frlday, febwary 23, 1979 daily ncbraskan P&33 7 Hollywood 'stereotypes blacks9 By Carta Engstrom Hollywood Alms dominated by western culture stereotype blacks, contends film maker Halle Gerima. Film is a powerful weapon, Gerima said, it's used to sell anything from a product to a lifestyle. Gerima spoke Wednesday in conjunct ion with Black History Month and also participated in Sheldon Film Theatre's Filmmakers' showcase. At times, independent American and African black filmmakers have risen to make positive films which negate stereo types, he said. However, people are used to seeing blacks in a negative light, he said. In Africa It's common to see blacks going to "Tarzan-type films," Gerima said. Men and women in the Third World countries mold themselves into western images because of western values, Gerima said. Blacks in films such as Gone With the Wind have no sex or personality, he said. Roots Black filmmakers also use stereotypes, according to Gerima. He cited such films as Shaft and Mandingo as westernized images of macho. There are still good guys and bad guys in Hollywood films and to pacify blacks, the bad guys are the whites and the good guys are the docile blacks, Gerima said. To counteract stereotypes blacks must develop to their fullest potential, he said. This is where Roots fails, he said, "Roots falsify reality. 'To romanticize literature at the expense of realism" is negative, he said. MKunta Kinte is like John Wayne," he said. After the dollar "Roots is for a few blacks and a few white who are .forgiving each other," Gerima said. He said the film industry is out to make money, but also pushes western values on blacks. The filmmaker said he likes to be in direct control of all aspects of his films. Gerima's first features Harvest: 3,000 Years and Bush Mama, were shown at the filmmakers' showcase. His first film Child of Resistance, a 47 minute documentary on Angela Davis, was made at the Univer sity of California at Los Angeles. The filmmaker left Ethiopia and studied drama at the Goodman School in Chicago. He currently teaches at Howard University in Washington, D.C. s C3 a 19 d ci ca o C3f ea ci m eg i (CD) pWy I zS&k e I 4 21111 x racuic vyiiiuuu I "i" '7. I j S '(fdJMIJi Jj Jlhi J This rntirmn onnH far 9?& off sH fnnoinn rsr tone I ACIKD Lcctl G t (cy 27th G Vino 40Q-0141 I I I I I I I I 0 0 I I This Sunday, 5-9 only Inelodos: 8 tac:3 I pMlada fH3loc and chips 911 North 27th 4744921 11 a.m. -11 p.m. GLASS MENAGERE 1205 Q Street ADDITIONAL MARKDOWNS HAVE BEEN TAKEN! an REDUCED AGAIN! 9." Va!ics to $30D0 Coras REDUCED AGAIN! Sweaters $7 - $11" REDUCED AGAIN? Blazers $14- $19." 25 only REDUCED AGAIN! Angora Sweaters CfcO 99 were $2600 REDUCED AGAIN! Pants $9. 99 &kss REDUCED AGAIN! Dresses 56 o REDUCED AGAIN? Bargain Table Assorted Tops $2" -$6." REDUCED AGAIN? Blouses $8.?9 - $13." ; "Oh J3S3 it" or LAY AWAY - aaaaorcitiiaaiakataaaotaan FREE jj ADMISSION" WITH 0 THIS B coupon . ! Void on special nights I I expires February 28, 1979 j J fin iQ UJ rug. Bl.uu I v ii a a a a a ca ca ca sacS