The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1979, Page page 9, Image 9
friday, february 9, 1979 daily nebraskan page 9 stati staff The UPC-American Film Classic Series will present the movie "The Magnificent Ambersons" Sunday at 4 p.m., 7 pjn. and 9 p.m. at the Sheldon Film Theatre. The UNL Folk Dancing Club will meet at 7 p sn. to- Model United Nations Headquarters, Room 216 11:30 a JH .-UPC Culture Center "Black Men in Per spective", Room 232 12 noon-College of Bus iness Luncheon, Room 242 243 1 pjn. -Muslim Student Association, Room 343 2:30 p.m.-UPC Fund Allocating Committee Room 203 6:30 pin-Muslim Stu dent Association, Room 343 Nebraska East Union 12 noon-LDS Student Association, CAP Commit tee Room 7 pjn -Intervarsity Chris tian Fellowship, Cotton wood Room 9:30 a.m.-3:30pjn.-Chi Phi Dance Marathon Regis tration, Lobby UPC-East Annie Lenney Art Exhibit, Loft night in Mabel Lee Hall home Sunday, Feb. 1 1 from 19- 2 to 4 pjn. All interested persons are invited to come Sen. Chris Beutler of the to 3233 Woods Blvd. to 28th Legislative district is share ideas and concerns having an open house at his about the legislative process. TOP QUALITY Bottom Prices and fast service, too. Sunday Late Night Special i. if-' a oc p'' 'OC off plus ? ff(H' Cokes on Toy )ia Wlh t A. i ill mure item', one ( i .' i(.M in per Expires 6 ' TU F as; F ' Oi'livi1' ,;9'H N 48th '' c' on N !', :h copnqhl 19 O E3 BLUEGRRSS CRUSADE This Weekend ox JESSES rSTIfHO 102 FM K?njULQ RADIO FRIDAY NIGHT MIDNIGHT MOVIE "FRITZ THE CAT" U . ADMISSION $!.:() (R) rIF.iT3l THE IDENTICAL TWIN SISTERS SET SWEET CAKES FAR ABOVE OTHER PORNOS THERE IS SOMETHING IN SWEET CAKES FOR EVERYONE - SIZZLING HOT SEX. MANY BEAUTIFUL GIRLS. LUSH SETTINGS. EXQUISITE PHOTOGRAPHY AND GREAT VALUE." -AL GOLDSTEIN HUSTLER S HIGHEST RATING" -FRANK FORTUNATO Mrc Mir JENNIFER WELLES ce-starriitfl HUSTLER ctvtf girt. LINDA WONG and OKI uliMir irl, SERENA ffltrotocinf IDENTIC! TWIN SISTIIIS BROOKE & TAYLOR YOUNG NMria mif Mvrr ktfirt tin iralic tcntits () (X) (X) Wu.ilns dulthlm C MP) FAMILY r oooo The Finest in Adult Entertainment oooo ' S. J TIATlCrlAL AMOCJAO. R f.ii .k, nn i iclji .Tiki i A ATUCVkJ TONIGHT: 7:30 & 9:35 SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT: Z m In, 1 1:1 5-3: 20-5: 25-7: 30-9: 35 ,f SHOWS TONIGHT: 7:15 & 9:20 I M H.UlM ' ' m 1 t a SHOWS SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT 1:00-3:05-5:10-7:15-9 20 "Nicholson creates one oTthT most vivid and hilarious characters of the year." -Stephen Farber, New West JACKrflCHOLSOTi ' w' tntrodudna MARY SIttNHUWstN witTl JUrfrN BcLUori 1 i nmimimmmm nmmimnnmMiMiminm IjFirct' midnight! nTfl) I Friday And Saturday )) 1 he best two-hour ( jj PuOl RiOfT K vacation j; v5XWNMV ((! ) jj iPtwf R a different set of jaws. 'MIIOMMMHI MIIIIMIIIIIII'M 1 ) JAM & KFMQ PRESENT H Saturday, February 24, 8 PM PERSHING AUDITORIUM (Lincoln, Nebraska) Special Guest: f Tickets: 6.50 Advance $7.00 Day of Show General Admission Tickets available at Pershing Auditorium Box Office (12-6 pm Daily). Dirt Cheap Records. (Nebraska Union-Downtown 6 East Campus. Miller & Paine -Downtown & Gateway. Ben Simon -Downtown & Gateway. IN OMAHA AT: Homer s-Old Town & Belaire. & Ben Simon in Westroads. For Tickets by mail self -addressed stamped envelope to Pershing Auditorium Box Office. P.O. Box 81 126. Lincoln. Nebraska. 68501 No Personal Checks Please. For Further Information call; 477-3761 Matinees Sat. & Sun. 5:40-7:40-9:40 "flHIIEsEIIEfl JjeEis ?HeEa ARMIES OF THE WIGHT. iToniqht they'rllj VaW i I W J L It ii m M 5 . WU ,f f - .hat 4 : '4 . 7