The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1978, Page page 16, Image 16
Wednesday, October 11, 1978 page 16 daily nebraskan Wanted: 3 Nebraska-Kansas State general admission tickets. 475-8024. One female student ticket for K-State game. 339-7899, collect, evenings, Omaha. Needed: 1 male ticket for the K -State game. Call 475-8929 from 6:30-9 p.m. Ask for Kevin. Wanted: Two tickets to Colorado game, preferably to gether. 472-8195 or 472-8883. Tickets to the Colo. game. Price negotiable. Call 467-1583. Need 4 general admission tickets to Kansas State. 475-1946 or 474-9238. Will pay $150 for number 265 in the Safeway game. Call between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., 435-7382. Wanted: Tickets to CU-NU football game. Call 472-9044 or 472-0016. Need 1 male ticket for Okla homa game. Call Helen 464-4306. jjCsigJiVlFitsIB Serious-minded working stu dent seeking mature non-smoking male or female roommate to share large 2 bedroom luxurious apartment 5 blocks from campus on Vine. Features separate bathrooms, reserved parking, large rooms, fully carpeted. $115 utilities. Call Steve at 432-0409 or 432 1465. Female roommate needed to share 3-bedroom apartment in Belmont area. Call Janet 467 3585 days. Need female roommate to share 3 bedroom townhouse at Charleston Courts. Call 472-1758 ask for Becky or call 464-6872 after 5 p.m. Female roommate wanted to share large 2 bedroom apart ment in nice older house. $92.50mo. utilities. Call Sue 472-3119 days. Wanted serious student to jhare 2 bedroom apartment. $100 utilities. 435-1682. John C. and Mike O., Bakery special today. Prince Charming and the Long-distance Angel LOVE A HAM! They can supply a full gallon. The Hams on Abel Six Hey Mickey, Stop by the Alpha Xi Delta House and pick up some friends for a Ricky Frat Rat Party at the annex. Willard Good luck to homecoming finalist Lori Hansen from the Chi O-s. I , t earn$10,0 a month for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time donate plasma You may save a life! It's easy and relaxing. Be a twice-a-week regular $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses this ad worth $5 extra New donors only Phone for appointment Lincoln Plasma Corp. 2021 O St. 474 - 2335 Congratulations to ADPI Peppy Pledge Deb Sougeyl Michelle, Happy belated 21st to a terrific roomie! Barb, Vickl, Susie Jenny, l.m so glad you're my pledge Mom. Thanks for the Fuzzle and my pledge paddle. You're my favorite. I'm looking forward to the years to come, with you and our Alpha XI Delta sisters. Love, Your pledge daughter, Sandie Snake, May all your dreams come true. Hope you have one of the happiest birthdays. Lizard Linda, Have a very Happy Birth day, and remember you're the Gray-Test. Love, Tom Wild Beaver, Well, I evaded the posse once again. So now I can say thanks for making the last 3 months and 17 days a pleasure. Have a very Happy Birthday (a lot of emphasis). Love, Crazy Indian Deb S., You're a welcome addition to the family. Big Sis Judy Need a red shirt for the homecoming game? Contact a Beta Sigma Psi pledge 435 7251 and help CAN THE CATS To the "RANK" Royal Fans of the NU Marching Red: With 2 big hits in Game No. 1, the Royals were really tough Thurman came through in Game No. 3; he & Reggie were more than enough. It was the Goose, Craig, & Roy in Game No. 4 and things are lookin' so good. Yes, the Yanks are the Champs (that's 3 in a row) just like I told you they would. Signed The "Pin-Striped" Kolala P'S' Hey Al-Now what's blue & hangs in a corner? Pick, Hope you had a Happy Birthday. Miss seeing you. Pool PS Ruffus and Knip miss ya too 1001 Uses Wash your car, line your bird cage strangle your little brother, OR wear it to the game. Buy a CAN THE CATS t-shirt from a Beta Sigma Psi pledge. 435-7251 . Janene, Sorry but the paper doesn't come out on Sunday, so here's a belated Happy Birthday. Doug CAN THE CATS Janet Bates: Good luck for Homecoming Queen! Your Towne Club Sisters CAN THE CATS Lorl Hansen- You'd make a great HOME COMING QUEENI Good Luck. Your Fans Interested in playing ice hockey this winter. Call 475 9333. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the dedicated musician from beginner to pro fessional. Original finger styles are our specialty. $7.5014 hour. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 Pledge $ to AG MEN'S "Run to the Rockies for A.U.F. 550 mile Football relay From Lincoln to Boulder Call 464-0228 Any student with a cumula tive 3.75 GPA at the end of their freshman year last spring who has not received an in vitation to join Alpha Lambda Delta should contact Molly Cunningham in 108 Adminis tration by Friday. FLIGHTS & STUDY TOURS winterim charter to EUROPE; $359 round-trip air fare. Register now! 345 NE Union, 472-3264. Brandeis college night is coming, watch for details! Finish your language re quirement in Germany, France or Spain this winter. Experience the language and culture. Flights & Study Tours, 345 NE Union, 472-3264. So you don't want to ski Austria, ski Copper Mountain with UNL Ski Club. Oct. 18 meeting for details and sign up at Knights of Columbus Hall, 62nd and South, 8 p.m. Earn credit in Geography this winterim. Extensive surface travel in Europe emphasizing man: relationships as expressed in the visible features in the cul tural landscape. Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472 3264. Pregnant? Birthright is a con fidential helping hand, 477-8021. Roommate problems, Dating & Sexuality, Loneliness, Depression, and Stress: Are these problems getting to you? The "Seminar on Living" may be what you need. Begins Oct. 23. For more information come to 117 Nebraska Union or call 472-2584. Brandeis college night is coming, watch for details! Going abroad? Overseas Opportunities Center has info for you, 345 NU. WANT TO AIRLINE ATTENDENT? will keep you Skyline, 1515 Suite 727NE. 89109 for FR TION. FLY AS AN FLIGHT Our Newsletters updated. Write E. Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV EE INFOR MA- FREE tickets for two. BOB DYLAN Row 18 main floor, to reg ister buy a DYLAN T-SHIRT or any other T-shirt EXPRESSIONS On 14th between "P" & "Q" mm mm mm ft; DISCO DANCING Touch and free-style. Classes now forming for November. LINCOLN DANCE CENTER 540 North 48th 466-3165 or 423-6912 Are you ready for the up coming election? Come hear Gina Dunning and Kandra Hahn at WomenSpeak on Wednesday at noon. Sponsored by the Stu dent Y. ART MAJORS: Visual Arts Committee (University Program Council) Is a good way for you to get experience In your field. Openings now. Apply In Room 203 Nebraska Union this week. Typing-1 5 years experience Evenings, 423-0077. TRAVELING DISCO SHOW Featuring-Tom Gray Portable disco system with DJ. Available for parties (toga or otherwise, wedding receptions or dances). Well travel anywhere. Call 483-6600. Professional B&W grad school, engagement or resume pictures. 15$5. John, 466 3015 after midnight, 477-3450 Brandeis College night is coming, watch for details! Get your truck lookin' good with custom accessories from Scranton MFG. (Running boards grill protectors-side rails and more). Area Dealer, 470-3154. ENGLISH STYLIST: RE SEARCH' WRITING. All fields, lengths. Confidential. Dr. Brown, Portfolios Limited, Box 901 -K, Alpine, CA 92001 . (714) 445-5944. THESIS? Rinko's makes library-quality copies. Low cost. Free collat ing. On 13th Street, half block from Love Library. Phone 475 copy. niiismfi mm ACROSS I Enthralled S Become liable to 10 Clothes-closet culprit 14 S-shaped curve 15 Running knot IS Air 17 Bizarre IS Musial or Kenton 20 Sailor's eating implements 21 Prevents, in law 23 Chinese money of account 24 Fabric often worn by brides 25 On the boat 28 Prophesy 31 Dims 32 Not soggy, as a cookie 33 Small ape 14 Boaters and beanies 35 Games man 36 Pelt 37 Nobelist for peace: 1949 38 Decreases 39 Pickle flavoring 40 Walters' partner 42 Made a systematic search 43 Relative of "yum-yum!" 44 Gaucho's cattle catcher 45 Disburses 47 Quality of eiderdown 51 Kind of curtain 52 Beyond reason 54 Rake 55 Didn't move a muscle LADIES CENTER OF OMAHA ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU INC. Call us toll free 1-800-523-5350 Non Profit Org. '120 So. 41 St. Omaha Let Disco Duck Ltd. enter tain at your next party or dance. Your place or ours. For more info call booking agent at 423-8550. CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOC. Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 4354045. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1 for your 356-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Re search. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097-B Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 (213)477-8226. nTlTTITlJilyiHiixiig Meet the Candidates! Congressional Candidates Doug Bereuter and Hess Dyas will DEBATE Monday, Oct. 16th 3:30 p.m., Main Lounge, Neb. Union. FREE ADMISSION INTO UNCLE SAM'S. Wear a CAN THE CATS t-shirt and get into SAM'S FREE all week. Buy from a Beta Sigma Psi pledge. 435-7251. Nebraska's Internationally Acclaimed NEOCLASSIC JAZZ ORCHESTRA In Concert Featuring SAXOPHONE SUPERSTAR DON MENZA Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1978 8 p.m. O'Donnel Auditorium 50th & Huntington Lincoln, NE Tickets available at Dirt Cheap Brandeis Ticket Centers and at the door. Advance tickets $4, tickets at the door-$4.50 Any student with a cumula tive 3.75 GPA at the end of their freshman year last spring who has not received an invi tation to join Alpha Lambda Delta should contact Molly Cunningham in 108 Adminis tration by Friday. 56 Elan; ardor 10 Pasty form of 36 Refine; make 57 PartofSEATO cement gentle 58 Not as many 11 In a vulnerable 38 Brassie or 59 Hence spot driver 12 Lobster pot 39 QB Jones's rtAuKi 13 Fritz's brother team powll 18 Substitutes for 41 "Bright Star" 1 Cat-swinger's gelatins by Keats is one need 22" lively!" 42 Treasure chest 2 The shakes 24 Smirches 44 Firewater 3 Fido and Spot, 25 Detest 45 Address at e.g. 26 Trumpet toot court 4 Communication 27 Flagrant 46 Malayan craft satellites 28 Barbecue 47 Lade 5 "A friend candidate 48 Bavarian river ..." 29 "Rain" 49 Dance step of 6 Knobby character the 30's 7 Coconut fiber 30 Drift so Capital of 8 Seagoing initials 32 N.Y. island Manche 9 Practice a role 35 "No touching!" 53 Noun suffix 1 I I I Is ! p 8 i I 110 111 1 12 13 M 75 16 - - ; ' 2S 26 27 -"" 2lT" 29 30 31 "32 mmm- M " 35 J 40 41 ,T 45 IT" 4 JT 50 " rtfr " y RAYMOND THREE IS AVAILABLEI For Information, call Sheila 472-9367 afternoons & evenings. Medical Careers Christian Fellowship meeting: Thursday, Oct. 12, 7:30 p.m.. Agape House, 17th and "Q". Ski Nebraska? Hell NO, Ski Australia. For details, UNL Ski Club meeting Oct. 18 Kngihts of Columbus 62nd and South, 8 p.m. LESBIAN RAP GROUP Invites women to a discussion of a documentary film about lesbians and gay men. "Word Is Out" Is a landmark movie for human rights In general and for gay liberation In particular. These are real people, full of flaws and feelings and frustra tions and hope, and they are absolutely magnificent." The film will be at Sheldon Oct. 12, 13 8t 14. Discussion Sat. Oct. 14 at 11:15 p.m. at UMHECommonplace, 14th and R. Win a trip to Colorado. For details attend the Circle K Club Meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 7 pn. South Con ference Room, Nebraska Union. Trap ffi ffrfRil ajKwwwC WBPr "Bswssspew REWARD-For the complete works of Shakespeare, Pelican Ed. Taken from Taco Inn, 10578. Reward. 483 4615. Lost: Opal ring in room 302 of Teachers College. If found, please call 472-9170. Reward. 30' drinks for ladies Wednesday night 7:30 - Close crossword puzzle Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA