The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1979, Page page 11, Image 11

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    thursday, merch 22, 1979
dally nebrctken
PCQ3 11
Transfer football player ready to fight for blackshiri spot
4 By Mark Gttzfrcd
ltt going to be i long, uphill battle for Junior Mark
But the Beatrice native said he't ready for the battle.
And if he fails, he said he will appreciate the experience
and the chance given to him.
Engler is one pf 160 players invited by Coach Tom Os
borne to participate in soring football practice. At 5-foot.
10 and 210 pounds, Engler said he wants to be a part of
the Nebraska tradition' of a small, quick middle guard.
And he wants to be a factor in deciding who will wear the
blackshirt of the Nebraska No. 1 defense in the fall.
"It's just a great encouragement to be a part of the 160
to be participating In spring ball," said the transfer
student from Highland Junior College in Highland, Kan.
But the trip from Highland Junior College to Nebraska
had a slight detour to Northern Colorado State in August
when Engler was offered a scholarship to play football
After three days of practice, Engler said the coach told
him a scholarship won't be available. He wasn't good
Lifting weights
"He told me I could stay around like a dummy and
hold the dummies,' Engler said. Before starting classes,
UNL will host
Engler quit and returned to Beatrice where he worked for
the first semester and spent his free time lilting weights,
waiting to walk-on at Nebraska.
"I feel like I'm good enough to play here and I want to
grove it to some people," Engler said. A linebacker for
eatrice High School, Engler was converted to middle
guard by Highland Coach Chuck Carrender.
"This "way I can stay lower and I don't have to try to "
see over the opponent," Engler said.
Engler's strength and quickness are his assets, Carren
der said.
"He definitely has the physical strength to play. He is
very strong for his size," Carrender said.
But size and speed may be the deciding factors, he
added. Engler runs a 4.9 40-yard dash.
"He may have to improve his lateral movement," he
said. Carrender added, however, that Engler has already
proven himself against some of the Midwest's centers.
Hayed out
But, Engler is quick to remind himself that the
Nebraska coaches have not seen him play. He agrees with
Carrender that strength and quickness are his strong
points and that size may be the determining factor.
energy conference
American educators and foreign scholars will discuss
the impact of American education on world energy pro
duction and consumption at a conference April 14 at
'The conference will discuss what the United States is
doing to cope with this aspect of survival," said confer
ence co-director Dr. Roberto Esquenazi-Mayo of the UNL
Institute of Internationa! Studies.
Internationally known energy authorities will be speak
ers, and UNL faculty members will deliver papers. The
participants will consider the growing interdependence of
producer and consumer countries and the American edu
cational system as an agent for change in responding to
energy problems. ,
Scholars from 25 countries in Africa, Europe, Latin
America and Asia, who are teaching or doing research at
American, colleges and. universities will be participants,
according to Esquenazi-Mayo. They are in the United
States under the auspices of the Visiting Fulbright-Hays
Scholar Program. ! "
The conference, sponsored by the United States
council for International Exchange of Scholars and UNL's
Institute of International Studies and Energy Research
and Development Center, will be at the Nebraska Center
for Continuing Education .
The first evening session and the following sessions
from 9 a jn. to 5 p jn. each day will be open to the public
Esquenazi-Mayo said that students and faculty members
are welcome and emphasized that there will be no regi
stration fee.
"We had to fight to get the conference here. To the
best of my knowledge, this will be the first conference of
this kind to be held at a Big Eight school. We are very for
tunate to have good programs on energy and international
matters at UNL The whole university is dedicated to
international studies, he said.
UNL Chancellor Roy A. Young will be a featured
speaker discussing "American Education as ah Agent of
Change. Other speakers will include Kenneth Picha,
director of the Amherst University Office of Energy Re
search and Education; John McKetta, University .of Texas
professor and a charter member of the National Council
of Environmental Balance; and Carl Hall, dean of the
College of Engineering at Washington State University.
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TB3 Good rspis0T
"1 feel like I'm quick but I feel I got to be quicker," he
said. "The quicker you are, the more you will be re
spected and the harder it is for the offensive center,"
Returning starters Kerry Webmaster, Oudlous Lee and
sophomore Felix White will be his biggest competition,
he said. ... 1 (
Junior college has made him. more mature both
physically and mentally, he said, and has also taught him
how. to win Beatrice was 2-7 his junior and senior years.
"Mark has a great attitude. He will train hard and work
hard. He is the type of kid you'd love to have on the
team. He is a coachable ballplayer," Carrender said.
I Coachable or not, good attitude or bad, Engler said he
realizes he might not make the team. He added, however,
that without the encouragement of his friends in Beatrice,
he might hot be here in the first place.
For right now, he said he's elated about being invited
out for spring practice.
He said he knows he might be knocked down a lot
during spring training. But all he wanted was a chance. A
chance, which has been given to him .
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12 volt. 10.2 fit most,
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Size 5 x 53C x 3 in. Regularly
$2955. Special S9.S5. r -SURPLUS
1000 W.T)" St. - ;
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on? is
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Miltr' lltttr iBDlili
lilt V .tiW;C!t uttUTT
Hti 71TTTti" u
MUST SELL-1978. mobile
home 3 br 2 bath, appliances,
excellent condition. Call 474
3356. 73 Blue Accord 423-5796.
1974 Honda CL 450. Cheap
at twice the price, why walk?
Park close to class. Call 423
5819 after 6.
Spring Fever Ehies??
1972 Fiat 124 Sport Snyder.,
Blue. Conv, 5-speed.2 Price
negotiable. Ask for Kent. After
noons ft Saturdays. 47442S3.
Evenings. 4354338.; ?
1 1972 Chevy Blazer. 2 wheel
drive, power steering, brakes.
radk,oood condition. 477-40C3
1S37 MGB-GT. 4-speed with
ovardriva. 4 new radial tlrtt.
year-old tint fob n 9'
423-5351 after BpM.
.- Nordfca 10M ski boots.
- Speckling r.t5 cm downhiS
competition ski. CEKE bind-.
irt. SI 3. Contact Alan at 432
, 7Li3 or leave mexsri. - -
For Sale: 6 Choice seats for
Jethro Tull. Cad 475-0622.
Pretty new. Ladies 10-speed
bike S49J95. Call 4S3-8389.
KRACA Auto 8-track.
Soundesign 8-track player,
speakers. RCA AM-FM cassette,
turntable, speakers. Portable 8
track player." Also numerous 8
track tapes. Excellent condition.
Can 4S44772. PLEASE!
Drapes. Drapes, Drapes!
Many sizes and colon. Ideal for
rental property or first homes.
4236351 after 6 pjn. for de
tails and prices. ;
Alzarez 12 string guitar
Model 321. excellent condition
$200 or best offer. Can Dick at
432-8735. ; ,
JanSport.yfadernesi EKperienca
Camp Trails, Tregsr.TCtfsa Stag,
Diamond, Peak 1. choose from
39 models. From yjA-j.
Sanyo, series 1000 8-track
car tape player. With repeat, fast
forward. 2 or 4 speaker hookup
and 8 watts per channel. $55.
Call 477-7995 after 4 pjn.
FOR SALE: Rock speakers
and receiver: Two KUPSCH
HERESY speakers (finished)
and arB&O Beomaster 1900 re
ceiver. All in great cond'ruonf
Am moving up to bigger system.
Save on new looking and sound
ing equipment at a used price!
Call 423-6343 and ask for Chris.
Come over and hear lam . .
then make up your 'mind!
Pioneer K-P 500 FM -Cassette
car stereo, brand new, reg $210
for $175,454-3333. - :
STEREO: 22SO BX turn
table. Sherwood S7025 amp
AM-FM recerver, Kenwood LSK
233 speakers. $275. 47740S3
Guitar-Factory " custom
Guild aMcnic. hand wood pick
ups, one of three made. 435-,
213.. . - '5 -'
Hoover upright. Excellent con
dition. $25.
2633 N. 48th
Newer 2 bedroom, fireplace,
air; conditioning, carpeted. No
pets. $225 deposit. 477-6574.
4S4-S32S. 18th & Knox
Split-level 1 bedroom fur
nished apartments. $157-$162.
Laundry, parking. 877 N. 25th.
Large 3 bedroom lownhouse
1703 Knox. 3 minutes norm of
city campus. IX baths. Monthly
lease. $275. 475-6144.
2 bedroom, air. dishwasher,
laundry facilities. - dose to
campus, $195mo. including
heat. 435-1222 after 6.
' Spacious 3 bedroom apt. air,
$335, electric, deposit, 477
C53. 477-2220.
Apt. for rent for summer.
Clean, unfurnished. Close to
downtown and campus. Swim
ming pool, also. Call 475
3726. .
thrt only 7 min. from
csnpus in avowing 3
yr. old : neiborhood.
31 bedroom, 2 bath
$p!it entry horns with
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tyr-n. tjO. CsH