The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1979, Page page 12, Image 12
thursday, march 22, 1979 ptga 12 dally nebraskan MOVING? Rent van from DeBrown iMtlng. tow rates 4777283. 1300 "B" - furnlthtd du plex, central air, utomitle weshers. 1 bedroom $165, 2 bedroom $185 plus gas, electric, depotlt. 475-2707. STUDENTS (273) Art you getting tired of pouring your money down the rent rat-hole? Why not own your own duplex, build equity and let someone else help you make your payment!? Call Jack Sullivan, 4777915 today for more information on this spec lout duplex with fireplace in the owners unit. Located 1 block from shopping and laun dry, on bus line and easy biking distance to campus. CENTURY REALTY INC. 483-2851 2500 S. 10th. Newer 1 2 bedroom' $165-$195, parking, laundry," 474-6442. 477-8356. RENT BREAK 2 bedroom. 3 minutes North of City Campus. Under mild gov ernment subsidized program for middle Income family situations Rent from $159 up. Monthly Iuh Tannant nmvm alartrlritv - a - M. . . mm SSailffM) I CHESTERFIELD'S Needs part-time help Thursday thru Saturday evenings, starting wage $3.25. Apply in person or call 475-8007 before 1 :30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Ask for Diane. Need 2 girls to work on a ranch this summer. Experience preferred. If interested call 472 8640 for more information. Ask for Roxanne. GREAT GYRO SANDWICH SHOP is now taking applications for part-time positions. Uniform and meal allowances. Prefer 19 or older, apply in person: 10:30 6:30 p.m. ATRIUM LOWER LEVEL 1200 N Street LINCOLN HILTON HOTEL Cocktail waitresses, 6:30 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Wednesday. Thurs day. Friday, Saturday. Apply Personnel Office. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Full or part-time farm work. Farm background and welding experience required. (402) 781 2300. THE DONUT STOP Sales girl needed 6:30-10:15 p.m., Monday-Friday. Apply in person before noon. " 27th & "O" St. Now taking applications for part-time waitresses to work through the summer. No exper ience necessary. We will train. Apply after 12 pjn. SWEEP LEFT 815 "O-St. Under the Viaduct Underclassmen business. Pre law, education majors. Interest ed in summer job? Call 477 8228 for an interview. Earn $1.333 mo. Underclassmen business. Pre law, education majors. Interest edin a summer Job. Call 477 8223 for an interview. Earn $1,333 Ano. COOKS Experience not necessary. Part time, hours available for spring and summer. Downtown location. Good wages. Apply in person...;. ' McGUFFY'S ; lltbftPSv FRESHEN, SOPHOMORES ? : t JUNIORS W imiW mtinrina In Rut., m- - law, pre-med, education or other professional fields, call 475-7371, ' for t summer work Intarv&ws. " Starting aamings CCC3-$12S0month. y : Work summer In hometown t3. CJZstsntld aarnlns POtsl l!a, HIGH PLAIN'S JOURNAL. f t zb locstar. Room 113, "'t. for cfjtsHs. Irrtsr tJ.zUi now for April. Farm help wanted. Full or .part-time. 783-2524 or 785 3235. Part-time and full time food and beverage service posit ions. Good salary. 423-8502. tfilliH!! Fastpltch softbatl umpires needed. Call John at 477-5116 by March 27. Will buy vast quantities of "Down one for Kelly" t-shlrts. Any color, any condition. Kelly 475-3584. WANTED: AMFM Cassette In-dash. Used. Low price pre ferred. 435-2076. WANTED Furnished sum mer sublease for one within walking distance of East Campus. Would like to confirm before Spring Break. Call Tricia, 435-7815. Roommate wanted Conven ient and cheap. Own room, stor age. Call Chip or Amir 435 4231. Female roommate wanted to share three bedroom apt. Near campus, bus line. $68.33 mo. 13 utilities. 474-5307 after 6. FEMALE ROOMMATE to share 3 bedroom house, AC, large yard. $117mo. April 1. 475-9837 after 5. Male roommate, wanted who likes peace and quiet. Own room in nice 2 bedroom apart ment. Call 477-5774 after 4 'P.m. Rising City Pi Phi And you're smart tool Are you spoken for? Reply via per sonals Eppley (Airfield) To the Arab (?) who always gets chili in the Harvest Room: Want to know you better. Reply via personals. Jim U. I have no plans for Saturday -do you? Sue B. Sheika, Don't be so insecure. We're talking about two different sheiks. Midnight Tiger Dear UNL Student, Why not have the best summer work possible? $90O$1200 per month Last chance before break Underclassmen onhfcaU 4757671 for more info. Signed, Summer Capiahts -" .... '' m Friday & April Kathy H. End of countdown I Have the best day ever, we both knew you deserve it. Happy 19th. Love ya, Rahonda PA "We will survive" Ratphle Ind the Padre KKG's" Have fun In the sun and donl forget the SFD's. Be thinking about y'all on the slopes-lf I can still think. Love, Brands Starr Sheik, I'd still like to know who you are so I can send the child ren to see you. Midnight Tiger To those responsible, We would like to thank you for the dubious honor bestowed upon us. Fairy, Peach Fuzi P.S. Keep those votes com ing in, guys. To Slave: Your love of all the regulars is an Inspiration to us all. Happy Birthday from the whole CDR gang. Party at Dents' tonite. (But no hurry). Brenda and Tina, It's the smile that counts. Also the smirk I Ralph Laurie Good Luck. You'll do super. Keep those knees from knockln and psych up for your place later. IB Rowser, Let's get together after Spring Break and discuss the UNIVERSEI Signed, MORE LATER P.S. Have a nice Spring Break! Congratulations, to the Delts for winning the Hugh Shields Award for the second consecut ive time, we are proud of you and love ya all. Your Little Sisters To the bathrooms of SAE, We're not impressed by our free exposures. Try Fox Photo. Ladies of UNL P.S. Repunzel your not. W.O.W.. (Who actually are not representative). It is a pity you cannot appre ciate the beauty of the human body. Chauvanist Pig P.S. Keep those votes coming in, guys. John Kreuscher I knew all along that you were an Innocent person. Con gratulations. I don't know any one more deserving I DM Saturday 2758 GRETCHEN COFFEY(BOBBY) The 3 day drunk In honor of your 21st on Saturday starts to nlte at the Rail. Escorts art hard to find, even If you don't want to sleep In your own bed. Can ya handle it Gardenia? Rose & Iris To Cheryl Cotton, Next time you go out have your date shave first I Becky and Cindy Car Admirer Thanks for the compliment, Still Interested-meet me for a ride 8 p.m. tonight In Northwest corner of H.S.S. SA parking lot. Car Owner Bruce Bonzo, commanding the Battlecrab Galactisnlff has badly Infested where no crab has Infested before. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Love, Rick Thanks a million Bob P. Lynn, Even though you're Intelli gent, considerate, beautiful, sexy, end lustful. I love you. Creep Betty Crocker & Sara Lee, What's it take to enroll in Scoping 418? Captain Crunch Tad, Thanks for being such e beautiful friend. Your smile can brighten even the worst of times. Have a super time in Phoenix -I'll miss you. Love and Kisses, San XXOO (EEK, EEK, EEK) Female Music Majors: We would have . compiled a list of the top 10 male bodies of Westbrook, but none qualified. Therefore we are submitting the bottom 2. They are: Jerry "Fairy" Fusselman, Doug "Peach Fuzz" Allen. Beware Milo'stock III will be in LA. in two months; - BandF ACROSS C3 71 1 2 3 4 5 $ 7 8 t It 11 12 Pirate's take Korean port of living "La Douce" A road to Rome Poker stake Nobelist Thomas Guns of Britain College in IS It London 23 Live-it-up occasion 23 Inclines 24 Hollywood and 25 Third Hebrew letter statesman Baton Rouge 33 31 inst. 32 Fossil-rich tar pits in LJl. IS Norwegian king St Pennsylvania station Spring Hunter's target Plant used in 41 43 44 wool manufacture 4S DoUey Madison, Payne Gets into the vicinity Pressed Confabulate Norman Vincent Live-it-down occasion Had on Trunk artery Pakistani language Religious image: Var. It's between snow and rain Garden's bed Courteous chap 47 43 51 53 SS C2 a S4 a S7 a Julia Felix cumpleanos. B Utna Suerta John PATTY REBEL. I'm Immature and childish not to apologize for flipping whipped cream In my hair In the cafeteria. Grow upl HANDS & HEARTS DELIGHT 10170' Street OFFERS 1) Indian Foods, ready snacks and spices. 2) Sarees-lndlan Dress 3) Usual and unusual craft Items end jewelry 4) Classes a) Crocheting-Beginning 42 b) Tatting-Beginning 45 For more information call 475 9214 or 483-5213. ATA MEMBERS... Raffle tickets are here. Get yours to sell, at 302 Ag. Hall. Be active, help your organization. Would any witnesses or any one with info, regarding the wreck with the green mustang by Cherry Hut Sat. nite please call 472-8668. Mom and Dad: Heaven can wait. But after I've graduated It may be too late ' to see where I matricul ated. ' PARENTS WEEKEND APRIL 27-23 Worried about Nebraska's academic quality? Are your pro fessors andor courses failing to provide enthusiasm and chal lenge? Write or call Cyndee Casselman, 3002 Orchard. 474 1453. Freshmen: Want to make a difference? Fill out the green questionnaire. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests, confidential helping hand. 477J3021 . Chaplain, to a G.I. Feminine suffix DOWN Kind of bean Mediterranean port Prefix for bus or science Mesh in a mess Naples staple Author Sinclair Elizabethan poet "I Got Nobody" PoetOgden Like some stomachs Tear-jerker in the kitchen Uncle Tom's creator 13 Neighbor of , Miss. 21 One meaning for "Aloha!" 22 Sewer of fig leaves 25 Kind of hand or rags 23 Man is one 27 Trumpet accessory 23 D. S. Freeman's Lieutenants" St Beknighted female 33 Acronym on Broadway 31 Bugs, but hot. Bunny . 33 "Auld Syne" I l t 7 S jtO II 11 11 u as h?" 7" "" v vT if - 2 a7" "" if7" " is aTlaa" "T '"" " it" a" L 4i "" " r" " r ., """" " a S" T "" """" .rwj "" T" -4"" """" 7"" zafta mmm mm mhw MMta. -.js... -wmhm mm Jm- l j-4 - 4 J i""" ' " .a T T a -""""T . . .... , -. , : -11. , ' ji i PINNING CIGARS CLIFF'S 1200 "O- St. EXCELLENT PAY While You Work or Attend School Participate In clinical test ing of pharmacuetical pro ducts by Harris Labs., on weekends and evenings. Studies medically supervis ed, safe, good money, and i free physical. Testing re quires mates in good health i 19 or older. CALL 4740627 8ajn.-4pjn hTililtHlfiMMHtMifl: Marketing Club Membersl Those who signed up for KC trip, take $12 payment to the Marketing Department's secre tary. Room 308, by Friday, March 23. - What do a Adidas and a Nike have in common? Come to the Student Y Running Group and find out. Every Wed. in April at 5:30. Sign up before Spring Break-472-2534. RIDE WANTED to daven port Or Iowa City, Share expens es. 457-2410. i iin.i.. nr. i .mm ii.i inn LOST: Black wallet. Duane Parr. REWARD 475-0,132 or 475-2731. . LOST: A paperback titled "Slavery" Probably In the lounge on the 1st floor. Old father. Call Takashi, 472-9475. REWARD. . , 1 - ' Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 37 Fit to JS Oats 4t Bauble, bangle or bead 42 Wing of sorts 4S Was ambitious 43 Ike's W.W. II - post St Say nay 51 Valve on a gasoline engine 52 Wading bird 54 Door sign 55 Relative of onyx 53 Poplar part - 57 Irritate S3 Accordion . favorite 53 Jogger's gait -Ct Use a blue pencil ' 1 Be ia power-