The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 25, 1979, Page page 12, Image 12
thursday, january 25, 1979 page 12 daily nebraskan G ads REAL NICE 1 -bedroom efficiencies. Just re-decorated-new carpet, paint, drapes, etc. Off-street parking, security bldg. , on premises mgr. No pets. $175mo. Call for appt. 483-1690 days, 474-1262 eves. Eff. 1 and 2 bedroom apts. for rent. Some furnished. Call 475-3394. New 2 bedroom apartment. $200, utilities paid. CENTURY 21 WESTERN 474-5727 Nice one bedroom apt. 20th & Sewell. Utilities paid. $200. 474-6323 after 5. Small 1 bedroom apartment available. $150, utilities. CENTURY 21 WESTERN 474-5277 23 bedroom houses avail able. Call 474-5727. CENTURY 21 WESTERN 474-5727 FREE room and board plus $10 per week. Near campus. More info. Call 477-3452. The Nation's newest and most exciting jewelry party plan company is looking for 4 or 5 people to head up local program as party directors, 6-10 hours per week, will pay $60. For further information, send name, phone number and address to: SALES MANAGER BOX 80643 LINCOLN, NE 68501 Immediate opening for even ing desk clerk. Excellent oppor tunity for public relations in dividual. Apply in person be tween 8 a.m.-5 p.m. No phone calls. TOWN & COUNTRY MOTEL 33rd & Cornhusker Hwy. PART-TIME WORKERS Hours: 3:30-9 p.m. Monday Thursday, 3:30-7:30 p.m. on Fridays. Good starting pay. DEETER FOUNDRY INC. 5945 N. 70th Equal Opportunity Employer Need Money? The Nebraska East Union wants to help I There are positions open in the East Union Food Service in the areas of food preparation, service and catering, and in time slots that could fit your schedule. You may be able to pick up 10-30 hours per week. If you are inter ested drop by 314 Nebraska East Union, fill out an applicat ion. The phone is 472-1776. PART-TIME SUPERVISOR POSITION Working your way through school? Approximately 30 hoursweek working after 2:30 p.m. daily. Auto required. Please call 473-7349. Help wanted, part-time, morning, afternoon, and evening hours available. Apply in person at Towne Parking, 1313 "M". Part-time job. Worker with car to run errands and do light maintenance work. Hourly wage and mileage. 466-1946. Kings on 19th & O needs counter help for February open ings. Apply in person 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Will train. WANTEO: Cocktail waitress es for Friday-Saturday-Sunday evenings. Call Hidden Valley 423-2532. GREAT GRYO SANDWICH SHOP is now taking applications for part-time positions. Uniform and meal allowances. Prefer 19 or older, apply in person: 1:30 5:30 p.m. ATRIUM LOWER LEVEL 1200 N STREET MEN! WOMENI JOBS CRUISE SHIPS FREIGHTERS No experience high pay! See Europe, Hawaii, Australia, So. America. Winter, Sum mer. Send $335 for info to SEAWORLO BW Box 61035 Sacramento, Calif. 95860 EXCELLENT PAY 4 While You Work Or 5 Attend Schoo! K Participate In clinical testing a of pharmacuetical products 5 by Harris Labs., on week-il Harris Labs., on week-j ends and evenings. Studies!; medically supervised, safe, good money, & free phys- itui. ibs liny regimes iiioicsm in good health, 19 or older. 5 CALL 474-0627 between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. HASHERS WANTED Lambda Chi Alpha is looking for hashers. FREE MEALS Please call Mrs. Brown, house mother, before 2 p.m. or even ings 474-2208. Plum Creek Clothing is look ing for an aggressive part-time sales person that enjoys the clothing business. Apply at Plum Creek Clothing, 13th & Q, in the Gunny's Building. Needed: Part-time waiter waitress, bellman, relief night auditor. VILLAGER MOTEL 5200 "O" St. 464-9111 Part-time help needed be tween 1 1 :30 and 2:00. Apply at the front register between 2 and 4. WENDY'S 14th & Q St. Mature person to babysit from 2:30 on. Approximately 10 hours per week. Own trans portation necessary. Pine Lake area. Call 423-0171 . RELIABLE BABYSITTER needed for two school children, Thursday afternoons, very near EAST CAMPUS. Please call 464 8150 evenings. WANTED Students interested in working for the Commission on Uni versity Services and Facilities. Contact ASUN office, 472 2581. KeyboardVocalist needed for Rock-Blues band. Serious in quiries only-call 488-4322 or 488-2754. EXTRA BUCKS IN THE AFTERNOON. I need an occas ional daytime babysitter. Three girls, 4 yrs., 2 yrs., and 1 yr. Rolling Hills area. Must be able to drive. Flexible schedule avail able. Please Call Nancy at 423 3700. Wanted for 5 bedroom house $60 rent utilities. 5334 M Street. 488-2292. Need 1 or 2 male roommates to share newer house, own bed room, full basement. 1200 N 63 Phone 464-7517. Wanted: Two roommates, male or female. Nice duplex, fireplace washer and dryer, dish washer, two car garage. Call mornings til noon. Ask for Mike 423-8085. Need female or male share rent on two bedroom house with male. Call after 6 p.m. 489 8547. ROOMMATE NEEDED: Male or female new duplex, dose to campus, fireplace, own bdrm. $95month. 435-6382. Jeff or Dave. East Campus grad student seeks male Christian to share 2 bedroom apt. $11750 utl. 466-0882 evenings, keep trying. Roommate to share large house; private room. 435-0963. Male Christian roommate. Call Doug Sittler, 477-6718 home, 473-4350 work. Still need 2 roommates for furnished upstairs apartment. Located at 216 W "F" St. $65 mo. phone, cablevision. 477-5315. Male roommate wanted -2 bedroom apt. $95 month J4 utl. (usually less than $15). Close to bus line and shopping center. Call Bill at 423-7368. Roommate wanted for duplex with a spacious living room. New appliances and wash ing machine. $95 utilities paid. 474-0724. To Doug (Abel 10) Take your offer next time! The Heavy Breathers Steve, I could never forget your birthday . . .did you forget Freebie and the Bean? Have a happy 21st birthday? Your loving X, Julie Marcee, Not worried, I am the King. Drop me a note for a YCC up date. Yucca lover Friends of J. Miller and D. Maurer: We're having a party! Saturday, 3123 R Street. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY KAREN! "C", Melanie, Carrie, Michele, Sheila, Linda, Sue Jim J., I want to go 18 holes with you. I'm "overpar". Texas Terry 20? How intense!! MD the MD: We love you, even in your old age. Linda, Karen, Breck, Maureen, Bob, Tom, Bernie, Gary, Monty, Linda, Best of the West, on East, RSBX 301 on your listening dial! With your DJ, BJH. EJW Happy Anniversary to the terrific lawyer, criminal, russian drinker, and den mother of the ever popular, "Buettow's Bordello"! Here's to two (and one day) semi-sober, fountain wading years! MGR. Hubby P.S. Hi all you "Bordello ites" and thanks for the singing telegram! Kimberly, Kimmy.Kimmy, y, You speak French. And I often call you "wench" You are on top, it's good to be there. And yes, I liked it, when they messed up your hair! You are the one, for me it's clear. Let's get in my car and drink more beer! STATUE? Gary, Don't forget to buy your T-shirt for B-week. Cal Dorm floor Cold? Need a warm red wooley S.A.? Call C-10. Free to a good home. The "duck" in the White House turned 20 yesterday. So we'd like to wish her a Happy B day. Diane, Paula, Janet, Kim WDIReTHEbLE, Chivalry is not dead I It's locked inside and you have the key to let me out. 43282085 Coor's of Lincoln would like to thank the following organiza tions for participating in the fall semester recycling contest: Delta Upsilon (first). Pound 10 (second). Alpha Delta Pi (third), Pound 6, Piper 4, Pound 2, Sandoz 3, Delta Tau Delta, and AHEA. John, A little older, a little more hair? Happy 20th birthday. Mass! Mer To John L. Fiji pledge, MUCH THANKS for the help Tuesday night with my car may your hell week not be too hellish. A.M. GUITAR LESSONS Variety of styles. $5 per hr. Call Guitar Studio, 477-7691 after 5 p.m. BIRTHRIGHT offers you a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the de icated student, beginning or advanced. $7.50 per ft hour. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 Pinning Cigars CLIFF'S 1200 "0"St. Get involved in programming performing arts for the Univer sity! Call 2-2454 and leave name and number and you'll be con tacted. WALPURGISNACHT The Winter Festival All nite, Jan. 26 Presents: Backgammon (BYOB) Paper Aviation Team Jello Eating Thumbwrestling Bubblegum blowing Cake pan Hockey Cracker & Whistle Simon Sez String Games Best Costume must be worn to Walpurgisnacht Register Room 200, Union Don't be locked in and mani pulated. Try the Plaza Book shelf for a beautiful alter native. A complete book store handling many paper backs for required reading. VAN DORN PLAZA 48th & Van Dorn 483-2226 Hours 10-9 Monday-Friday 10-6 Saturday 12-5 Sunday ACROSS 1 First four rows 5 Actress Thompson 9 Still-life item 14 Poi-and-pineapple picnic 15 Post-Civil War org. 16 Sound 17 Lady with a cow 19 Actress Worth 20 Refuse 21 "Heads , 22 "Best Film" of 1970 23 Coquet 25 Catchall abbr. 26 Leigh role 13 Hunter and Novak 14 "No Love" (Hammerstein Rodgers) 35 Fifty, yet one: Abbr. 36 Autry or Hackman 37 D'Artagnan's pal 38 Cinematic canine 39 Lennon's mate 40 Moving 41 Volcanic island 42 Song-and-dance man 45 Disfigure 46 "Be that as . . ." 48 Gob 51 Hepburn role 53 Inventor's milieu 55 Actress Prentiss 56 House Speaker 58 To the point 59 Cezanne or Gauguin 60 Give the (dismiss) 61 Coiffure accessory Delegates to the Nebraska Model United Nations. If you are having any problems with your preparation please call the NMUN staff - 472-2454. Or drop by room 221 Nebr. Union. Remember there are only two weeks until the conference. FREE computer matching list for persons enrolling in UNL's carpool program. Call 2-3555 on campus or fill out a form at ASUN. Otis, Have you signed up to be a delegate to the Model UN yet? It's still not too late! Love, Wendy Attention NMUN delegates! Please submit resolutions for the conference to room 221 Ne braska Union. Those delegations submitting resolutions will be looked upon favorably by the NMUN awards committee. Buy books CHEAP at the ASUN Book Exchange. This is the final week your last chance Conference rooms in the base ment of the Union. r L GARY OLIVER BIBLE STUDY Every Friday, 3:30 p.m. at the Union (Room post ed). A new Student Y group! "Couples: A Meeting of Equals" For couples trying to develop egalitarian sex roles. Beginning Jan. 31, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings. To register call 472 2584. $5 per couple, limit 6 couples. Hey math students! If you've completed Math 208, why not apply for membership in Pi Mu Epsilon the National Math Honorary at UNL. Appli cation forms available at 810 Oldfather. Deadline Feb. 9th. Model United Nations Dele gates: A resource session will be held during Walpurgisnacht from 8-10 p.m. Please plan to attend. P.S. Walpurgisnacht is an excellent place to turn in resolutions. 62 Santa , city 11 Kind of whip north of San 12 Printer's machine, Francisco for short 63 What beavers do 13 First place 18 Namesakes of a da Vinci subject DOWN 22 " Dragon," 1 Soul : Sp. recent film 2 Explode 24 High spot 3 Profits by 27 Parlor game 4 The Captain and 28 Set of values Tennille 29 Complete, 5 Kebab device for short 6 Jai 30 Helen Reddy 7 Kin of "Nertz!" is one 8 Whatever 31 Q-V link quantity 32 Motorists' org. 9 Post or 33 Vegas game Lindbergh 36 The Creator 10 Cartoonist a.k.a. 37 as a bone "Vip" 58 A. E C. concern P F F I Is I F P I I9 I10 I11 I12 I13 14 15 16 V7 18 1? 20 21 22 55 M 25 26 27 28" 29 130" ST 32 IT" "34 - 35 36" ""3H M 39 "40"" "41 """ il 43 44 1 5 L J - j- . 51 152 "53 T 55 L L- 58 59 60 61 62 63 Cindy Rasmussen's 1st semester speech 109-Party, sections 2, 7, 11 Sweep Left, Monday 29th, 7:30 p.m. Undergraduate Psychology Organization meeting. 6 p.m. Thursday. Burnett faculty lounge. COUPLES' COMMUNICATION PROGRAM A Relationship Enhance ment program for COUPLES is aimed at teaching a way of communication which fosters mutual respect and understanding. The program will emphasize tne applica tion of "talker skills" and "listener skills" to personal concerns. We will meet for 8 weeks on Tuesdays from 10-12 noon beginning Jan. 30. If you're interested call the Counseling Center at 472-3461. LOST: Cat, large male Siamese, named "Marlon", very dark, crossed eyes, hair rubbed off neck from cftllar. Lost in area of 14th & B. If you have him, call 477-2861. REWARD. LOST One right ski glove. Blue with stripes and zips. 489-8326. Re ward. Found: Wrist watch in M&N Building Monday, call and describe. 472-0056. USHER TO PSEVS3US PUZZLE WTI oTTT A CHsnCESR a t ILic i o u TITa miss C P I I "HO Hl C H T I T A ITrfTT R E A T H "FT In AW! IE t SI" G N G 6 1 11 JiR Jtfo JJ E o b o emc o h r fu i! 0 U 5 Tj Q C OT 0L 0 A T Ej3T H? W HT L E -iA r eI' '.' e sr " JO A I A T E AlJzlA- AJi 0 N JB U r t OTO Ji J J U JO Aiillflili JLI ill 11 sp i InIsLJdieimIo'n Jar" k Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 40 Bear Bryant's boys 41 Composer Bruckner 43 Mystery author Eric 44 Actress Pagett 47 Feb. 1945 conference scene 48 Shoe-top protector 49 Oasis 50 Glow of a sort 51 Italian equivalent of "Aloha!" 52 Poem or painting 54 Huffed and puffed 56 State policeman: Abbr. 57 Embryonic