The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1979, Page page 16, Image 16
J Wednesday, february 14, 1979 page 16 daily nebraskan Huskers seek Sooner win i p &c - - - i Oklahoma's Allen Curry and Nebraska's Mike Naderer will have a chance to battle it out again when the Huskers travel to Norman to play Oklahoma tonight. Going Skiing? Lange Boots for only $48 will let you ski your best. 475 3654,4354383, Kimball. 12 x 60, 1972 Mobile Home. Appliances, carpeted, 2-bed-rooms. 477-3430, 466-4284 after 5:00. '78 Firebird- PS, PB, air, 4 spd., tilt wheel, AM-FM stereo tape, full instrumentation. 4000 miles. Royal Motors, 2400 West 0 St. 435-2138, Mike. '75 Monte Carlo Landau Silver and loaded with options. A well cared for car. 435-2138. i Mike. '75 Olds Cutlass, PSPB, AC. ? AM-FM cassette, 350 4-barrel. ! Excellent cond. $2850. 472 10723. i Polaroid Pronto land camera i Sonar 1-step $50; binoculars I$15, ivory chess set $75. Phone 472-3219. 1976 Kawasaki KZ400- Ex cellent condition- Moving, musi sell immediately. $500. Phone 432-6007. FOR SALE Frank 423-0333. 8 a.m. to 12 noon. After noon, 466-9939. 1-1-205 mm zoom f. 1-3.8. 1-20C mm tele-lentar f. 1-3.5. 1-21 mm wa f. 1-3, 8 super lentar 1-283 Vivitar Strobe. S.L. MOSSMAN GUITARS 1 have some very fine Mossmar acoustic dread naught guitars as played by John Denver. David and Keith Carradine, Cai Stephens and others. These fint accustic guitars are available ar less than !4 the original list price. Call 316-221-2625 after 5 p.m. or write Mossman Guitars 2101 East 9th, Winfield, Kansas 67156. Perfect for ski trips, 75 VW Van. Radio, AC, excellem shape. Call 761-3198 evening; or weekends. MUST SELL TO PAY TAXES! 1964 Fender Mustang elec tric guitar. New case, shaller tuners. Also, two brand new Shure stereo cartridges still in sealed cartons M95ED and V15 III. No reasonable offer refused. 466-1747. Tamron-telephoto, auto 20C M, 72 mm, 1 :3.8, f80-250 mrr 464-0047. Brandeis third college night is coming next week. '73 Grand Prix-PS, PB, air, tilit wheel, Factory AM-FM Stereo, buckets with console automatic, Rally wheels. White. 435-2138. Mike. 'Nikon F' Body, Photomic Finder Vivitar 35 mm, F2.8. Good condition, recently cleaned & recalibrated. Body only $150, both for $185. Call Bill, 477-4081. Close to campus, eff, 1 and 2 bedroom apts. Call 475-3394. Furnished efficiency apart ment with basement and garage. Utilities paid. Close to campus. $140 month, 488-7089, after 5 p.m. 488-5039 or 474-1280. Large 2 bedroom unfurnish ed apt., air conditioned, cable vision, off-street parking, near East Campus. $185month. 467 2952. RENT BREAK 2 bedroom. 3 minutes North of City Campus. Under mild government subsidized program for middle income family situat ions. Rent from $159 up. Monthly lease. Tennant pays electricity, gas heat. 475 6144 Large 3 bedroom townhouse 1703 Knox. 3 minutes north of city campus. 1 Vi baths. Monthly lease. $258. 475-6144. Newer 2 bedroom, fireplace, air conditioning, carpeted No pets. $225 deposit 477-6574 464-8926. 18th & Kn0. Photo by Bob Pearson DON'T RENT, OWN Let us show you how you can own this 3 bedroom home with a roommate, the payments are easy. For address and informa tion about financing, call Lincoln Gallary of Homes, 474 4611. RENTAL Rent color or black and white TVs, refrigerators, stereos, washers and dryers. Rent furniture, living, bedroom and dinette-$49.95mo. Any furni ture or appliance. ACE FURNITURE 2429 O Street 474-3444 Winter Walpurgisnacht VI is only 346 days away and we need responsible, hard working, and fun loving committee mem bers. Sign up in Rm. 200 of Nebr. Union or call. 472-2454. PART-TIME Need persons available mini mum of 12 hours per week be tween 8-5 now, full-time oppor tunity during summer. $2.90hr. NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY 6400 Cornhusker Hwy. An Equal Opportunity Employer COLLEGE MEN Rewarding summer experi ence for sophomore and older men and teachers working with children in the Colorado moun tains in a camp setting. Back packing, horseback riding, wild life studies, many outdoor pro grams. Must have two years college and be 20 or older. Write now; include program interests and goals. Sanborn Western Camps, Florissant, Colorado 80816 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES If you're serious and sin cere about people and kids, Lin coln YMCA day and resident camps are now taking appli cations for all positions For job list and application, call or write YMCA Camp Office, 139 No. 11th, Lincoln, NE 68508. 475-9622 (Application deadline March 9. 1979) despite Big Eight tradition There's an unwritten rule in the Big Eight that says it's almost impossible to beat a team three times in one year. But Nebraska, needing a victory badly to stay in the race lor the home court ad vantage of the Big Eight playoffs, will attempt to pick up a third victory this season over league-leading Oklahoma when they travel to Norman tonight. However, the Huskers, 5-5 in conference play and 12-10 overall, have scored only 46 points while losing their last two outings at Kansas State (5846) and to Iowa State (4846) Saturday in Lincoln. Make things happen With just four games remaining Nebras ka Coach Joe Cipriano said his team is at a crossroad in the season and needs to make things happen for themselves. "The Iowa State loss at home really put us at a disadvantage for the playoffs," Cip said. "Now we have to travel and face league-leader Oklahoma at Norman, a team we've already beaten twice, so you can be sure they'll be ready for us." Cipriano is hoping for a repeat of last year when the Huskers lost two conference games in a row and then won at Norman 78-64. Oklahoma assistant coach Doug Ash said the Sooners are in a good situation, but in such a close race anything can happen. "Nebraska could put themselves in a great position if they could win," Ash said. "This will be our biggest game all year. It's Clerical help. 20 hrs.wk. now and summer ability to type accounting course and office experience helpful. Affirmative action Equal opportunity Employer. Apply to Marylyne Rm. 209, Ag. Eng. Bldg. East Campus. 472-1412. THE STARSHIP NEEDS A FEW GOOD WOMEN to serve as waitresses on board the Star ship. Starting wages $2.50 per hour tips. Call 475-7489 after 8 p.m. for apt. Immediate opening for weekend fry cook. Apply in person be tween 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Absolutely no phone calls. Town & Country Motel 33rd & Cornhusker Hwy. MEN! WOMEN! JOBS CRUISE SHIPS FREIGHTERS No experience. High pay. See Europe, Hawaii, Australia, So. America. Career Summer! Send $2.75 for info, to SEAWORLD, BW Box 61035, Sacramento, CA 95860. PART TIME JOBS: Excel lent pay. . .work at home when ever you have time. . .no obliga tion. Before you forget, write: SUMCHOICE Box 530, State College, PA 16801. . .and start earning next week. APPLY NOW 10 New Positions starting at $5hr. must be 18 or older with car. Call Wednesday and Thurs day only 10 a.m. -2 p.m 464 0223. JOBS $5-6hr. Part-time No experience car required 4834227 us twice year." In the Nebraska Looking for a full or part time job? Come see us. Work your own hours, be your own boss. Excellent career opportu nities with a company that serves Institutional, Industrial, and Agricultural needs. For more information and appoint ments call 423-4896 days & evenings. SUMMER CAPITALISTS We may have a job for you: Especially business, pre-law, pre med and other professional majors. For info, send name, phone, etc. to P.O. Box 81533, Lincoln, NE. NIGHT ANSWERING SERVICE Part-time night and weekend hours, 24-30 hoursweek. Call 475-9521. Summer Camp Staff 1 6 years and older early June to Mid-August Cornhusker Scout Reservation near Humboldt. For details, application, and inter view contact Gary Hanson, Pro gram Director Cornhusker Council, 412 Lincoln Center Bldg., Lincoln, NE 68508. 477-3787. Now taking applications for part-time cocktail waitresses. Apply after noon. Sweep Left, 1st level lounge, 815 "0" St. Under the viaduct. COMEDY FEST UPC-East Films brings to you The Three Stooges Go Around the World in a Daze Laurel & Hardy, The Blackheads W.C. Fields, Never Give a Sucker an Even Break. Free Popcorn! Tonight and Tomorrow Feb. 15, 16 at 7:30 pm $1 .50 admission Great Plains Room a must game for us." Ash said that Lloyd Noble Center, which seats 10,871 fans, is expected to be sold out for the game. "We'll have a good crowd, but you can't expect the home court to give you a win," Ash said. "Especially since Nebraska beat already and also at home last two previous meetings this year grabbed an early lead and the games were aeciaea eany m uie scconu half. "I don't know if it's a problem with Oklahoma or if it's because Nebraska is so good," Asli stated. "We need to do a better job offensively because Nebraska is a good defensive team." The Huskers, who are ranked tenth in the country defensively, are giving up 61 .2 points a game. Nebraska's "Hammond Hustlers", Carl McPipe and Brian Banks, are likely to reach a pair of milestones Wednesday night. McPipe needs six more points to become Nebraska's fourth all-time leading scorer. He has 1,250 points and trails former Nebraska center Chuck Jura, who scores 1 ,255. Banks will be playing in his 106th game as a Husker, breaking the old record of 105 games set by Jerry Fort, who was NU's three-time All-Big Eight performer from 1973-1976. Nebraska will return after Wednesday's game to host Missouri Saturday at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. i i 1. . xl. 1 raamft ads OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. America Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free info. Write: IJC, Box 4490-NA, Berkeley, CA 94704. Female roommate wanted. $85 mo. phone. 477-3680. WANTED: Female to share 4 bedroom house, close to city campus. 2 bath, washer, own room. $65month plus util ities. 477-3037. Male roommate to share 3 bedroom house. $83.50 , No deposit. 477-3190. DO YOU NEED ROOM MATE to share living expenses, same sex, students welcome. Call Roommate Companion Seekers-475-2871, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wanted: Mature roommate (M or F) to share large 3 bedrm. House with bsmt. $100 rent 13 utilities. Call 466-8779.