The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 24, 1979, Page page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, january 24, 1979
daily nebraskan
page 13
Disco changes ownership, image
By Kent Warneke
It never hurts to make a change.
Monday morning the ownership of the Point After
disco changed hands. With the change, the disco will be
open six days a week for the 19 and over audience and
Sunday nights for teenagers.
A group of Lincoln businessmen, including Robert East
wood, the owner of another Lincoln disco, Starship En
terprise, bought the Point After from the American
Avents corporation.
The American Avents corporation, the largest
entertainment corporation in the country, opened Point
After in the middle of October 1978. Before then it was
Uncle Sam's but it closed because of financial difficulties.
"After Uncle Sam's continually hadn't shown much of
a profit, the American Avents corporation decided that a
new name and image might help the business," said Ron
Rocker, manager of the Point After.
Point After had hardly opened when it, too, was
"We had been open for about three weeks when we
had our first teen disco, which was such a great success
that eventually we went to just teen discos on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday nights in efforts to cut down on our
losses," Rocker said.
"With the advent of the teen discos we cut our losses
approximately 400 percent and for the first time since we
opened, we operated in the black," Rocker said.
However, even with the dramatic increase in business,
the additional profit was not enough to satisfy the
"American Avents has been building discos since 1968
and with the $25 million investment in Uncle Sam's
Point After, they were not receiving enough income to
substantiate keeping their interests in Lincoln when they
could go to Denver or some other large city and receive
the income they expect," Rocker said.
"Personally, I'm really happy with the change in
ownership and format," Rocker said. "I really didn't
like the discos; they were a pain and all it was was just
being a glorified babysitter."
Point After will undergo changes in format and atmo
sphere under the new ownership.
"It takes at least 45 days for a liquor license to change
hands and by then it will be mid-March when we'll
probably close and do some remodeling," Rocker said.
"It probably won't be any extensive remodeling right
away, but one of the new owners' definite long-range
plans is a restaurant taking the place of the current
lounge," he said.
Movies, disco at the Walpurgisnacht
An orgy of fun, food and frivolity will begin Friday at
the Nebraska Union at 6:30 pjn. and end Saturday at
4:00 a.m. at the fifth annual Walpurgisnacht Winter
Skip Volkmann, Walpurgisnacht chairman, said the
festival should draw a large crowd although the weather
could be a factor in determining- off-campus visitors.
Activities at the festival include movies, a Jell-0
eating contest, disco and polka dancing, a trivia bowl and
other contests of skill, such as paper aviation.
With over 60 events going on in nine and a half hours,
Volkmann said , student volunteers are needed to keep the
festival running smoothly.
Volkmann said students who want to volunteer to
work in the festival can contact the Campus Activities and
Programs Office, Room 200, in the Nebraska Union.
Student volunteers, Volkmann said, work two hours of
the festival and can attend other events at no charge.
Volkmann said he is confident enough volunteers will ap
pear before Friday night.
Walpurgisnacht is sponsored by the University Program
UPC receives money to run the festival from the Uni
versity Fees Allocation Board and ticket sales, Volkmann
Volkmann said the festival organizers received $1,900
from the allocation board this year and will have to raise
$2,000 from ticket sales to break even.
The average cost of attending Walpurgisnacht,
according to evaluations filled out by participants last
year, was $2, Volkmann said. Tickets will sell for 25 cents
Some of the exotic events at the festival this year are
Ashiya and The Oasis Harem Dancers, the return of the
Bohemian Stationary Marching Band, and radio controlled
race cars.
'It's sort of a Disneyland of the Midwest," Volkmann
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Actors . . .
Continued from Page 12
The remaining characters were rather inconsequen
tial, except for Steve Lewis' portrayal of Thomas
Cromwell, which almost overshadowed More in scenes
where perhaps it should not have.
The play, as it was written, is a strong, dramatic
confrontation of man's conscience. The mood created
by this production, however, was overdone, the pace
was tedious. Though the story takes place between
1521 and 1535 and is based on fact, it is ostensibly a
play for all times, and particularly, these times.
"The life of a man like Sir Thomas More proffers a
number of caps which, in this day or any other
century, we may try on for size," said Bolt.
The play will continue through Feb. 5.
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