The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1979, Page page 2, Image 2
I, P2Q3 2 dally nebraskeri Wednesday, 28,1979 Engineering & Computer Science Majors THE EECMUITEE VISITING YOUE CAMPUS SOOM. Contact your placement office for Interview dates. I HUGHES I L J AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MF on I 1 Vv i v y 1 1 r i 1 a taiw; I ' 1 c "fljJj Amis' A I Docd!ina for March entries is March 23, 1979. Both blade & white or color is acceptable. HUSHES 1 D I 0 I I i I I O 65 I I I I , - mi I I I iiiii II m,. I.,, Ron Olson . . . "When It's too damn cold to frame, but not too cold to pop a top and revile against the weather." 7:30 t.m. - Town A Gown Breakfast, Ballroom. . 8:30 ajn5pjn.-Nebra ska State Bar Examination, Room 202-202A. 12 noon-Builders-Red Coats, North Conference Room. 1 pjn.-UPC-City talk & Topics "Hamid Algar", Centennial. The v Lincoln Right to Life organization will meet at 8 pjn. in the State Fed eral Savings Bldg. 4000 & 27th. The American Institute of Foreign Studies will meet to discuss overseas study Dou Bp for men and women Sholantr? GairstyliDjj in Havebck Mon. thru Sat. Wed evening or evening by appointment 4345 No61st St. ph. 467-1045 Wham P03?(5)(ils!MPIHl (SOT? FEESU AE3Y n r r -J 1. .---i-i: i :i i-.muiu.uu I . ... . , Gail Bargman . "Before I make the aisle." Stav3 Mohr "Whcnavar I 1:30 pjn,- Personnel Orientation, Auditorium. - 2:30 pjn.-Student Y Black Speak, Room 232. 3 pjn .-Student Affairs Staff Development Com mittee, Room 242. 3:30 pjtt.Admissions & Advising Committee, Room 243. 3:30 pjn. - Muslim Stu dent Association-Algar programs at 7 pm. in Andrews 229. The UNL Wildlife Club will meet at 7:30 pjn. in the east union. Room num ber will be posted. Campus Red Cross will meet at 6 pjn. Thursday in the Nebraska Union. Room number vill be posted. UPC Talks & Topics Committee Is sponsoring a lecture by Hamid Algar, professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California-Berkeley, on "The Future of Iran' today at 1 pjn. in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room. UNL Rodeo Club mem bers are required to pick up their advanced tickets at 7 pjn. in the east union. The UNL Horticulture Club will meet at 7 pjn. in the east umon. Room num ber will be posted. ,1 sLas uto say 'SiateisGPl' . . the trip down have the mensy," Lecture In Persian, Centen nial. , ; M 5:30 pjn. - Gamma Lambda, Harvest Room AB. 5:30 pjn.-Engineering Toastmasters, Harvest Room C. 6 pjn.-UPC-City Talks & Topics, Pewter Room. 6 pjn.-Volunteer In come Tax Assistance, Room 225G. 6 pjn.-S.UjM., Room 343. 7 pjn.-American Dia betes Association, Room 232. 7 pjn .-Finance Club, Room 337. 7 pjn.-ASUN Senate Meeting, Room 215A. 7:30 pjn.-Studerit Y-"Couples-Equals, Room 203. 7:30 pjn.-Math Coun USPS144-0C0 Editor in chief: Pete Ksson, Managing editors Georga Wright. Newt editor: L. Kent Wolgamott. Atsociate newt tditort: Betste Ammoni, Amy Lanzen. Assistant newt editor: Cindy Cogllanese. Night newt editor: Margaret Stafford. Atsittant night newt editor: Anne Carothert. Layout editor: John. Minnick. Entertainment editor: Jill Denning. Sportt editor: Rick Hula. Photography chief: Ted Kirk. Art director: Jack Raglin. Magazine editor: Deb Shanahan. Ombudsman: Jim Kay. Copy editors: Deb Emery, Mary Fasteneu, Dave Ostdiek, Lynn Pauttian, Sue Schaecher, Gail Stork, Jay Withrow. Butinest manager: Jerri Hausster. Production manager: Kitty Policky. Advertising manager: Denite Jordan. Atsittant advertising manager: Pete Huestls. The Daily Aebraskan It published by the UNL Publications Board on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during fait and spring semesters, except during vacation. Address: Daily Nebraska, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 6SSS3. Telephone: 472-2X3. Material may be reprinted without permission it attributed to the Deity: Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright. Secondclassjpostage paidat Lincoln Neb, GCStO. :. V ; 'V- ; mm mi m v' ' ' I 1 ) Dcnna Sicblcr, Sayre Dcrlirsa, Garcia Gates, Randy Hcppc!, f.!cft;rcf Ludcmann . Vhcn ycur cros-tabs doVt' For more information tr.d ccntast nibs, call: ' 1 j;m.4737w4.crTcrri-4C34)42D, 7 v Submit entires to ODD Distribute selors, Room 225B-C. : 7:30 pjn. - UPC-City Showcase "John Biggs'1, South Crib. : f 8 p jn.Studenti Inter national Meditation Society, Room 216. 9 pin.-Intervarslty Oiri ttlan ,, Fellowship, North Conferencd Room. Ne&rsskt East Union 6 pjn-Unlversity Pro- gam Council-East, CAP jmmittet Room. 6:30 p jn.-VMifc Club Mead WJdlife Habitat Com tmittee; Great Plains Room. 7 pjn.-UNMtorticult-ure Club, Goldcnrod Room. 7 pJtn.-Rodeo Club, Gitat rains Room. ', 7 . pjn.-Wildllfe Club, Great Plains Room. , e, , , i.. 8 pjn.-NUFFA, Cotton wood Room. Wfirafl Mil If ftv 1 ' t ' v' ; s o CCD1 Ccrr.h'j:!r fhvyi Linccb, uE. 1