friday, february 16, 1979 daily nebraskan i Rico Valentino "The Campus Locomotive" Major: Romantic Languages. Always has a dale. . .wears iridescent slacks. . .from the wrong side of the tracks. . been on "American Bandstand" . . . still cruises local high school for chicks. Class of 1962 Zelda Woofenbite G7.V Major: Library Science. Watches "Queen For A Da ' and cries . . . studies a lot . . . always in curlers. . dependable. . .makes popcorn every Friday and Saturday night . . . uses nasal spray . . .probably will be "left on the shelf.' Roby Farnsworth Harrington III "Moneybags" Major: MicroMacro Ixonomies. "Lack of money is the root of all evil" . . . chaulfered to classes . . . wears penny loafers with dimes in "em . . Mark Cross luggage. . plans to start at the top (of his fathers corporation). B.M.O.C. He only had one thing on his mind" Peaches N. Kreme "Hot Stuff Major: Elementary Ixlucation. Pure as the driven snow . . . pert . . . style galore ... a real knockout, especially in sweaters ... likes "mature" men ... voted scar-round "Ice Princess." Freud Ian Slipp "Ems" Major: Nuclear Physics. Actually finished "L'ly sses". . .wears coke-bottle glasses... popular around exam time . . knows the differ ence between "inductive" and "deductive"" reasoning. . .turned Harvard down. A f$uH Jim Shoe Major: PE. Interior Decorating. A complex person . . plays varsity everything ... an opera buff . sometimes misunderstood . . . "once more, and I'll grind your face into the con crete" . sensitive. . favonte color: chartreuse a neo-Renaissance Man. V -A p,7 I ' ' Bettina Putschnik Tilton Sidewhes "PmAy "777" Major: An. Ban the Bomb , dresses in black Major: Motel Management. Sings along recites blank verse rxvtry in coffee houses with Mitch. . . the original clone. . .wears met ;ne of the Limelighters can slip into white socks and ripple-soled shoes that a trance proud of her Holden Caulfield type squeak. . . frequently "ditched," even by brother wants a pad in the Village bongo parents. . . can burp the "Gettysburg drums really hep Address". .. permanently out to lunch.