The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 01, 1979, Page page 3, Image 3
if thursday,february 1, 1979 daily nebraskan S - kkiSk " g J?lfe!lZ!LC,- u : r . ... .. What a blast! Prices have been blown apart and only frag- ,.. ? ; '" J f ' " V" '" . p- ments are left. Receivers, amplifiers, tuners, speakers, cas- P aA J ijfan in .".' SPf. 'fe P J ,' 1&' '-iti4ir record albums have fallen victim to our vicious assault on JyfJ 'XJSm- W&&4hPGt &iji'' MtfJl ' if'ijtfr ' V prices' Arm yourself with your Visa or Master Charge card or H 8f - - - - - jftig&kjb& - J&fcktiF financing with approved credit can be arranged. You'll come q WPffffS&yfiA Mj$j&'P? " " jrP' )f fvXifr-' out victorious in the battle of audio prices! 4 j22 iS iCSSj"11 ,'i'Trta:'' j Items in this ad represent only some of the bargains available ' ineadi of our stores. Sorne stores inay have one of a kind items. ranw ' , Xjh 1 " Jl lceivrsr tirs r 1 Baaa - iffl-EH HPHjO- iatira cd amplifiers Pioneer PL5 1 sol 99.50 Any Pioneer PL518 direct drive turntable sold as a part of an audio system during this sale is at 1 2 price A $199 value for only 94 50 with any system purchased Other specials: REG SALE Kenwood KD3070 direct drive 195 (Hi 129 99 Pioneer PL540 quart? direct drive 249 (if) 1 (-) 99 Ha & I I OAiiJja -, WE Any cassette deck save 15 Pick out anv cassette deck we have in stock including demo one of a kind or facto'v boxed units and save 15 Kenwood JVC and Pi . ei An Audio Shop Tape Club card good for 15 off blank tape, free with any deck purchased. Fot example REG. SALE JVC K!) If Dolbs 5peah - 199 95 lr9 95 All st re speakers sa v i 0 f 5 We've made a direct hit on these speaker prices' Save up to 50 on KLH. Pioneer. Kenwood. AALand JVC For example REG. SALE Kenwood LS403B 8" 2-Way Pair 235 00 1 17 50 pr. AAI. Studio 3 12" 3 Way Each 200 00 n 7 99 each OesoiverSf t &irs r iiifteffraf cd amplifiers save 10 t 37 Save on Kenwood, Pioneer. JVC and other famous brands now at shot-down prices A few examples. RECEIVERS REG. SALE Kenwood KR3090 2x26 Watts 285 00 179 55 Kenwood KR6030 2x8(1 Watts 525 00 359 00 Pioneer SX8K0 2xb() Watts . 475 00 339 94 JVC JRSbl 2x18 Watts 199 95 169 9n Kenwood 3700 2x20 Watts Int Amplifier 155 00 103 99 ill i-anoBac MEMORE Sff All stere eEnpaets sav 10 to 30 Our entire stock has fallen victim to price cuts Save big on such names as Lloyd's Sanyo and in some stores. Emerson Example REG. SALE Sanyo GXT4503 cassette tn mode 2 1 9 99 1 53 99 Lloyd's R765 088 cassette tn mode 299 99 219 99 Lloyd's R869 040 8 trk tn mode 249 99 169 99 Any blank tape save 25 Saw 25'' off Maxell. TDK Scotch and Memorex and with a pur chase of ten tapes or more you become a member of the Auiio Shop Tape Club good for 15'W off vour next purchase of blank tape within the next year " " Price blast en LP's sale 9.99 Actual LP's with a picture of Voi favorite arlis' ngtit m ttie unv You save big on limited editions an,! loli.-ttorv items Tfiee wili go fast at rtiis ' w I' w. pnr e so plan t, . he here when our doors open, at 10' Shown are otilv a fen if the albums vou av save r Regularly 13 97 to 15.98 Also available in 8 track and cassette We're just perfect for you 45th and Vine Street Shop Seven Days A Week 10 a m to 10 p m Use Your Visa and Master Charge at RG oaae