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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1978)
friday, October 27, 1978 page 2 daily nebraskan Ground-based missiles may be airborne Washington -The Carter administration is studying a plan to fly missiles around in planes and periodically land them to place them in firing positions on the ground in an effort to with stand surprise attack, de fense officials report. datelines The airborne missile ap proach is among several pro posals designed to ensure this country's ability to launch land-based intercon tinental missiles in the 1980's even if under attack. The proposal would re quire about 200 transport planes to keep new mobile missiles airborne, plus an es timated 100 space airplanes. The missile carrying air craft could be scattered among thousands of existing U.S. airports, said the offi cial, who declined to be named. The air transport is the alternative to the "shell game approach" in which about 200 missiles would be mounted on trucks and fre quently moved among 2,000 to 4,000 widely separated launching holes. Technical experts esti mate each plan would cost between $20 billion and $30 billion to develop and put into effect. Administration officials believe the present force of 1,000 Minutemen land based missiles, sitting in fixed underground silos, will become vulnerable to sur prise Soviet attack by 1983 or 1984. Reaction Tel Aviv-The Israel Egyptian peace drive was shaken Thursday when Is rael announced it is streng thening existing Jewish settlements in the West Bank in apparent vexation at the United States, and Egypt said it may recall its Washington peace negotia tors for consultations. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance issued a statement in Washington saying the Car ter administration was "deeply disturbed" by the Israeli move, which he called a "very serious matter." Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan acknowledged that the settlement deci sions "make it more diffi cult" to reach final agree ment with Egypt in a peace treaty. Israeli government offi cials said the decision to ex pand Jewish settlements on the West Dank of the Jor dan River was made in angry reaction to statements made privately by Assistant Secretary of State Harold Saunders over the future of the Palestinean populated zone. Impediment Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev's difficulties with speech and other functions 05 tS3i!i?4 WORRIED YOUR FUTURE ? Representatives from the following companies will be available to discuss career opportunities with you: The companies and agencies are as follows: A & L Midwest Agricultural Labs Agricultural Stabilization & conservation Service Conservation & Survey Conklin Co. Deere & Company Elanco Products Co. Dow Chemical Co. Farmers National Co. Federal Land Bank of Omaha FMC Corporation Land O Lakes KRVN Radio NC Hybrids Nebraska Bankers Association Nebraska Game & Parks Commission Production Credit Association State Department of Vocational Education Stauffer Chemical Co. Wheelers Stores E.I. Nov. 1 10 30 a.m.- 6 p.m. Nebraska East Union Great Plains Room Allied Chemical Corp. CIBA-GEIGY Cooperative Extension Service Chevron Chemical Co. DEKALB Ag Research Inc. PuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc. Farmers Home Administration Farmland Industries First National Bank & Trust Co. of Lincoln Hormel & Co. Lincoln Parks & Recreation Monsanto National Agri-Marketing Association Nebraska Farm Bureau Nebraska Nursery Association Servi-Tech Inc. Soil Conservation Service TUCO - Upjohn Sponsored by Ag Advisory Board, Alpha Zeta. and College of Agriculture are hindering U.S. and Soviet negotiators in their efforts to reach the new strategic arms limitation agreement, the London Times reported Thursday. The newspaper said Brezh nev's health has become so uncertain that Western ob servers believe he is no longer capable of serious ne gotiations. Correspondent Charles Douglas Home wrote: "The Americans recognize that, while the Soviet leader is still able to stick closely to a brief, if the brief is on the table in front of him, he is virtual ly uncapable now to deviate from it, or show any spon taneous flexibility." calendar 8 a.m.-5 pjn.-I.E.S. for eign student advisors, rooms 202 and 203 12 Noon-I.E.S. advisors luncheon, room 242-243 1 p.m -Muslim Student Association, room 337 2 p.m.-Vice Chancellor's task force on Nebraska Un ions, South Conference Room. p.m. - Student on Health, room' short stuff There still are a few spaces left on the one-day Kansas City Tour, Thursday Nov. 1 . Visit the Nelson Art Gallery or the Kansas City Art Institute and shop in the Country Club Plaza. Cost is $18. For details and reservations contact Flights & Study Tours, Nebraska Union 345,472-3264. Tune in today at 3 pjn. for "Flipside" on KZUM, 893 FM. The University Program Council-East Recreation Committee is sponsoring a trap shoot at 4 pjn. today at the Lincoln Gun Club. Pre-register at the East Union North 40 Desk. The Lincoln hair stylists and cosmetologists will sponsor a Muscular Dys trophy Style-A-Thon from 9 ajn. to 5 p.m. Sunday and Monday at the College of Hair Design, 11 and M Streets. RHA and Harper 8 are sponsoring a residence hall wide Trivia Bowl to raise funds for AUF. Entry forms are available at all hall desks. First prize is $52.83. The UNL Horticulture Club is sponsoring a pumpkin-carving contest for UNL students, faculty and staff Monday. Entries will be taken from 4:30 pjn. to 7 pjn. in the East Union Great Plains Room. 2:30 Council 216 3:30 p.m fairs staff room 343 Booth's - Fraternity 2A-Beta Theta Pi 3A-Alpha Gamma Sigma 4A-Committee for Facts on Vietnam - Student af development, 1A - Acacia daily nebraskan Publication No. 144080 Editor in chief: Carla Engstrom. Managing editor: Betsie Am nions. News editor: Tamara Lee. Associate news editors: E.K. Casaccio and John Minnick. Night news editor: John Ortmann. Layout editor: Liz Beard. Entertainment editor: Casey McCabe. Sports editor: Jim Kay. Photography chief: Ted Kirk. Art director: Jack Raglin. Magazine editor: Amy Lenzen. Magazine managing editor: Mary Jo Howe. Copy editors: Jill Denning, Deb Emery, Kim Hachiya, Lynn Paustian, Sue Schaecher, Deb Shanahan, Margaret Stafford, George Wright and Jeff Unger. Business Manager, Jerri Haussler. Peoduction Manager: Kitty Policky. Advertising Manager: Denise Jordan. Assistant Adver tising Manager: Pete Huestis. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during fall and spring semesters, except during vacations. Address: Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68588. Telephone: 472-2588. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68501. WE until you know the issues and the candidates! the special election issue coming Monday in the Daily Nebraskan! Sunday Late Night Special $11 30 SAVE Reg. 12" Pizza w2 items & 2 COKES ONlY$4. tax incl. Remember to order cokes. 475-7672 1 fast free cfef very VALID AFTER 9 P.M. SUNDAYS ONLY KRANCHISED AREA ONLY