thursday, november30, 1978 page 4 daily nebraskan opinioneditorial Conserving energy a holiday concern Thanksgiving is just barely over and the Christmas shopping spirit is now upon us. Holiday advertisements are popping up every where and downtown Lincoln's atmosphere is condusive to getting consumers into the buy ing spirit. Lights have been put on trees downtown, despite the Lincoln Electric System's sugges tion to conserve energy. LES has been suggest ing since 1 973 that consumers place their holi day lights inside their houses rather than string light bulbs outside. This way the homes retain some heat that would otherwise be lost. In this instance, we are not talking about conserving a large amount of energy by not putting up the lights. Rather, we are talking about promoting a spirit of conserving energy. We are asked to conserve energy in driving cars and heating homes. The problem is real and we must face it. Downtown merchants on 13th and O streets pay for the lights and the Lincoln C enter Asso ciation coordinates the task, according to a Lincoln Center spokesperson. Merchants should show a responsible atti tude towards conservation. In the tradition of the Christmas spirit, we should be thinking about the next generation in all our daily dealings with energy. Prior warnings of Guyana ordeal ignored Washington -The nation is still in shock over the bizarre suicide-killings in Guyana, South America. More than 900 disciples of the Peoples Temple joined their fa natical leader, Jim Jones, in an orgy of poisoning and shooting. The brutal slaying of California Kep. Leo Ryan and four others touched off the death orgy. It has also stirred a bitter controversy in the backrooms of Washington. The congressman's staff told us that the State Depart ment failed to give Ryan adequate warning of the danger. Spokesmen for the department, in turn, insist they per ceived "no physical danger" to the congressman and his delegation. FBI received complaints Yet dissident members of the cult had complained to the FBI about threats of violence. The dissidents had told about gun-toting guards and harsh physical beatings. As early as last July, one dissident gave her attorney an affidavit, describing rehearsals for mass suicide at the Guyana colony. The FBI, however, accepted the advice of the U.S. attorney in San Francisco, who claimed the FBI had no jurisdiction over the allegations because "no federal laws had been violated." Now, the FBI is belatedly investigating allegations that the cult had a plan to kidnap or assassinate prominent people in the event of Jones' arrest. The State Department also received complaints that cult members were held at the colony against their will and that they had been subjected to abuse. Consular officers visited the colony but could not verify the charges. Attorney's letter The murdered congressman also received a prophetic letter from Jones' attorney, Mark Lane. "You may judge, therefore," wrote Lane on Nov. 6, "the important conse quences which may flow from further persecution of (the 1 1 1 . ...-til -iti1 K a r- cult) anu wnicn may veiy wen icauu in me creation ot a most embarrassing situation for the U.S. government." Rep. Ryan personally underlined those lines from Lane's letter. But the congressman responded that the im plied threat "did not impress (him) at all." The State De partment gave Ryan the green light, and he flew to Guyana to his death.. jack andersen The leader of the Peoples Temple, Jim Jones, was a for mer San Francisco housing official. His church started out helping people in trouble. His disciples used to write to us frequently. "Brother Jones," they would write, "urged us to pray for you and your work." Once, the church offered to send us SI ,000 to start a scholarship fund. Give it to charity We turned down the money and suggested that Jones donate it to charity. Deadly brew. For decades, the chemical companies have been burying their wastes. These forgotten chemi cals have combined in some places to form a deadly witches' brew. In several cities, the chemical solutions are seeping to the surface. They are appearing in areas where homes and schools have now been built. The deadly ooze has produced a host of hazaids. Brith defects are showing up in children who were born in the contaminated areas. The cancer rate has risen. Animal life has died off or deserted the areas. One of the worst sites, ironically, is Niagara Falls, the honeymoon resort in upper New York. But the surfacing chemicals are making it a dangerous trysting place. Suicide and burritos meshed with same old songs Random Gonzales is generally pretty erratic. On this particular day though, he was being pretty specifically erratic. "Moods man, I mean what can I say?" he said as he belted down a shot of some cleaning fluid or another he bought from the non-committal man behind the bar. 1 nursed by Coke and stared at my shoes. What can you say? A half hour ago he was suicidal, now he was considering the risks involved in eating at a local beanery. That was the conversation for the af ternoon, suicide and burritos, and somehow the two jived. To break the silence I got up to feed the jukebox. More blues. You can only go to Kansas City so often before all those chops sound the same. 'Have mercy' "Have mercy," I muttered under my breath as he raised his eyes to mine. Fvi dently the conversation was at a standstill. We'd been over the same old blues time and time again, switching roles whenever it swung to an extreme. Now it was getting old, and we both knew it. "The more things change, the more they stay the same," he offered. At least he wasn't quoting RodMcKuen at me. I raised my glass in partial recognition, and added without malice, "Just the way we want them." It was time to leave. michael zangari I left my coat unbuttoned and walked out into the cold air. I wanted to do some thing physical-chop wood maybe, or just run. Tension spreads I was mad, but at what I couldn't begin to explain. My body felt very constricted and the tension was spreading in familiar patterns. I was a live wire. Having no place left to go but home, L got in the car and cranked it up. The radio was on, but not for long. Same old songs. Strum and drang, strum and drang. I took the phone off the hook at home even before I removed my coat. I had no thing to say to anyone, and wasn't about to attempt it. Sifting through the afternoon's fun and games, I couldn't find anything that was particularly upsetting. Early death is passe in this crowd, and has very little to do with reality. Reality in turn, was evidently a nice place to visit, but not a healthy place to stay. Grand overdose It finally happened. The grand overdose. We were all tired of listening to the sound of our own voices, and it showed. Breathing a resolved sigh I put the phone back on the hook and it rang immediately. "Listen man, we've got some things to talk about " "I know," I said. Down to zero without a word I KDO&ttl'l fife CvtJ W&ttSft 3 a si as e The democratic, non -sectarian Palestine still lacks full clarity and elaboration, but this is the best that can be done at this stage of the arduous liberation struggle. The Palestinians have outgrown their bitterness and prejudice in the relatively short time through armed struggle. The Palestinian revolution is determined to tight tor the creation of the new democratic and non-sectarian Palestine as the long-term ultimate goal of liberation. Annihilation of the Jews or of the Palestinians and the creation of an exclusive racist or theocratic state in Pale stine be it Jewish, Christian or Moslem is totally unaccept able, unworkable and cannot last. The Israeli racists are greatly irritated by the idea of Zionism and bares the moral schizophrenia that besets world Jewry since the creation of Israel. The adoption of several significant progressive Jews of the new goal scares world Zionism. Israeli Jewish Professor Loebie and French Jewish writer Ania Francos were threatened and molested by Zionists for their sponsorship of the demo crat ic raiesune as tne ultimate goal ot liberation. The Zionists are stepping up their campaign to discred it the idea, especially among the Jews. The force of logic and the effect of years of persecution in exclusive socie ties on the hand of racists are opening the eyes of Jews and others in the world to the only permanent solution that will bring lasting peace and justice to Palestine. From the above, it is clear that Israel is not a Jewish state, but it is a state of the racist Zionist movement, which has been supported and helped by the world imper-ialists-to be the seed of the Neo -Colonialism in the Ihird World. Sadat's meeting with terrorist Begin and the soolled peace treaty at Camp David are destroying the new acclamation by the people of the world and by the United Nations in many occasions which stated the rights of the etters Palestinian Arabs in their homelands which were taken by forces of the aggression with the help of world imper ialism. We. the Arab students at UNL severely condemn the Camp David Summit Agreements which are an ultimate conspiracy against the Arabs in general, and Palestinians in particular. It is a brainwashing move against all the concerned people in the Third World. Our final goal is the establishment of a Free Democratic Arab Palestine State in which Christians, Jews, and Moslems live to gether in peace and harmony. In the end. the just cause will prevail and the fighters tor justice and freedom will be victorious. Long live Palestine. The Organization of Arab StudentsNebraska Continued on Page 5