thursday, October 28, 1978 daily nebraskan i Annual Fall WINE Come in and shop at N-Street Drive-in, Nebraska's largest liquor, wine and beer store. Shop where the price is right. Your keg headquarters. Lots of free parking. Prices good thru November 1 , 1978. Entire stock of Wines, except red tag specials are 10 off. 15 Mogan David Wines Concord, Blackberry, Cherry, Rose CM 59 Paul Masson Rhine Castle 25.4 oz. PGaa Almaden Mt.wines Burgundy, Rhine, Chablis, Claret Nectar, Chianti, Sauterne MatetlS Rose S2.oa . ffiO 99 WIE Chateau Reynier 50.7 oz. Carlo RoSSi Mt. Wines Burgundy, Chianti, Vin Rose, Pink Chablis, Sangria Gal. $3b Alberti Lambtusco C&S 99 Estate Bottlec 50.7 oz. HiSa 1976 Vintage 25 oz. 2a Riunite Lambrusco Red, White Rosato Ulllman HB Wiltinger Schargberg HMUmmm Spatlese 1976 Vintage Red Bordeaux 1975 Vintage lO 99 Bereich Bernkastel Riesling 1977 Vintage Dillman 24.7 oz. Zeller Schwarze Katz Riesling 1977 Vintage CM 99 23.5 oz. Martini Rossi Asti Spumante 25.4 oz. P CfiC 39 9 Carlo Rossi Mt. Chablis, Rhine S3-49 OgHCD AH 17 Harvey's Bristol cream 25 oz 101 oz. &-s 12 pak Budweiser warm ggo) 09 Cans Old Milwaukee warm by the case 24 cans 99 9 Schlitz warm $ : 24 cans by the case 49 Mr. & Mrs. T Bloody Mary Qts. Liebfraumilch 23oz.3IIb Jacques Scott Beaujalois Villages Dillmann cfiO 99 Si J? 99 23.5 o.. Real Sangria S9 49 Chateau Barji ' Chavin Sautfrnp $2. 99 2 99 23.5 oz. jumeau Jacques Scott Rose D- Anjou C&O 39 33.8 oz. 23.5 oz. B & G Beaujolais St. Louis 24 oz. Scampe Soave SO 99 B Weingut Louis Guntrum Niersteiner Paterburg Rulander Auslese Vintage 1971 Chavin Sauterne 15 235 oz. MWa May Wine gg I Wehlener Sonnenur AO Kabinett Riesling 93 Vintage 1973 23 oz. 23 oz. Piesporter Michelsberg Vintage 1377 LIQUOR 23.7 oz. 2. OPO Popov Vodka 49 Qts. Old Crow Party Size 59.2 02. 7." Barclay's Whiskey 99 ( i Cutty Sark Case $101.49 fc0 Qts. Case $47.29 Kahlua 23o,S769 Cabin Still Patty Size 592 oz. 99 mmmmmmmmmmf m - GEGD CD I Canadian Deluxe 99 Qt. B & L Scotch Party Size 592 oz. I7" Fleischmann's Gin 99 Qt. Phillips Schnapps CSSt 99 Case $45.29 Kessler Qts. v.. .. page 9 4." 59 69