The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1978, Page page 2, Image 2

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daily nebraskan
friday, September 29, 1978
His miracle cure leads
evangelist to make tours
"I'm a born again Christian. My whole
family is born again and I'm proud of it,"
evangelist Ray Sorenson said. The 44-year-old
former Nebraskan has a long list
of reasons for his spiritual work.
In 1960, Sorenson said he was afflicted
by rheumatoid arthritis of the lower back.
His condition worsened anu in 1970 he was
hospitalized with what he called a
mysterious disease.
Doctors from Rochester, N.Y. and the
Mayo Clinic decided his ailment was the
four known types of arthritis all occurring
at once, he said, and nothing could be
done about it.
He became an addict to his medication
because of severe pain and he was sent to
a convalescent hospital.
"I was sitting there in the wheelchair
when the Lord spoke to me," Sorenson
said. "He helped me to realize that he
could heal me. I called the pastor of the
church I was attending, and he came and
got me out over the weekend. I went to a
service. The power of God came over me.
He so empowered me that I jumped
up shouting."
Cured on the spot
He was cured on the spot, he said.
"The doctors couldn't believe it.
They thought I had flipped because of the
heavy medication, that I had had a bad
experience, a hallucination. They thought
I was faking it, and gave me every test
there was. The doctors never said that
God had healed me, but they had to
face reality and admit that I was cured."
"After the Lord did all this, I couldn't
keep quiet," he said. For three years
Sorenson has been touring across Iowa,
Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexi
co, and California as an evangelist. For
eight months out of the year, he holds
Called reverend
Sorenson earned the title of reverend
after studying with the Assembly of God
Correspondence School.
He has written two books telling
of his experiences. They are Key to God 's
Great Miracle Power and Believe and
Receive. Currently he uses the books
in his own work, but he hopes to have
them published within the next year.
At a typical meeting Sorenson speaks
for half an hour. He said the Lord tells
him of a certain person's needs and he
calls that person from the audience, tells
him of these needs, and helps him to ful
fill them. The meeting ends with prayers
for the sick.
"Ours is a faith ministry. We build
people's faith to where God can help
Sorenson said he has not always been a
Christian. During his youth in Ansley,
Neb., he said, he belonged to two gangs
and drank heavily.
After an experience with the Lord
that made him quit drinking and with
the help of a girlfriend, he became a
Christian at age 22.
Sorenson will conduct an evening
meeting at 7:30 tonight, at the Christian
Life Fellowship at Kearney and 70th
, 'foi,J f ' .,
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Piotoby Mark Billingstey
Born again Christian Ray Sorenson will speak tonight at the Christian Life Fellow
ship at Kearney and 70th streets. Sorenson said he was cured of a mysterious disease
on the spot during a church service.
9 ajn.-5 p.m.-UPC
Visual Arts-Art Print Sale,
Main Lounge
9:30 a jn. Psychology
department, room 202
1 pjn.- Muslim Student
Association, room 202
1 p.m.-CAP staff
development, room 203
1:30 pjn Academic
planning committee, room
2 pjn .-Task Force on
Nebraska Unions, room 216
7 p.m. Muslim Student
Association, room 337
Foreign Films
daily nebraskan
Publication No. 14480
Editor in chief: Carla Engstrom. Managing editor: Betsie Am
nions. News editor: Tamara Lee. Associate news editors: E.K.
Casaccio and John Minnick. Night news editor: John Ortmann.
Layout editor: Liz Beard. Entertainment editor: Casey McCabe.
Sports editor: Jim Kay. Photography chief: Ted Kirk. Art
director: Jack Raglin. Magazine editor: Amy Lenzen. Magazine
managing editor: Mary Jo Howe.
Copy editors: Jill Denning, Deb Emery, Kim Hachiya, Lynn
Paustian, Sue Schaecher, Deb Shanahan, Margaret Stafford,
George Wright and Jeff linger.
Business Manager, Jerri Haussler. Peoduction Manager: Kitty
Policky. Advertising Manjger: Denise Jordan. Assistant Adver
tising Manager: Pete Huestis.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications
Board on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during fall
and spring semesters, except during vacations.
Address: Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R
streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68588. Telephone: 472-2588.
Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to
the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copywright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68501.
LUNCH - Sandwiches, Pizza and
other fine natural
foods $225
DINNER - Always 3 Entrees, Soup
and Salad, Breads
and Desserts $350
11 am-9 pm
3822 Normal Blvd.
short stuff
The Physical Education
Professional Fraternity is
holding a Pioneer Park
fun-run at 9 a.m. Sunday in
Pioneer Park.
The United Church of
Christ is sponsoring the
movie "The Gospel Road"
sung and narrated by
Johnny Cash at 7 p.m. Sun
day at 801 "B" St.
The Lincoln Gay Com
munity and the Nebraska
Civil liberties Union is
sponsoring a lecture by gay
rights activist, Barbara
Gittings on "Gay Libera
tion: What Every Hetero
sexual Should Know",
Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in the
First Plymouth Church,
20th &'D' Street.
The Student Y is spon
soring a group talk on male
female relationships at
11:30 ajn. Monday in the
Nebraska Union. Room
number will be posted.
Vacation College Afloat
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In cooperation with the University of Colorado, itinerary
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