The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1979, Page page 20, Image 20
p3 20 daily nebrasken Wednesday, eprll 4, 1079 SUMMER WORK $720 mo. GUARANTEE CAR REQUIRED 433-1227 "REPRESENTATIVES .WANTED for promotion of In ternational but Europe and Ail. Expeditions in Africa and South America. Camping touri. Educational tours. Almost any travel arrangement organized. Magic Bus, Oamrak ; 87, Amsterdam, Holland." Student with car, light housework, part-time, work ' With school schedule. Phone 475-8915. aunnmcn juoo. national Park Co.'s 21 Parks, 5000 open ings. Complete information $3. Mission Mtn. Co., 148 E Ever green, Kalispell, MT 59901. PROGRAMMING POSITION Lincoln Electric System has a technical programming position open in the Systems Engineering Department of the Power Supply Division. Position re quires knowledge of and Use of FORTRAN; duties and responsi bilities Include working with batch and Interactive environ ments Using 1BM OS system. Will assist in System Design, Implementation, Documentat ion, and maintenance Of programs for the Planning, Rates, Load Management, Energy Management and Fore casting Departments. Salary $13,200-$1 5,500 annually, commensurate With experience and qualifications. On-campus interviews for May, summer, and December graduates, will be conducted on Tues. April 10, 1979. An Equal Opportunity Employer MF. Bass player with vocals wanted for local country band. Call 470-2049 or 475-0549 af ter 8p.m. Teacher waffts to house-sit in Lincoln this summer. Call 308-345-3447. Need female roommate to share 3 bedroom townhousa at Charleston Courts. Includes 2 Outdoor pool. 1 indoor pool, ter.nis courts, clubhouse, SHOWCASE I washerdryer in townhousa. Rent $35 per month, plus 13 utilities. Call 434-C372. Need roommate to share house or apt. Requirement: muit party 1 435-1343. 2 Housemates wanted to share 3 br bouse. Close to cam pus. Call 432-81 18 after 5. Augy, Court, Tan b feob. Thanks for a super spring break. IVaH follow y'a any where! Catch Veil Thursday night at tha Hoi. Love yUll. . v- ' - - The Foxy PhPs t'4 tpa, f"hl Delta ft Sigma NU's: ...... : To those Arizona man. Ttenka for making our break such t "wftJ ft cray" timet r::xt r&x asm time tamt s 5 ? t f ; ! Ik Sandy and Vicky i , I'm finally getting around to wishing you two a Happy Birthday. Lata as usual I Your Spacey Ex-roommle, Sue I would like to thank Jim Fowler tor all the work he did on the SAIL campaign. Also-Scott, Dona, SAIL senators, and everyone else who helped out, Thank you. Jon Pfaiffer CB FW) The suite at the Omaha Hilton, and you know whafe are awaiting after the ACACIA Formal Saturday night I JV(FH) HI, Let's keep breaking the lew. (Yes, I said 'lew"). I love you I Melmie Let's elect a president who will stand up for us, not one who won't back down from the regents. Vote Bud Cuca. -Willie Watters The. Men of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity are very proud to welcome Brian Schur, as a new Associate Member. Congratulations Brian. rea Now you can get a free 3' by 3' poster of Poco's r.w album cover. All you hay to do it place a classified id tit the Daily Nebraskan. 10 centword, dollar minirnum-Rni. 34, Ne braska Union (under the Colonial Room) Get'em while they tastl The UjNL Junior Varsity Yell Squad is holding its spring tryouts beginning Monday, Apnl 9, 1979 at 330 pm in the North and South Conference Rooms of the Nebraska Union (basement eueJi All interested freshman, sophomore, and Junior men and women should attend! For questions, contact advisor Nancy Booth at 472-3665. earn a month for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time. plasma You may save a life! It's easy and relaxing. Be a toice-a-week regular. $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses. this ed worth s5ectra New donors onty. Phone for appointment LincoIn Plasma Corp. 2021 Xy St 4742335 Early registration for Sig Ep Formal is April 7. Last day to file dropadds is April 21, classes begin April 28 In Kansas City. Dean of Warriors. KRISTINE BOROWIAK Are you available. I'm still interested. First Sem. Admirer Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee. Proverbs 3:29 Kiddlehopper: Skiing with ' you was life In heaven. Will do again for sure. Love, Red Lobster Earl, Curling Iron and P. A. (alias T.A.'s son), Gotta hand It to you, you guys sure know how to do the gator I See you next year at the Summit Innt Three Story Tellers (Picnic Tabie, Lectracurl, 8t Scratches) Miss Alliance: - Happy birthday, very late. Love, Grod C-P-N-DW'S We've had our ups and downs and got a little steamed but that's what made it so much fun. I'll miss ya. TAB LB-1 Here's to beer in the halls, the right men, Denver'and more bizzare times. JB 1 Interested But getting discouraged, I'm interested but confused es to who you really are. Give me some kind of hint. Bob LmW, New Orleans sounds great but too far off. How about camping this Friday? Dr.P Poon, Have a nice time in K.C. I really mean It too. Connecticut, E.W. $10.0 i AGS, We'll be ready to bowl Thursday. Will you? Theta Chi aiipitrtilhmin Lonely Heart, I know how down you've been so put some bounce into your life at "Bounce for Beats", 13th & "O", April 6-7 SAM TC Pinning Cigars Cliff's 1200 "O" St. Beautiful kittens-free to good home. 477-2003. Would you like a free ticket to the Rick James concert? Would you like a free album?. Come to the Disco Dance at the Culture Center on Saturday, April 7. sponsored by the. Student V. Door prizes will be awarded. Cute Cowboy: . Will you share your sleeping bag with me at the West Fest Thursdey night? Coy Cowgirl DID YOU KNOW. . . Greek! contributed over $16,000 to AUF last year. GREEK WEEK April 16-20 EXCELLENT PAY While You Work or Attend School Participate In clinical test ing of pharmacuetical pro ducts by Harris Labs., on weekends and evenings. Studies medically supervis ed, safe, good money, and free ohvsical. Testina re quires mates in good health 19 or older. CALL 474-0627 8 a.m.-4p jn ACROSS I Seven for Sinbad $ Author of the quotation below Squama 14 Start of a quotation 15 Armadillo It Paint company employee 17 Court celebrity IS North African cypress pine It Rocket's upper stage St Mangel-wu reels 22 Quotation: Part II 24 Noted N.Y. governor 2$ State bird of Hawaii 27 Turkish titles St Triton 22 Quotation: Part 23 "The play's the" 23 Tocsin a Lancaster Valley - "group 42 Rosatynn Carter, Smith 2 Neighbor of Iraq 44 Therefore 3 Kind of singer or bearer 47 Here, fa Haiti O Islands; near New ' '"Guinea - gtOPECtaixSs C2 Lfi:e A. J. Fcyfs cart S3 Historic French forest O Quotation: . , PartIV Ct DehiscedI U Flat . CS C7 C3 a 7t 71 72 72 I 2 3 4 5 SUMMER STORAGE 489-6345 "Student-to-student Adviser. College of Arts and Sciences, 1979-80 academic year. Job is 15 hrs.wk; applicant must be in the College of Arts and Sciences with . Junior Standing by Fall, 1979. Application forms available 1223 Oldfather. Deadline: April 18, 1979". UNL Huskerett (Dance Corps) Clinics beginning April 9th, 3:30, at Sports Complex, enter top (south) level. LOANSI Are available for college educa tors, executives, and medical or dental students. Diversified Financing-488-6618 Party House on secluded 5 acres. Pavel road. Close in. In quire 1731 0 St. GUITAR INSTRUCTION " Privata lessons by a quali fied professional. Geared to the dedicated student. Beginning or advanced. $7.50 per 12 hour. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 Prepared Childbirth classes for couples and single mothers. CHILDBIRTH PARENT EDU CATION ASSOCIATION. Call 488-2914. EXPERIENCED TYPIST -Manuscripts, Term Papers, Resumes, etfi .-$.70 per page--435-8972. - Designed to meet all your typing needs: Resumes Letters Papers DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS . ' SERVICES, INC. 1821 K Street 4744665 Wainscot Carnegie or Evans Genesis Rikki-Tikkl Bittern 7 At the stern S Rabid hawk tMusial , It In a convincing End of quotation Way Byron's "The 11 Keep on Lament or (watch over) 12 Pravda founder: 43 Lummox Captain Hook's sidekick , Authentic , DOWN j Thick piece of marble .1912 v vv SI Man in the van 12 Obliterate $2 Jack of Robert 21 Apply thickly S3 Corporeal channel 22 Washington's bill 54 Refreshments U Kabibble St Flash of light 27 The Egyptian Vulcan 22 Alas! Luxury Word with tooth 2t Existence, In or ear Essen Rough drawing 31 Monday's chore French Lick is 24 Has reciprocal one effect ' k I is I I' I i l' I" I' l'J I 1 m r Sr r W 2 - H 2"" "" " "T at " " irTbi"" j0 4 "7" 4"""4" T" """" mbmim - sr" 77 fl7 5""" " "T - ' al " JJTJT jk " XT "" mmm ' I 1 ' 'l I'1 ' I ' '- LADIES CENTER OF OMAHA ABORTION ; INFORMATION BUREAU INC. Call us toll free 1-800-523-5350 7 Non profit Org, 120 So. 41st YOUR CAMPUS WATCH MAKER Dick's Watch Service Repair all makes Seiko-Timex-Bulova, etc. watch batteries, watch bands. Where your watch meets friend 1 12 block south of Nebraska book store 432-3414. Birthright offers you a choice we understand the needs of you and your baby. 477-8021. AEROBIC DANCE WORKSHOP (For Teachers and Students) Saturday, April 21 at the YWCA. 1432 N. St. $15 regis tration fee, due by April 6. Call 432-2802 or stop in at the YWCA for registration form . Come to WomenSpeak on Wednesday to participate in a discussion on the Erosion of liberated women's ideals Once they encounter ' trie work world at 12:30 in the Union, the room Will be posted. Presented by the Student Y. Found on Friday March 23 i Woman's Timex east of Hamilton; 432-0696 after 3 ri ! Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 15 Prefix with classic or Gothic 27 Devoid of interest M Puerto .23 Disable 41 Strews -V;1 .- : Debate Side 57 Relish-tray item S3 " 'take arms . . ." tl Smooth the way 2 Kazan O . Farmer's locale, 'tail song v-h ft Whopper