The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1979, Page page 15, Image 15
thursday, epril 19, 1979 dally nebraskan pago 15 (!! till GREAT TURNTABLI BUY Dual 1223 turntable , juit tunes up. ItV vvlthout cartridge. A-Om condition. Aki $160. Call 474-1911. 1978 Sptclal Edition Tram AM. Solar gold, all option!. 13,500 milat. See In Lincoln Saturday only. 43S-3469. 1973 Ford Van V-8 Auto matic. Lass than 39.000 miles. 472-3701 days ask for Kathy. WILLY'S JEEP FOR SALE DAVE 435-7991 HOOVER UPRIGHT Excellent condition. $25 MR. SWEEPER STORE 2633 N. 48th 487-3638 House for sale. Good con dition. Excellent location. Call 432-7893 anytime. 1972 TR-6, $1300. Inquire. 4220 S. 33rd. 1973 Honda Motorcycle CB 350 4. Excellent condition. $950. Martln-033, 3 years old. excellent condition, wcase, $785. Call 468-2708 after 6:30 p.m. JAN SPORT SILVER CLOUD SLEEPING BAGS with 44 ounces of polar guard insulation, giving full 6 Inches of loft and temperature rating of 20 degrees. 2 bags tipped .to gether, washable. Regular $69.95. special only $59 S3. SURPLUS CENTER 1000 WEST 'Q' STREET JAN SPORTS RANIER 1 FRAME PACK with adjustable anodixed flex frame. 29 OQ cubic Inch capac ity. Padded shoulder straps, padded waist belt. On special at only $49.95. SURPLUS CENTER 1000 WEST XT STREET One month old Sansul G 3500 receiver. 4-10" 3 way Pioneer speakers, turntable. Must hear to appreciate. 472 81 15 or 472-8101. FOR SALE: Two tickets to the JETHRO TULL concert Sat urday, April 21. Call 464-0530. Two Jethro Tull tickets. Cheap. 475-7256. " Pioneer PL570 turntable with Shure V15-III. Also Panasonic- system and other stereo equipment. 464-6379. 4 new aluminum mags, slott ted dish; 16.5 x 9.75. fit Chevy Pickup, 5 bolt. $30 each. Call 472-0804. Tom. 10 blank TDK SA90 min. cassette tapes, (unbroken teal) Reg. $4.53. $3 aa. 2-SOCO. Canon AE-1 w53mm, f1 lens, flash and winder $450 or reasonable offer. Call 472-6535 after 4. Excellent used ' Bancroft tennis raquet $20. Call 434-. 0583. - ' ATTENTION: PARENTS KEEP TRACK OF YOUR KIDS AND ALL THE UNL NEWS SU8SCRISE TO THE DAILY NEBRASKAN! Bring or man $15.00 to Rm. 34, Nebraska Union. 1400 R St. Lincoln. HE 68588 and receive ISO Issues of the 1979-CO Daily Nsbmkan ? beginning August 27. Do ft soon and receive the rest of this year (through My 4th) M a bonus. SUBLEASE for ami..., New two bedroom apartment. Close to campus and downtown. Call 475-7011, Two bedroom apt. close to downtown and bus routes. Quiet, central air, pool and available after final. Call 475 3726. Beautiful 3 bedroom house lots of wood and stained glass. Built In appliances. 483-7046. 2985 holdrege, 2 bedroom apt. large rooms, appliances. $205 4 utilities. 423-1421. SUMMER HOUSING AVAILABLE IN ACACIA FRATERNITY. $17.50WEEK FOR A DOUBLE ROOM AND S24WEEK FOR SINGLE ROOMS. CENTRAL AIR AND MANY OTHER BENEFITS. FOR DETAILS CALL TOBY AT 435-2029 or 475-2242. 18th & Euclid, 1 bedroom upper duplex. Nicely furnished. Carpet and air. Petless, adults. $115. 432-3689. 31st ft Holdrege, 1 2 bed room furnished apt. Carpet and air. Summer and fall terms. Pet less, adults. $140, $185 4. 432- 3689. Large 4 bedroom house, 2412 R. 483-7046. One bedroom apartment be tween campuses. Cable, dish washer, pool, central air. Avail able May 1; 477-2752 or 475- SUMMER APTS. 1 ft 2 bedroom, furnished and unfurnished. Loads of good furniture (twin beds) accomo dates 2 to 4 easily; close in: bus, bike or hike. Caretakers: 474 5989. 475-2297. 432-6764 eves, or leave message: 477-3617. Available 5-15 new three bedroom duplex IK baths, AC. dishwasher, fireplace. Between both campuses. 483-5690. , SUBLEASE furnished apart ment June 9 - August 31. Genene 477-6757. 3253 Dudley, 1 block to East Campus. Extra nice 3 bed room home with appliances. Available May 15, reserve for fall. $275 4 deposit 466-3361. CENTURY REALTY 483-2958 2500 So. 10 newer 1 and 2 bedroom apartments at $165 to $205mo. 474-6442 or 477 8356. Near campus, 1 bedroom, furnished. $157-$173. 877 N. 26th. 435-4940 or 477-8356. Furnished apartment for rent. Near East Campus. Call 467-4088. i j i at I SPECIAL RUM Mm I r Are HUNTINGTON SOU ARE -3300 Huntington. Urge 1 ft 2 bed room apartments. Range, disposal, dishwasher, air condit ioning, shower over tub, close to campus. Call regarding our sum mer special. Steve 454-CG33 or Kevin Kean 4753792. JOSEPH E. KEAN COMPANY 474-1668 354 BR house, lust repainted Inside. Walk to campus and downtown. 411 No. 22nd. $275 435-0168. Large -3 bedroom townhouse 1703 Knox. 3 minutes north of city campus, IK baths. Monthly lease, $275. 475-6144. RENT BREAK 2 bedroom. 3 minutes North of City Campos. Under mild gov ernment subsidized program for middle Income family situations Rent from $159 up. Monthly lease. Tenant pays electricity, gas heat. 475-6144. HOUSE FOR RENT Close to downtown campus. 3 bedroom. Call 435-3120. HOMES FOR SALE CLOSE TO CAMPUS Why pay rent when you can buy. Through inovative financ ing you can purchase a home with little or no down payment. Get your hedge against inflation tharge a reasonable rent to friends and be able to pay against principal. Call today for an appointment and detailed explanation. CENTURY 21 Lancaster 487-4641 mi GMillMI WATERBED WORLD Part-time sales person for balance of school term and all summer. Opportunity to earn nearly full-time wages for part time schedule, with plenty of time for fun and sun. Apply in person to Roxanne. 1907 "O" St. Part-time bookkeeper want ed for 20 hour work week. Apply Kktwell Electric Com pany. Call 488-9151. SUMMER JOB: Truck driver for custom harvest, late May into August. Must be 18-25 years old, single, good driving record, farm truck experience. Our careful family operation provides travel and good oppor tunity to save money. Mark Heil 505-763-7589 after 8 p.m. Wanted: General farm help, bale handling. Evenings 470 3187. Wanted: Part-time office help. Approximately three hours per day. Monday through Friday. Call 432-3266. Blngorama Needs part-time snack bar help, from 6:30 pxn. until 10:30 pxn. You can have flexible working schedule, get good pay, and work close to campus. Apply In person from 0 a.m. to noon. BINGO-RAMA 2603 Park Blvd. equal opportunity employer SUMMER EMPLOYMENT For both men and womanJ Work days you want long ami bhort term jobs available. Not fees. Paid weekly. $3.15hourl and up. Loading docks, were house, end all types of unskilH sd labor must have own trans-l boratlon, phone and be atl least 18 years of age. All Office Skills Needed Must have at least 6 months of experience. Please call 337-5453 for appt MANPOWER, INC. 310 South 72nd CEDAR NOLE PLAZA OMAHA across the street from Arby's DAILY NEBRASKAN Subscription Dept. First Semester, 1979-80 Needs an individual with free time from 8-10 a.m. weekdava to run computer labels for sub scription and prepare papers for mailing. Will train reliable indivi dual. See Jerri afternoons. Union 34. before May 1st, SWEEP LEFT RESTAURANT ft LOUNGE Now taking applications for full and part-time permanent posit ions. Day Bartenders (Ladies pre ferred) Evening Bartenders Cocktail Waitresses Hostesses No experience necessary, excel lent starting salary, group health insurance and free health club benefits for atl employees. If you like people or want to meet people thru employment apply in person at Sweep Left, Gener al Offices, 3rd Floor 815 'O' St. Monday thru Friday 10:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. Employees now needed for summer. Looking for individuals who enjoy working with the public. Apply Taco Bell, 4500 "O-St. Lincoln Poultry needs per son to assist In truck loading 4-8 a.m. Must be healthy and re sponsible. Apply 20th ft M St. Concrete Construction help wanted. Experience preferred. Part-time now and full time for the summer. Call 466-7090 or 466-3852 between 7-8. Clerk, must be 25 or over. Part-time. 5-11 p.m. nights. H & L BEVERAGE 27th & Holdrege W TT1 a imiT $tf (fit THIS SUMMER!' "AS OTHEK UNL STUDENTS DID LAST SUipEM! Come hear about it from them on Thurs., April 19. Interviews at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, & 9m WANTED FIRST SEMESTER 1979-80 DAILY NEBRASKAN DOCK DELIVER PERSON Van or pickup required, as wall as lots of muscle. Must have free time from 8-0:30 asn. M-F. Pays $7.B0day minimum; approx, $500 for the semester. If you live In northeast Lincoln, this Is especially par feet for you I Job Involves bring ing 17.000 copies of the DJN. from the Sun Printing Company (Cotner at Garland) to the Union dock. That's all, for $7.50day. Interested people, please see "Jerri" In 34 Nebraska Union between 12-5 pjn. BEFORE May 1st. Part-time afternoons or even ings now through summer. Station experience preferred. MARTENS TEXACO 401 S. 10th Wanted: Summer school stu dent as part-time drive attend ant. CREST OIL COMPANY 1545 Cornhusker Need persons .qualified to use wire stick welders, must be able to use cutting torch to fit channel Iron for frame work, accuracy important, summer or permanent position. Call even ings: 1-402-727-4443. O Waitress wanted for part-time nights. Apply in person. Ask for Terry, BiH, or Mike. Godfather's Pizza 12th & Qua DAILY NEBRASKAN CIRCULATION DEPT. City Campus routes available first ' semester, 1979-80. Car, pick-up or van required. Must be free approx. 9-10 tin. M-F to deliver papers. Average pay Is $6 hr. or $120mo. or mora. To 'apply see Jerri, 34 Nebraska Union between 12-6 pjn. before May 1st. WENDYS OLD FASHIONED HAMBURGERS Wendy's has full or part-time openings for' counter and food preparation personnel. We need people who are: Industrious and willing workers. Performers who can get the job done. Consistent and dependable. And have a super attitude. To these people we offer: Good hourly rates. Pleasant surroundings. Partial uniforms. And a great place to work. Applications ere being taken now. Visit any one of three stores listed below between the hours of 2-4:30 pjn. Monday Friday. WENDY'S OLD FASHIONED HAMBURGERS 14th ft O930 North 48 2915 South 48 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Now and summer, both full and part-time openings. Stock work, $2.90hour. NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY 6400 Cornhusker FINEflPES CLIFF'S 1200 "O" St. Underclassmen business, Pre law, Pre-bus. Interested in summer job? Call 477-8226 for an interview. Earn $1,333mo. Dietrich's Schwinn Cyclery needs part-time bicycle mechan ic. Apply at 4701 Huntington, 466-2921. sun On your "rounds" slip on over 'til 8 pjn. Thursday or Friday for complete hair conditioning. Get student prices and latest styles. Appointments optional Open til 8 p.m. Thursday & Friday college d 4744244 llth&'Kr Lincoln Center Large efficiency - 530 phnt wectrfcity end deposit. 2327 R Cf 43S-4373 or 477-1X51. Chris. . . . fnoitfh cticil up Sqq fuk R UGH Student Union aoom 337 ifcOOan l:30po 3:30pa - , e r Scholarships flvollabb