The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1978, Ad lib, Page page 3, Image 19
thursday, September 21, 1978 ad lib page 3 Area blues artists finding relief in Boehmers efforts music news EVENING 740 7:15 7J8 " S j - Pimm m& . :'" " I Photo by Ted Kirk Guitarist Sean Benjamin cooks up some hot licks with Little Jimmy Valentine and The Heart Mur murs. Bass player Larry Boehmer says the Heart Murmurs are one of the few bands that have played exclusive rythm and blues. ByTViike Schmoldt Lincoln's reputation as a rhythm and blues outlet has been grwing ever since a certain blues lover came to town in 1965. Larry Boehmer, 31 -year-old owner of the Zoo Bar, a blues musician himself, says that through a slow process Lincoln has become an attractive place to play for many of the well-known Chicago blues bands. "Through the Zoo, we've been trying to familiarize people with the blues and (interest) has been building," Boehmer said. "It's to the point where we can book blues bands just about every weekend and there's an audience for it." According to Boehmer, his meeting with bluesman Bob Riedy in Chicago three years ago was a big break for people who wanted to see nationally recognized bands playing the Zoo. He said he arranged for Riedy to play here first and that other bands followed suit. Riedy may be considered a Chicago "contact" for Boehmer. He said Riedy acquainted him with other Chicago blues men and that he can contact him to find out what bands are available, how they are performing currently and other "inside" information. Some of the Chicago blues bands that have played the Zoo are led by men such as Luther Allison, Carey Bell, Mighty Joe Young, Magic Slim, Lonnie Brooks and J.B. Hutto. "The Zoo is more like Chicago blues clubs than other places on these people's tours," Boehmer claims. "That's why they're more comfortable here. 1 think they also find the audience receptive to rhythm and blues." Boehmer said he started working at the Zoo in 1973, later managed the club and then became its owner. He has a master's degree in painting, but said he turned down a teaching offer in order to devote time and energy to working in the local blues scene and making the Zoo a recognizable blues outlet. If reports from Paris are true, he has succeeded in making the Zoo recognizable. In Paris, where Boehmer says blues musi cians are made into stars the way rock musicians are in the U.S., Zoo T-shirts have become extremely popular. "That's what we hear, anyway," he said. Boehmer notes that since he has been in Lincoln, there has always been at least one local band that plays rhythm and blues exclusively. Today, according to Boehmer, that band is his own Little Jimmy Valentine and the Heart Murmurs. Boehmer, a short, bearded man with curly hair, currently plays bass with the band and does back-up vocals. He describes the most pleasurable musical experience he's ever had as "any time the whole band is working together as a tight unit and is cooking and the audience is responding." Boehmer has played with bluesmen Magic Slim, Carey Bell and J.B. Hutto here in Lincoln and at their homes in Chicago. Little Jimmy Valentine and the Heart Murmurs play blues standards by those men and others along with their own compositions, according to Boehmer. The blues have been a central part of his life since childhood, Boehmer said. In his opinion, there is something in the future bluesman that shows itself early in life and allows him to f 'develop the type of attitude that lends itself to the blues." When asked to define that attitude, Boehmer said "it's. . .a feeling. You can't get too definitive about it." 8:00 fl DICK VAN DYKE SHOW ti HOGAN'S HEROES f jKWOMAN C3 UFE AROUND US 6:30 f O ADAM 12 f 1 MARY TYLER MOORE II TO TELL THE TRUTH WILD KINGDOM 'Moose Trim 3 THURSDAY MAGAZINE today's Woman' MACNE&. LEHRER fan m av flrll CD NEWLYWED GAME fl WANTED DEAD OR AUVE U O PROJECT U.F.O. A charter boat la rammed by a UFO and a marina biologist la mysteriously found unconscious on a stretch of beach unmarked by tracks or footprints. Stars: Edward Winter. (Season Premiere; 60 mlns.) OO MORK AND MfNDY Mork, too different from earthllngs to go out on his own, moves Into the attic of Mlndy's apartment over the opposition of her outraged father. O THE WALTONS Mary Ellen and Erin decide to take an apartment In Charlottesville to be closer to school end work The Iris' venture leaves John and Ivta melancholy as they watch their family apllnter Into different directions beginning wrm jonrv Boy's move to New York and later, grandpa's death. (Season Premiere; 2 hrs.) O THE JEFFERSONS George goes wild when Louise reveals the bare facts about her new an class and he discovers that much more than the truth has been exposed. (Season Premiere) O WILD WORLD OP ANIMALS Tigers Of Kanha' g UNO SCENE TIC T AC DOUGH OCHARLBTSPAO Q MOVIE -WESTERN)V The vanquished" 1651 John Payne. Jan Sterling An ex-confederate 8 officer returns as a spy to un cover the truth about tha crooked dealings of the town's civic ad ministrator. (2 hrs.) O WHAT'S HAPPENING!! srun enters a disco contest and raises the money he needs by selling e percentage of his winnings to 'investors,' but gets carried away and sells too many shares In himself. (Season Premiere) LULLABIES TO LIBERATION The Loving Woman' O MAVERICK SPORTS 1 JOKER'S WILD 8:00 tj O QUINCY Cvincy finds himself In s Hfe-or-death race to Isolate a mysterious poison that has already claimed two lives and poses a deadly threat to his best friend, Sam Fujiyama, as well. (Season Premiere; 60 mlns.) O O BARNEY MILLER When a young woman breaks Into a man's bathhouse to confront her missing father after a 28-year search, hla refusal to admit ha s her father adds to a commotion that lands them both In the 12th precinct statJonhouse. S3 BACKYARD FARMER a MOVIE -(DRAMA)"." "My eet Charlie' 1170 Patty Duke. Al Freeman Jr. A white unwed mother and a black New York lawyer are thrown together m an abandoned house In rural Texas. (2 hrs.) 6 30 O O SOAP The glittering wedding of Danny Dallas and Elaine LefkowKz ta climaxed by a startling announcement from the bride's mobster father. C3 ELIZABETH R The En terprise Of England' (90 mina.) M0QO W.E.B. Ellen Cunningham risks her career when she casts her best Mend In the starring role of an Important Trans Atlantic Broadcasting mlnisertes. and then discovers during filming thai the girt la very HI. Stars: Pamela Belhvood, Alex Cord. (Premiere. 60 mlns.) aO FAMILY Eleven-year-old nn Cummlngs Is Introduced as Annie Cooper, a precocious orphan who Joins the Lawrence family and creates tension by refusing all offers of affection, especially from Infuriated 'big sister Buddy. (Season Premiere; Q CD BARNABY JONES Bar naby, temporarily blinded by a grazing bullet wound, engages in a desperate battle of wits to save himself and a key murder witness from two trailing killers. (Season Premiere; 60 mina.) 11:35 CD FLASH GORDON 12.00 U O TOMORROW Host: Tom Snyder. Subject: New York's Studio 54. (60 mlns.) fl ANSWER IS LOVE m SERGEANT BILKO 12:15 fl NEWS 12:30 C3 GROUCHO 12:35 fl NEWS 14)0 O FOCUS "Ease On Down The Road," the first single from the soundtrack "The Wiz," has just been released, and, in ad dition to achieving "chartmaker" in Record World, re ceived the following review:. . ."Quincy Jones' produc tion of this first cut from the new soundtrack is flawless" . . .This certainly paves the way for all 23 songs on the double album set. "The Wiz" releases Sept. 18th with Charlie Small's award -winning score augmented by origi nal music from producer Quincy Jones and collabora tions from Ashford & Simpson. The talent on this album, in addition to Diana Ross and Michael Jackson, include Ted Ross and Mabel King, who recreate their Broadway roles, Nipsy Russell and, of course, "Q" (as he's known) who has worked for the past 16 monthes bringing "The Wiz" to disc form. Says "Q". ."For many years, people have been asking me, 'Quincy, what was your very first big assignment?' My answer is, "The Wiz." And what a cast! As Sidney says, 'No accidents there.' What a joy to have singers who could act! What a diversity of styles. From Lena Home to Diana Ross, to Richard Pryor to Ted Ross, to Michael Jackson (who just turned 19). Each artist had his own working way. Thelma Carpenter and Theresa Merritts' way was bringing their own brand of showbiz professionalism. We had to work around a variety of artists with different needs and capabilities. Nipsy, charmed his songs to pieces a stone cold pro, and Diana Ross, spelled S-T-A-R, gave up every drop; singing, dancing, and acting. She was singing a minor third higher than she's ever sung in her life. Diana Ross is probably the hardest working performer I've ever worked with and just as beautiful a person." Animal House Muck-Up In NYC. . .The party held fol lowing the New York premiere of "ANIMAL HOUSE," was a large scale version of the traditional college prank: How many morons can you stuff into one club? The answer: 2,031 of them crammed themselves into the Vil lage Gate on the hottest night of the summer. This was the first film premiere party of the year not held at Studio 54! The music, which held the evening together was pure rock 'n' roll, featuring performances by John Belushi, "Money," and Stephen Bishop, both of whom ap pear in the film and on the original motion picture soundtrack on MCA Records. The soundtracks' "Tossin' and Turnin'" was performed by the original vocalist, Bobbie Lewis, while Joey Dee brought down the house with "Shout." A fine coating of beer sludge on the floor aided the inexperienced twister. . .and if anyone was looking for Otis Day & The Knights, who performed "Shout" on the film, there were in for a surprise. Otis Day is two people: the man on screen is actor Dewayne Jessie, but the singer is Lloyd Williams who currently records with the group Undisputed Truth. The backing vocalists are Melvin Britt and Sidney Juston (also off screen) who have sung with many recording acts. The mas termind of it all is Mark Davis, producer of MCA's own Stargard, and writer of "Shama Lama Ding Dong," the most genuine 1962 r&b hit ever in 1978. Quick Hits And Hot Shots "Battlestar Galactica' premiered on ABC -TV September 17th as a three-hour special with a weekly series to follow. The soundtrack of this space adventure has just been released on MCA, of course The long awaited Skynyrd's First and. . .Last" has also been released. . .War returned to the Los Angeles concert stage after a five-year absence and received a proclamation of Los Angeles' Mayor Bradley. . .The late Keith Moon called the New York Times and asked for information on how he could be nominated for Pope. . . Until next time. 1:30 CD NEWS G) MOVIE -(DRAMA) My Sweet Charlie" 1870 Patty Duke, Al Freeman Jr. A white unwed mother and a black New York lawyer are thrown together in an abandoned house in rural Texas. (105 mlns.) O MARY HARTMAN, MARY HARTMAN 2:45 CD MOVIE -MYSTERY)" "Other Man" 1870 Joan Hackett, Roy Thinnes. A husband's disinterest propels a wife Into a clandestine affair with a stranger and at tempted murder is the outcome. (105 mlns.) DtCK VAN DYKE SHOW ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW UNTAMED WORLD 4:30 OD 5:00 CD 5:30 CD 6:30 f NEWS 16:00 fl SERGEANT BILKO OOOOOC3NEWS m DTCK GAVETT SHOW Guests: Comedy writers David Lloyd and Marshall Brlckman, Parti. 10:30 O MOVIE -WESTERN)" "The Horse Soldiers" 1858 John Wayne. William Holden. During the Civil War. the Yankees drive through the south to help speed a CMI War victory. (2 hrs.. 5 mlns.) O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Kenny Rogers, Jim Fowler, fl STARSKY AND HUTCH CJ HONEYMOONERS if BOB DEVANEY SHOW 9 CBS LATE MOVE 'MASH' Hawkeye and Trapper John receive e frightening Invitation to visit the Red Chinese m the combat zone. 'MoCtoud: The Man With The Golden Hat' Stars: Dennis Weaver, Jaclyn Smith. (R) EVENING AT POPS 'Noel Parent!' The dancer-mime expert performs his own choreography to Morton Gould's 'Concert for Tap Dancer and Orchestra' and a concerto In four movements, offering a. variety of im provisationai and formal styles. (60 mlns.) PI PSYCHOLOGY I STAR TREK Menagerie' Pt. (65 mina.) 11:00 O CBS LATE MOVE MASH Hawkeye and TrapK John receive a frightening lnvitatK.' to visit the Red Chinese in the combat zone. 'McCtoud: The Man With The Golden Hat' Stars Dennis Weaver, Jaclyn Smith (R) QtftONS-OE 11:30 U PTL PROGRAM x f teg . dew HAWAII FIVE-0 Post-hypnotic suggestion triggers three murders and Steve McGarrett finds himself embroiled in cloak-and-dagger activities as 'Hawaii Five O.' starring Jack Lord (pictured), returns to CBS-TV for its eleventh season on Thursday. Sept. 28. A planted agent, known in his precarious trade as a "sleeper," has infiltrated the March Foundation, a research organization where Dr. Karl Rathman (Andrew Duggan) has been experimenting with forced hypnosis. When the agent is killed. McGarrett assisted by Fallon, an agent from the Pentagon, investigates. All available clues point to Rath man's aide Sonya (Maria Perschy). While McGarrett doubts that Or. Rathman is involved, it is obvious somebody is programming Sonya. The "who" and "why" surface when McGarrett realizes that a spy has infiltrated not only the foundation but the Pentagon.