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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1979)
peg 12 dally nebraskan monday, march 19, 1979 M)G adls Julie, . Truthfully, I haven't gtwn mini up either, But ttlll Interest ed in meeting, I.M. Interested Chuck C, Tomorrow after Physics I'll N waiting for our anatomy by brallla lab! BE THERE! Aloha, , Your Assistant Bouncer Mlka Glbion: Isn't tha real parson you an dorsad Jot Nlgro bacausa ha Is a fallow MECA mambar? Bo Hickman Dear Mom and Dad, SAIL thinks I should be able to have alcohol in my room. So do L Signed, the Student Body Anna, Two teenage boys, one psychotic dog, a precious baby son, and Ufa as tha wife of the eternal graduate student. What mora could one ask for . . . ex cept all tha love thay bring each day? Love Always, Funny Husband ajrMreaiBaiaaBBBrtaiBMBBW Bo Hickman: Have you considered spelling lessons? Bryan, Stave and Carl: In loving memory of your deceased chemistry products. May your beloved compounds live In eternity In that happy "synthesis ground" in the sky. Dee Chris M. (English 118) You wanted this, so here ft Is. Teh Group Greek Dear Mom and Dad, Living off campus is better now. Drove to class today. Parked in a new bt paid when I left No meter maid No rhino boots. Signed, SAIL Students Advocating Inovative Leadership Lori, Enjoyed racquetball. Let's pfay again. Reply via personals. Lloyd bear Analysts: If leaky roofs appear lm mediate response la needed. Problems of incompleteness can . lead to misleading conclusions. To correct your info, use my motet to further develop your policy t t R.M. - Happy Birthday Slick-You're tegall 4 Love ya, Buffalo Buns Perfect Houfek, tHave a Happy 19th Birth day. ; Another Perfect Parson??? W Now that you're legal I don'r feel I'm robbing the cradle. t k 8-3- ;P.S.HappyBiayl Uttle Green Sprout, ' Happy Birthday ind Many Moral Jolty Green Giant RE-ELECT KATHY SJULIN l FORCFA Committee for Fees Allocation Why? She Is the Current of CFA. EXPERIENCE Is the key! 1 Jl "' -' J JI1 "J" 11 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS with S.OAR. patty will bring you a university that's out of this world. signed, Some Intelligent Beings. Freshmen: Want UNI to batter serve you? Fill you the greet) questionnaire. Be count ad. Young Ufa. Still interested? Meet Wed. March 21, 8 p.m. at Lutheran Student Center, 635 N. 16th. CBA Students: Vote for Gail Casteel-Senate SOAR Wednesday, March 21st BRAD BELT, Experience, Quality, Leader ship! The Best Candidate for CBA Senate. John Parsons JOHN PARSONS, You are right, Parsons is the Person for Arts & Science Sen ator. Brad Belt I support Mary Ethel Em manual for A&S Senator. Jeanie Beranek You' hall remember to vote In the RHA Elections this Wed nesday! Warmer weather is here! S-l-N-K gets results. Free the Regents! Vote S-l-N-K. Dear Mom & Dad, ASUN Erst Vice-President is a responsible position. Tve checked out off the candidates and one is head and shoulders above the rest, Jbn Pfdffer SAIL He is currently president of Marketing Club and past president of PreLaiv Club. He's a sharp cookie! Signed, The Student Body RHA ELECTION CANDIDATES President: Jay Curtlis (FIRE) Harlan Milder (OSU Jerri Moir Vice President: Jim Harper Karen Schrader (FIRE) Cris Thompson (OSL) Treasurer: Bill Flack (OSL) Nancy Kenyon (FIRE) Cathy Nichols VOTING THIS WEDNES DAY, MARCH 21, AT NOON AND SUPPER MEALS Support tha Regents . . . SINK T-Shlrts sllkscreened for 25 cents Call 472-9408 or 472-9410 Mala Music Majors: With your help list of tha top tan bodies (female) In West brook will be published. Place your ballot of 6 names (best first, etc) In tha slot of base ment locker No. 66. To avoid ballot stuffing, Include SS num ber. Please vote before Spring Break. I support Bud Cuca and tha entire SUN party -Willie Watters On Wednesday, March 21, put greed, incompetence, and blantant self interest where they belong ... in office. (Remember scum rises to the top). Vote ARF. Write in Lyle George for ASUN president. He will deliver what he promises Nothingl Party house on secluded 5 acres. Paved road. Close in. In quire 1731 "0"St. I support Bud Cuca. Mike Waila Business Administration Are you a SOAR loser? Is your vote for SAIL? VOTE S-l-N-K for ASUN I Did you know Nebraska's No. 1 killer is heart disease? Come and watch Sigma Alpha Mu-Towne Dub's "BOUNCE FOR BEATS" Marathon at 13th and "O" on April 67. "Rosalyn, How are my investments in South Africa?" "Well, Jimmy, come hear Rosalie Nesbett speak on their impact. Tues., March 20, 1 p.m. in the Union. "Can I bring Billy?" Go For Gourlayl Ann Gour lay for Senate in Teachers Col-lege-SOAR. ail Organized Students for Independents Vote For Your Future Organized Students for Independents Vote For An Active Government OSI or Dial Vote Dave Johnson for Agri culture Collage Senator tha one who knows the "field." Dave says: VOTE JIM STORY ARTS & SCIENCE Vote Susie Young, Business College Senator Vote Laura Malsom, Business College Senator LOOKING FOR THAT "SOMETHING MORE?" DIS COVER THE JOY AND SATIS FACTION OF CATHOLIC MIS SIONARY SERVICE. FOR IN FORMATION, HOW TO BE COME A MISSIONARY BROTHER, PRIEST OR SISTER, WRITE: FR. ED HER BERGER. SVD., DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES, DEPT. UN29 EPWORTH. IOWA 62045 Vote Innovatlvely TERRY MICHL-SAIL Engineering Collage Senator EXCELLENT PAY Whtte You Work or Attend School Participate in clinical test Ing of pharmacuetical pro-1 ducts by Harris Labs., on weekends and evenings. 1 Studies medically supervis ed, safe, good money, and 1 free physical. Testing re quires males in good health 19 or older. CALL 474-0627 8 a.m.-4pjn I endorse Bob Knuth and Data Wojtasek (SOAR) candi dates for Teachers College Senators. Pope John Paul II VOTE FOR JIM HARPER ARTS & SCIENCES AD VIS ORY BOARD. ONWED NESDA YVOTE SUN ACROSS 1 Wingless 8 Ecciesiast's headgear IS Rock formation IS Supergiant star in Scorpio 17 Philosophical doctrines 11 Coffee receptacle 29 Roman household gods 21 Born 22 Word after decree 24 Savory 25 Soc. 2S Bagnoldetal. 28 Edge 2S Medieval helmet Si Choose 32 HSt plays 34 Preminger's first major U.S. film 33 Tours toast 37 Has a speech problem 43 Cul (blind alleys) 43 Cripples 44 Min. part 41 Capital of Morocco 47 Rara 43 French . Impressionist 53 Italian monetary unit 51 Dress size 52 Expendable Mexican clay pots 54 Year in reign of Claudius! 53 Act of putting into another alphabet S3 Involves necessarily SI S3 31 1 2 3 4 3 I 7 ONWED NESDAY YVOTE SUN ATTENDANTS GIFTS CLIFF'S 1200 "0" St. Vote Sharon 0 'Mai ley Home Economics College Senator SKI DURING SPRING BREAK MARCH 24-28 $135 for transportation, board, room and equipment for 3 days skiing at Winter Park. Contact Wesley House, 432-0355. VOTE RENEE WESSELS BUSINESS COLLEGE SENATOR SOAR PARTY Where's Andy's? It's next to Nebr. Book, 1123 FT St. Bring In today's 'Where's Andy's" display id, purchase one Coney Island hotdog and get ONE FREE) OK, so wa used mora than 10 words. It's our adl Vote March 21st or the Regents won't listen. Check Martin L. Beckenhauer for Arts and Science Senator, for Active Representation. Free English Setter pups. Call 4354401 after 5:30 p.m. LADIES CENTER OF OMAHA ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU INC. Call us toll free 1-800-523-5350 Non Profit Org. 7351 PACIFIC-OMAHA j Give a new name to Like some eyes Made a chemical analysis DOWN Harmonizes Valerie from Galveston Cause light to pass through Sea eagle Scrape Suffixes for attend and convey City on Lake Winnebago 8 Depressions and recessions t "You're All ," old song 18 Election Day stats., 11 Consume 12 Potentiality for changing form 13 Family-room feature 14 Sanctions 18 Neck parts 23 Thinks 23 Awakening 27 Rabbit tails 23 River into the Weser 31 Three, to Roma 33 Terhune dog I 12 j) 14 IS I If I il S ItO 111 112 113 114 . L . j$ ia if" """ " 1 " " ia "" -" T" T" . ..... IS 2fl " " T 21 f . a 2 24. ji" "Tr 1 -' ' ir' '4-1 26 2i aa t"" "T aa - jf -- - 34 """" - sT" a . "" """ " ia" " 4d TT T" tT" jj . -. j T-"- f - - ... i - JJ . . mmmmmm. . a r i i i i i i i i i i il i CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOC. Lamaza classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. BIRTHRIGHT offers you a choice. Wa understand tha needs of you and your baby, 477-8021. !fifl)iIitMt?Hi-Hli ; ONWED NESDA YVOTE SUN RUGBY PLAYERS: Practices are held every Tues Thurs at 6:30 p.m. behind WPE field. All new players are welcome and encouraged. Also, practice this Saturday at 10 an. mmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm What do an Adidas and a Nike have in common? Coma to the Student Y Running Group and find out. Every Wed. in April at 6:30. Sign up before Spring Braak-472-2534. Marsha Carter will be there wilt you? Student Y Black Speak will host Senator Ernest Chambers, Wednesday, March 21 at 2:30 pn. In Nebraska City Union, Need ride to Chicagoland area for spring break. Share ex penses. Call 472-8476. mm m ftftsrait LOST: A paperback titled "Slavery" Probably In tha lounge on the 1st floor, Old father. Call Takeshi, 472-8475. REWARD. V " LOSTl Set of .5 keys on leather key chain with initial "G". If found please call 488 41 79 after 5p.m. LOST: Texas Instrument 25 Calculator. NEC 351 38. Found: Call 467-4779. SS!5S!?(sl Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 35 Firebug 37 Flapped, as sails against yards 38 Cannes cafe 3S French legislators '41 One-horse carriage 42 Kind of glass 45 Et (and so forth) 43 Thousand, to Taritus 4 Container weights 52 Greek letters 53 Calendar abbrs. 53 Doze 57 Spanish aunt i