The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1979, Page page 3, Image 3
monday, february 5, 1979 daily nebraskan page 3 Senators advance abortion bill; decide to keep park fee SUMMARY OF BILLS KILLED AINU nfcLD AND ADVANCED A bill that would establish a seven percent lid on annual increases in state spending has been held by the Legislature's Appropriations Committee. A move to advance the bill introduced by three western Nebraska senators failed on a 3-5 vote. The committee decided to wait for further action on the bill until a public hearing has been held on a proposal by committee chairman Jerome Warner of Waverly. Warner's proposal, which was originally introduced as an amendment to the spending lid, would require the Appropriation Committee to estimate expenditures and allocate money in accord with priorities. The Warner proposal will be considered as a separate bill because sponsors of the spending lid did not want their bill amended. The legislature's Judiciary Committee voted to advance LB316 to the floor without recommending any of the many amendments suggested during the bill's public hearing. The bill is designed to bring Nebraska's abortion laws into harmony with recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings on abortion. However, opponents of LB316 said the bill would be as unconstitutional as the statutes it proposes to replace. Committee Chairman William Nichol of Scottsbluff urged the committee not to deal with the amendments be cause the same proposals would be debated on the floor. Classes . . . The park entry fee system in Nebraska will not be re pealed by the Legislature. The Constitutional Kcisiun and Recreation Committee voted to kill a bill introduced by Anselmo Sen. Howard Lamb that would have re ;ealcd the one-year-old fee system. Lamb argued that the fee was not equitable for , 'ople who use the parks only a few times each summer, i'.epie sentatives of the Game and Parks Commission said the is needed to help Nebraska catch up with other stales in the quality of its parks. Continued from page 1 Maslowski said the students have several options in handling the terrorists. "They have to decide what to do. Do they try negotiat ing at length to tire out the terrorists, or do they try a SWAT team approach?" Maslowski asked. After the conflict has been resolved either with guns or words, the students will evaluate their success or failure, she said. Former UNL student The mastermind behind the New York terrorist group is playwright Don Winslow, a former UNL student who is being paid to develop the scenario and supply the "terrorists." Winslow, according to Duly, is one of the few people in the country who has done in-depth historical drama. Two musicals Winslow wrote have been highly acclaim ed, Duly said. One is an account of the Jameson Raid in South Africa; the other the musical story of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. Wadlow said Winslow's background as a historical theatre director gives him the confidence to carry off the terrorist movement . 9:30 a. m .-Undergraduate Advising Committee, Room 216 11 a.m -Financial Aids-Pre-Loan Counseling, Room 232 12 noon-Program Re view Luncheon, Room 203 12 noon-Sports Infor-mation-Cipriano News Conference, Room 242 3:30 pjn -Chess Club, Harvest Room C 6 p.m.-Towne Club, Harvest Room AB 6 pjn. - Volunteer In come Tax Assistance, Room 225G 7 p. m -Table Tennis Club, Conference Rooms 7 pjn. - Delta Sigma Pi Recruiting Function, Room 202 7 pjn. - Circle K, Room 232 7 p. m. - Phi Kappa Psi, Room 343 9 pjn. -Innocents, Room 216 Nebraska East Union Annie Lenney Art Exhibit -Loft Turn on Marvelous Max with Gateway lank H Trust's new Instabank Card! Marvelous Max is Gateway's 24 hour automatic teller machine. 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