .-ei,,-,--..,..,, 10 ajn.5 p jn.-Financial Aids-Quality Home Prod, ucts Interviews, Room 337. 10 a.m.4 p.m.-Creek Week BloodmobUe, Ball room. 12 noon .3 pw.-lES Films, Main Lounge. 12:30 pjn.-Bowling Exam, Auditorium. 12:30 p.m.-Campuj Crusade for Christ, Room 122. 1:30 pjn .-Teachers Col lege McCreight Convocat ion, Centennial Room. 1 :30 pjn.-Student Life. Judicial Review, Room 216. 2 pjn.-UPC-City Show, case, South Crib. 3 pjn -Office of Univer sity Information, Pewter Room. 3 pJn.-lES Symposium, Auditorium, 3:30 pjnUPC-City Talks & Topici "John Cav ftnaugh, Plata. 4: 30 pjn .-Nebraska Hu. man Resources-LBP, Room 216. , 4:30 pjtt.-Phi Chi Theta Room 343. 5:30 pjn.-IEEE Dinner, Room 242. 6 pJn.-CAP-Activities Mart Meeting, Harvest Room A. 6 pan .-Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonla, Harvest Room C. 6 p.m.-All University Roll-Off, Bowling Lanes. 6 pjn.-Christian Science Organization, Room 232. 6:30 pjn.-Council on Student life, Pewter Room. USPS-144-CS0 Editor in thief: Pete Mason. Managing editori George Wright. Newt editor; L. Kent Wolgamott. Associate newt ditort: Betsie Ammons, Amy Lenzen. Assistant newt editor: Cindy Coglianese. Night news editor: Margaret Stafford. Assistant night news editor: Anne Carothert. East campus bureau chief: Kevin Field. Layout editor: John Minnick. Entertainment editor: Jm Denning. Sports editor: Rick Huls. Photography chief: Ted Kirk, Art director: Jack Raglin. Ombudsman: Jim Kay. Copy editors: Deb Emery, Mary Fastenau, Frank Hassler, Dave Ostdiek, Lynn Paustian, Sue Schaecher, Gall Stork, Jay Withrow. Business manager: Jerri Haussler, Production manager: Kitty Policky. Advertising manager: Denlse Jordan. Assistant advertising manager: Pete Huestis. The Daily Nebraskan Is published by the UNL Publications Board on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during fall and spring semesters, except during vacation. Address: Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 63588. Telephone: 472-25C3. Material may be reprinted without permission If attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 63510. 1582 5 moxicunn KANSAS CITY - MEXICO CITY ROUND TRIP forirMl Mricafy.TMblMMiWMVMeei4.00nita ". if. Onwnlet. Owwm, Mtetor I twtevetMyM tMttoelto $147.00 Sm MvTiMiAemto.