The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1978, Page page 15, Image 15
t m-i0 mJtlm Wednesday, november 15, 1978 daily nebraskan page 15 yonrcolf want ads 103 MUSK is no big deal. life a port Even so, many women refuse to check their breasts for fear of finding a lump. What they don't understand is that 80 of all lumps are not cancer. But if they are, the earlier the diagnosis and treatment, the better the chances of cure. If breast self examination is not a regular part of living for you, contact your doctor .or your local American Cancer Society Unit for information. And remember, you don't check your breasts to find lumps, but to find out you're alright. American Cancer Society tub sna oarawtni a thi publishes as a pobuc sana Brandies Gateway Hair Salon welcomes Jack, a haircutting expert, formerly of Ben Simons to their staff. Stu dents mention this ad for a 20 discount on hair service. it - wlifrin It makes you proud, doesn't it, to get this far in school? A lot of people can't make it. But you made it. And because you did we know you're going to make the best of it. To go all the way on your own. To be someone special. But if you're still undecided about what comes next, we can help. Financially, as well as helping you get started with opportunities leading to travel, service and good paying jobs after graduation. Contact our office, TODAY! Room 104 M & I! Building 472-S475 N VY AND N A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates: Regular classified ad 10 centswdday $1 minday individual & student ads $2 minday - commer cial ads Classified Display $3col. inch Deadline 1 p.m. day before pub lication No refunds on pre-paid ads. No responsibility as sumed for more than one incorrect insertion. City Campus Rm. 34 Nebraska Union 472-1761 r One male and one female Missouri ticket. 475-9403. WHY-RENT? 8" B&W port able TV, $25. WHY RENT? Frigidaire refrigerator-freezer 20" x 20", 30" high. Holds twice as much as "dorm" refrigerator. $55offer. 475 6743. Keep trying! 1 female student ticket for Missouri game for sale. Call 475 0990 evenings. Al NIKKOR 55mm F1.2 used. Call 474-1911 after 6 p.m. Price negotiable. Must sell by the 1st. 1970 Buick Skylark, 56,000 miles, very nice, excellent con dition. 475-7069, $1500 or best offer. 1964 Chevrolet Malibu Classic. Excellent condition. $150. Call Pat. 435-8235. Speakers with 12 inch woofer and horn midrange- tweeter. Top quality. $175 pr. 472-8900. CLOSEOUT MATTRESS SETS Will liquidate full truck load of nationally advertised bedding. Will sell as complete sets includ ing mattress and box founda tion. Twin size $59.95. Full size $69.96, Queen size $89.95 or terms. FREIGHT SALES CO. 226 So. 9th Lincoln Warehouses in Nebr. and Iowa SHAG CARPET 2 pieces red and silver. After 6 p.m. Mike 483-5893. rui LnJ JUULraUvl mabim: corps college programs Brand new won as a prize Quasar cassette video recorder. Look and make offer. Retail cost was $750. Call 488-1212. Desperation sale: Kenwood KA-7100 amp. 60 watts D.C. Excellent condition. Best offer over $125 this week. 488 2547. 200 watt Earth Bass Amp with folded horn. $350. 477 5538. Marantz receiver 2235 $230, LS-1500 turntable $100, large Advents walnut (pair) $210, component $500, SAE XXXI B power amp 50 rms, 472-9734 or 474-4582. Pictures of Bob Dylan in concert sharp and close. 472 9734. Canon F.T., 3-lens, stand strobe. Pho. 423-0333 after 4:30 p.m. New ladies long wintercoat size 13. Reasonable. Call 477 8216 evenings. BASSETT CLOSEOUT FURNITURE We have just purchased 2 car loads of Bassett closeout bed room and dining room furni ture. This is all Oak finish. Bassett solid oak table with 1 leaf now $119.95. This is all closeout stock. Save over 50. Open to public 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. 10-6 Sat.. 12-5 Sun. FREIGHT SALES CO. 226 So. 9th Lincoln Warehouses in Nebr. and Iowa JVC AL-20 turntable with QLM 36 Mark III cartridge. 4 months old, still under warranty First $100. Call 472-9402 be tween 7-11 p.m. M.G.B. Roadster- Think of next spring $325, negotiable. 423-8245 after 6 p.m. 821 2854 weekends. 1978 Kawasaki KZ 200, $600 or best offer, 472-3537. Klipsch Cornwalls. Excellent condition. $900pr. 423-4064. Ask for Mark. 26 gallon aquarium complete set-up. $75 or offer. Tom 489 0713. STANDARD OFFICE TYPEWRITERS Daily Nebraskan has the following typewriters to sell: Six- Olivetti Linea 88, Standard, Elite. These were purchased new in August, 1974. Selling "as is" for $77.40 each or best offer. Six- Olympia, Standard model SG-3N, Pica, and Elite available. These were "used" machines when acquired by the D.N. several years ago. Selling "as is" for $50 each or best offer. To see, contact Jerri, 34 Nebraska Union. 1400 R, noon to five daily. Manual turntable, new cart ridge; $50. Stereo cassette deck, many features; $60. Also, kitchen dinnette, 2 chairs; $15 Recliner; $20. Call after 5 p.m. 435-7561 . BUY SELL TRADE Old records and tapes at TRADE-A-TAPE and COMIC CENTER 1127 P St. Ladies vanity dresser, chair and large round mirror. Best offer. 432-2541. FOR SALE-12x60 Belle vista Mobile Home in excellent condition. New furnace, water heater. Appliances included, ac. Located only short distance from campus. $5500, price negotiable. Available immediat ely. 472-1762 or 423-1464. Olefin! Now renting large choice lots. Choice of family or adult section 2S01 North 1st 435-6633 Unfurnished house, three bedroom, dishwasher, 5 minutes north of city campus. $325mo. Call 475-6144. 3832 No. 20th. New 2 bedroom units, Southwest 10th. $210 utilities CENTURY 21 WESTERN 474-5727 Large 1 bedroom duplex, Near campus. $135 utilities. CENTURY 21 WESTERN 474-5727 or 488-6510 Party House on 5 secluded acres, close in, paved road, 30 x 60 building, 2 baths and bar, $75day, 474-9449. New 2 bedroom - fireplace, shower, dishwasher and disposal Unfurnished, $225 per mo. Close to campus. 477-6574, 464-8926. Efficiency apartment, furnished. $90. 738 N 25th (25th & Vine) Ready now. 466 6677. 4 Week Tried For All Fittings 3200 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 3200 O STREET 4751030 Complete Frame Selection for Your Eyeglass Needs MS' BROWN PALACE INC. Vacancies are now being filled for second semester. Room & Board: $120month. 1900 B St. or phone 432-3583. Aim Full time teller position available immediately. Citizen State Bank. Phone 466-2345. earn a month for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time donate plasma You may save a life' It's easy and relaxing. Be a twice-a-week regular. $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses this ad worth $5 extra New donors only. Phone for appointment Lincoln 2021 X)' St. jjEvery Wednesday? I Might J 81 AO Pitchers J J 30 Draws j International Contact Lens l J Y I m. - - - - r w m Part-time work available after 4:30 p.m. weekdays, 3-4 hoursday cleaning production machinery. Apply in person to Weaver Potato Chip Company, 1600 Park Center Rd. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE Earn $76week part-time. $215week full-time in delivery and display, must have car and be sports minded. Scholarships available, call Friday only 8 a.m. -1 p.m. 423-2469. $10.0 Plasma Corp. 474-2335 Softlens Gas Permeable Wetflex Conventional Bifocals i