The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1979, Page page 15, Image 15
Wednesday, msrch 7, 1079 daily ncbrcskan pag9 15 4 wimt 1 -tills ... v" - ' WALLV USED CARS 2323 P St. ; HcJCrcis el T d I A T1 I a If b a c w o 7 a TT III T t ija t ors 1 1 i hiiI. HiJ! ? n 1 1 JCMMI I . TT? a I ill Lrril ' Wf """1 111 1 iTT t T if ' mToIo u t uiai TImflli it 0T1 1 1 fi T TTo w I H 0 i r a 1 a ti w oTIiT To a Z 1 0 "r hi Fi 1 l aITci'coIT Tf fa 7 0 1 e 1 1 i T a TTT IT II ZJslilTUsUmwltUAltls runii y-vduftswww FREE LEGAL ADVICE AND COUNSELING FOR ' UNL STUDENTS For a confidential appoint ment with art ittorhey phone: 4724350 ASUN Student Legal Ser vices Center 237 Nebr, Union. STUDENTS... I Daily Nebraskan Editor in X Chief applications for the $ Semester are now being & .acceptea.v Applications Deadline Thursday March 15, "v'A. - 4iQ0 p.m. . Salary 450 plusmonth Acslkzr.ti hi timtltt with thl Gutd lines .for CM Student Prist teJipUd by th Kl) E3rd cf ftcssnt tccpist v35. tepoft i s fjusstl; Rcrjrnci bi submitted to Kid c?pJisrticr.s competed tt thl D&3y fUbrsdun. . -Fcr fortbsr Informiticn Cc3 472-.EC3 Football tabli'for talc to bait offar. Good condition. Chesterfield, Bottomiley and Potti, 245 North 13th, Lower Level Gunny Building. Kitchen table, great condit ion, mica top, 8 x 6 ft. 432 2541 evenlngi. Vox bate guitar and Yamaha amplifier. $400 477-9750 or 423-9685. Pioneer KP-600 car cassette 7 months old. Excellent con dltlon, Jeff Wesseli 466-0310. Sony Cassette tape deck platerrecorder, $100 or best offer. John, 472-0311. Sarisul G-7000. 85 watts, list $730. 3 months old. 1st $875 takes. Chris 472-9997. BSR 280AX turntable, new audio technica cartridge. Funct-lons-youri for $40. 475-6622. Camera outfit, includes . . . Mamiya Sekor 1000 DTL With auto 135 mm 2.8 lens, Baver EL160 flash with charger, plus carrying case $230 for all. PLUS Olds trumpet, with case, music holder end must $125. 781-3439 eves. Milford. - 1974 Fiat sport coupe. Front wheel drive- AM-FM, Low mileage. 475-7161 after 5:30. - 74 Nova, stick, custom, good condition, mileage less than average, brown 435-0430. Realistic STA-64.22 watts. $175 or best offer. Mike 472 9443. FOR SALE: Pioneer CT F2121 Cassette deck in excel lent condition. $80. Call 475 8495. Home stereo car stereo systems for sale at discount prices. All leading brands. Call Bill at 467-3762. S!jn tha petition for liquor on Sunday. Nebr; Union Tuesday thru Friday Lincoln registered voters only Paid for by Progressive Lincoln Comm. Jim Ritzman, Treas. F0FL SALE-LIke new MamlyaSekor deluxe 35mm SLR camera outfit. .Complete with electronic flesh. $125. 826-2725. Complete set of scuba gear. $350. 477-9750 or 423-9685. Conn trombone for tale. Ex cellent condition, Call 477-2439 after 5:30. FOR SALE: Royal Electric typewriter. Excellent condition. 464-3153 aik for Jay Boyer. Aquariums, complete, excel lent condition, 29 gal., 20, 10 5J4. 489-6248. Available April 1. Remodel ed Insulated 3 bedroom house between campuses. Appliances, air. $185, utilities, deposit. 468 6642, RENTOPTION TO BUY 303 No. 32. Duplex, upper 2 bedroom, $135. Lower 2 bed room, $165. 2420 Holdrege, duplex, upper 1 bedroom $185 (utilities paid). 1928 Prospect, 4 bedroom house (3 fireplaces, $250. 510 D St, 44 bedroom house, $250. 466-2656. 3 bedroom house, new carp et, close in, redecorated. Off street parking. $295 utilit ies. Available now, DAYS-487-5000 NITES-423-0875 Heat paid. 19 & A, 2 bed room, $160 electricity. Dog less. 477-2260, 477-8569. 1620 South 22 - Lovely 2 bedroom furnished duplex. Washerdryer available. Bills paid. $200. Nonsmoker. 477 4812. 29th & Q. Large 2 bedroom furnished. $170.4774812. Party this at Starship $2.50 guys EntertainmeM-Disco plus .Anthony ;S!lck Steek '- r, : -. k"- . . Apartment for Rent: One bedroom, $143mo., utilit ies paid. Phona: 477-9635. - t CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN Newer 2 bedroom, dishwasher, fireplace, laundry, off-ttreet parking. Petless, $235mo. 483 6290. Clean, 2 bedroom, close to both campuses. $170 electric ity. Call Daryl Brown, 474-0515 or Lincoln Gallery of Homes, 4744811. RENTAL Rent color or black and white TV refrigerators, stereos, washert and dryers. Rent furnl turfl, living room and bedroom end tilnette-$49jB5mO, Any furniture or appliance. ACE Furniture 2429 0 St. 474-3444 RENT BREAK 2 bedroom. 3 minutes North of Ctiy Campus. Under mild gov ernment subsidized program for middle Income family situations Rent from $159 4- up. Monthly lease. Tenant pays electricity, gas heat. 475-6144. Large 3 bedroom townhouse 1703 Knox. 3 minutes north of city campus. IK baths. Monthly lease, $258,475-6144. Newer 2 bedroom, fireplace, air conditioning, carpeted. No pets. $225 deposit. 477-6574, 464-8926, 18th & Knox. 3 bedroom house, close to downtown campus. Call 435 3120 after 8 FRESHMEN & SOPHOMORES If you're majoring in Bus., pre law, pre-med, education or other professional fields, call 475-7671, for summer work interviews. Starting earnings $900-$1200month. Needed part-time security guard. Above average pay. Apply to Kawasaki Plant, 6600 NW 27th, ask for Tom Vidlak. Wanted: Hashers AlPha Delta Pi 472-1088. COLLEGE MEN Rewarding summer In Colorado mountains for sophomore and older college men working with children In camp setting. Back packing, horseback riding, wild life, ecology, many outdoor pro grams. Must be minimum 20 years old. Write nowl include program interests end goals. SANBORN WESTERN CAMPS, Florissant, Colorado 80816. -" - - -- ' Immediate Opening for full Or part-time foreign car mechan ic. Must be experienced and supply Own tools. Contact Ser vice Manager, Doan Rose AutO Sales, 125 N. 21. Jhufsdcxy Enterprise $2.00 gals Dear UNL freshmen . or sophomores! If you're hungry; starving, begging or just greedy, call 4757671 for Info concern Ing summer Work or write P.O. Box 81533, Lincoln, NE. P.S. t900-$1200mo. IVORiC $5-$6hr. PART TIME WORK AVAILABLE NOWJ ONLY 60 DAYS LEFT TILL SUMMER STARTS 488-1227 . CAR REQUIRED Resident manager for near downtown campus apartment building needed effective March 15. Married couple preferred. Contact Robert W. Sim, 432 2881. Woodman Accident 8t Life Company. SCOUTING 'S SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM NEEDS YOUI The Mid America Council's summer camp needs, tamp staff personnel. Positions include equatics directors, nature-ecology directors, outdoor sports coordinator, health directors cooks and other program staff. All positions Include salaries and room and board, and national camping school training if hired. Qualificat ions and background exper ience are more important than previous scouting or camp experiences. Spend the summer out doors in a learn ing situation. Call 472-8175 for Information and inter view appointment. EXOTIC JOBS! LAKE TAHOE CALI Little exp. Fantastic tips (pay) $1,700-$4,000, summer 35,000 people needed In casinos, rest aurants, ranches, cruisers, river raftsl Send $3.95 for Info, to LAK EWORLD BW, Box 60129, Sacto. CA 85860. T JOBSMP SAILBOATS! CRUISE SHIPS! No experience. High pay. See Carribeart, Hawaii, Europe, Worldl Summer career. Send $3.95 for Info, to SEAWOR LD BW. Box 60129, Sacto CA 85860, c Need desk clerks and cooks, part-time now and full-time this Summer. Call 464-6971 Mr. Strauch tor eppt. Permanent part-time opening in city circulation department. Hours Include 4-8 p.m. Monday thru Saturday and 5:30-noon on Sunday. Must have auto, know ledge of city streets helpful. Call Jerry 473-7361 for interview appt. STUDENTS... Daily Nebraskan Ombudsman applications for the fall semester are now being accepted. Applications-Deadline Thursday March 15 4:00 p.m. Salary $200 plusmonth Applicants should be familiar with the Guideline for the Student Press adopted by the NU Board of Regents (copies available upon request). Resumes should be Submitted to and applications completed - ttt Dairy Nebraskart. f ' : For further Information 'CbH472-2SC3-.' t t'r UNL does not discrimfnat or emp)qymnt procrams Help wanted part-time, evenings and weekends. Good salary. Apply In person, 9 i.nv12 p.m. Or 8 p.m-8 p.m. BINGO-RAMA 2603 Park Blvd. WANTED: 5 cute mow bunniel to accompany 5 young men to ski over weekend of spring break. Reservations have been made at Co er Mountain CO. Serious Inquiries only. Call 4673762 or 467-6788 for more Info. WANTED: Pne 61-66 Ford Pick-up hood. In good condition Call 464-2781 after' 6 p.m. Lead male or female vocalist needed In new band. Call Mark 475-9372. Male roommate wanted likes peace and quiet. Own room in nice 2 bedroom apart ment. Call 477-5774 after 4. Male roommate 19-25 to share furnished house. Close to campus, own phone, etc. Call 475-3865, 6-10 p.m. Lorl M. Happy Belated 21st Birth day. You no longer have the following restrictions: 10 pm curfew and having your dates questioned. Next year you may even be able to hold hands, but kissing never. your loving father brother Sydney, Laura, Ami, Carol, Janet, Mathaline, Ruth, Tanya, Grainne and Diane: Good luck in Regionals. Get after those knuckteheads from KU. Make No. 4 yours. P.S. Hi Sydney! California Kid Congratulations to the "SAMMY HOUSE" "B" League Basketball team on a successful season and making it to the "All University Finals", Tim, Terry, Todd, Chuck, John, Mike and Bob. We Love Ya "Little Sisters" To the Scot in the Laundry room: I liked your tune-can I hear it again? The Democrat P.S. Mike-you forgot your keys! To Omaha's CMK, It was a nice try but it won't work. I wont give up. He can't make you smile but I can. Patiently Waiting tn Its academic, admissions ftnd bidai by a!) federal vvvvni);- nnV' vyWv'