The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1979, Page page 17, Image 17
Wednesday, february 14, 1979 daily nebraskan page 17 EXCELLENT PAY While You Work Or Attend School Participate in clinical testing of pharmaceutical products by Harris Labs., on week ends and eventngs. Studies medically supervised, safe, good money, and free physi cal. Testing requires males in good health, 19 or older. CALL 474-0627 between 8 a.m. -4 p.m. Brandesi third college night is coming next week. Wanted: Lead singer for rock band. Eccentric personality for original music. 489-2960. The Divine Principle, revela tions from God to Sun Myung Moon To my favorite potata, I love you at least 1 Vi bags full! Buff Kissy Maria. Happy Valentines day! Toby missps you at the plantation. Hurry back. Love, Flipper To L.A., Never to underestimate a tuba player, is to always expect the unexpected. LA. Co-P, We can make it together. What is meant to be is to be. KFW Pilot r M1J1 Stylist Pens 'O perfect nen for taking. mes R(-G. 49 (KM With coupon only 35 0 each! 0,85 2VMXAH St. Offer ends Feb. 28, 1979 1 ACROSS 1 Conflict 4 Right, left and center 10 Forest Hills performer 14 "The Hairy 15 Arrange by kinds 16 Actor Connery 17 Smith of Rhodesia 18 People who must be shown 20 "Monkey trial" defendant 22 Nottingham nursemaids 13 Adjective for a certain world 24 Fighters at Mafeking: 1899- 1900 26 Intimidate 29 Withered 30 Play the swain 31 Sugar plant 32 N O. pro 34 Done for 35 Their milieu may be Baraboo 39 Painter friend of Zola 40 France 41 At loose 42 Thrashed 44 Lost in delight 48 Memento of the 50th 49 Triple trio 50 Volcano that killed 30.000 in 1902 51 Japanese primitives 53 Self-defense system 54 Citizens of the North Star State 58 Zane Grey's "Under the Tonto " 59 Jewish month 61 62 63 64 FGH PRODUCTIONS Ruth, I'll love you forever. FAST WENCH, The job sounds like fun and the work load just right. You've got a date for Saturday Night. A Man Who Works With His Hands "Marie" Manilow; Moment by Moment with you, I'm always willing to take a chance. 'Ever since that first date 358 days ago. . . When I said, "Tell me every thing that I should know". . . My love for you has grown stronger and stronger, Even though the time we get together could be longer. . . So. . .you know I'll patiently be waiting, since Feb. 14, 1981 is gonna come a buzzin; Because I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART, so, DO SOME THIN'! Love, Barry Melanie: Cupid knows his Happy Valentines Day. stuff! Love, Ted To Bear, Your the only one I know who has a mole on their belly button. I love you anyway. H.B. Bill (Sigma Chi), Thanks for Saturday night, but just because you gave me coffee doesn't give you rights to my body. Happy Valentine's Day! The Black-Haried Syrian Happiness is waking up to a nice cuddley Teddy. B.T.B. X 1 Kite Peak in Colorado Borge, e.g. Long seat Robe size: Abbr. DOWN 11 Winslow Homer specialty 12 Asian river 13 Between ems and os 19 Group working alongside M.D.'s 21 Printery equipment 24 City on the Rhine 25 Barely possible, as a chance 27 Burden of proof 28 Word with wash or blanket 30 Big union 31 He has rates for fetes 33 Statute 34 Rib 35 Lose force 36 Man from Muncie 1 Well-known lines 2 Cochise was one 3 "Boating Party" painter 4 Celebrated 5 "That that Shak. 6 Kind of curve 7 Angeles 8 A Johnny One Note 9 English royal line 10 Background for Kipling works i 5 5 I li 6 17 Is 9 10 11 12 113 17 18 19 20 21 22 j 23 "p4 25 """" 26 27 28 29 30 31 - i 32 33 34 135 (36 ' 37 "38 ---- j--zdz. 41 42 43 I 44 45 46 47 48 ""'49" j 50 j 51 52 : ' 153 &4 55 56 57 56 gjj ! 61 Sam-the-Bear, Mrs. Kris, Mom my Sus, K-K-Katie & Ho-Ho-Looking for some brides maids for my wedding Sept. 1st. If at all interested call col lect 1-571-7532. Love An anxious bride-to-be Michele Cornwell, Roses are red Violets are blue Clue number seven I have not formally met you. Your Crazy Cupid TAPS Eats ice out of a glass with her hands. (Give him up) SLAIC Got a scoop? Want to leave a message or just talk? Call the DAILY NEBRASKAN'S East Campus Bureau in the Nebraska East Union, Campus Activities Suite. 472-1685 or 472-2588. INS T T Lincoln Dance Center. A glasses now rorming Tor iJanuarv classes. Private 4 i : I A f instruction T ' ... January Classes, rrivaie available now. t 540 North 48th 4 studio 466-3154 Z home 583-6511 V ART AIT) A. Tired of the drab, blase walls in the Union Lounge? Visual Arts is the committee for you. Sign up Room 220, City Union. Want to raise Non-Sexist children? Come to Women Speak and learn about the prob lems and rewards. The speaker will be Suzi Theis, Wed. 12:30 at the Union sponsored by Stu dent Y. The Committee to Protect Students (C.P.S.R.) needs you! If efforts go unnoticed you'll have to wait until your 21 to drink! Phone 472-0758 for info. VALENTINE GIFT IDEA: A subscription to the DAILY NEBRASKAN-on special now! 43 issues left regular price $4.30; on sale now for $3.80. For more information call 472-' 1767, afternoons. Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 37 " a Song Go . . ." Mr. Buntline Actor Ferrer Blair and White Cobbler's item Warning signal for Macbeth Of small stature 38 39 42 43 45 46 47 49 Abounded Dir. from Phoenix to Salt Lake City Hit hard Concerning Kind of cap or pad Wildly merry Mount where little Zeus was raised Part of a drum 50 52 53 54 55 56 roll 57 Symbol of diligence Brandeis third college night is coming next week. PINNING CIGARS CLIFF'S 1200 "O" St. GIVE BLOOD ON VALEN TINES DAY. Community Blood Bank on campus at Wesely house. 640 No. 16th from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Blood for Lincoln burn patients and those over age. Call 432-0355 for donation time. Faith and Doubt: Opposites or companions? StudentsFaculty discussion, Wednesday 7:00 p.m. FOURTH-NITE Common-place-UMHE, 333 North 14th. Make this Valentines day one to remember with Valen tine's Day Dinner at Lee's Res taurant. Party pictures are in at rm. 200 and 221 Nebr. Union. FGH PRODUCTIONS Entertainment Specialists Presents For Your Pleasure on Friday, Feb. 16, at 7:30 p.m. A Valentines Party! 7300 Holdrege $1 .50 cover for entertain ment. Dancing, Romance, Get Rowdy Help choose local artists for exhibits in the City Union. Visual Arts Committee, Thurs day, 4:30 p.m.. Room 221 Union. TODAY! Nebraska Union 3:30 p.m. Dean Max Larsen, College of Arts & Sciences will speak about MATH -A Foundation to a good education a definite benefit to your career in today's scientific world. Make this Valentine's Day one to remember. . . with Val entine's Day Dinner at Lee's Restaurant. Brandeis third college night is coming next week. COMEDY FEST UPC-East Films Presents The Three Stooges Go Around the World in a Daze Laurel & Hardy, The Blackheads W.C. Fields, Never Give a Sucker an Even Break Feb. 15, 16 730 pm East Union Great Plains Room $150 FREE POPCORN j NllttsijEli Gunny's 13th & Q 4322241 SPECIAL SALE Rustic Pine Duck Decoys $19.95 Satin Dps Decorator Pdbws $9.95 CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOC. Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. GUITAR LESSONS Learn at reasonable prices. Acoustic, electric, and electric Bass. $16mo. Call 489-7427 or 488-5949 after 5 pm. MATH TUTORING 106, 107,208,220 Call Kent Brunzell, 477-1376 BIRTHRIGHT OFFERS FREE PREGNANCY TESTS confidential understanding help. 477-8021. LADIES CENTER OF OMAHA ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU INC. Call us toll free 1-800-523-5350 Non Profit Org. 7351 Pacific-Omaha Designed to meet all your typing needs: Resumes Letters Papers Diversified Business Services, Inc., 1821 K St. 474-4665. Will do typing eves. week ends. 423-0077. r j N.U. FFA Meeting tonight has been cancelled. Next N.U. FFA Meeting Feb. 28th. Faith and Doubt: Opposites or companions? StudentsFaculty discussion, Wednesday 7:00 p.m. -NITE Commonplace-UMHE, 333 North 14th. HI 85 Tequila Tonight, Ued., 2-14 for Super Prices & Fast Delivery come to Jim Pier Sportswear Nebraska's largest Shirt Printer (T) T-Shirts fh Athletic Shirts ' Jackets J Custom Mugs 1724 'O' St. Or See Our Campus Representatives; Delta Sugma Pi Fraternity FGH PRODUCTIONS Brandeis third college night is coming next week. Working toward a better relationship. Sign up for "Couples: A Meeting of Equals" starting Feb. 28 , 7:30-9. Call Student Y, 472-2584. Limit 6 couples. The Innocents Society is n'w accepting applications for i' embership. Applications avail ,,i)le at ASUN. CAP office, IFC hanhellenic, and rm. 101 Ag. Hall. Deadline is Friday, Feb. 23. ASUN is looking for appli cants for next year's Student Court. Apply Rm. 115 Nebr. Union before Feb. 21. FGH PRODUCTIONS Presents For Your Pleasure A Valentines Party Friday, Feb. 16, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. at 7300 Holdrege Lots of Entertainment $1 .50 cover for entertain ment. Enjoy an Evening of Music, Romance and Dance. Span. 102 Students, Last semester (Span 101) the 3:30 class had 2 quizzes removed. If your prof only removed 1, contact Grade Appeals now. Leadership opportunities overseas see the OOC for details. 345 NU Wanted! Share weekend travel, expenses to Kearney or North Platte. Mike 466-7645. LOST: Pair of brown glasses in blue case, Sunday between 11-1 a.m. Please call 472-8917. LOST: Novus International Calculator in brown case. If found contact, Rob Gaebe, 475 8207 REWARD. Lost: Pair gold rim glasses. Phone 435-2849. LOST Brown leather wallet. Lost in Student Union. Call 474-4271 . Lost in Harvest Room. Brown Clutch Purse. For Reward call Janet 477-9089. 474-4308 mm