daily nebraskan friday, September 15, 1978 page 16 2 roommates needed to share 2 bedroom house. $78.75 a month utilities. Call 423 5831. Female roommate wanted. Prefer non-smoker. Call 477 2778. Female roommate share fur nished two bedroom house with male. $130 mo. plus V4 utilities. Details 489-0138 after 5:30. Female Roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment. $97.50 ft elctriclty. Call 474-2247 after 5 p.m. Wanted: Female roommate. Call 466-3142. Roommate wanted to share house. $135 utilities. 472-1690483-4319. Female roommate wanted for new 2 bedroom apartment near East Campus. Prefer pro fession algrad student. $80 mo. 464-0412 evenings. Wanted: Female roommate. Call 435-1682. ALL MARK AND STAFF EVER DO IS KISS (YUCK) AND THEY'VE BEEN AT IT A WHOLE YEAR NOW! THE DOCTOR AND KAHUNA Jayne, Hope you have a super 18th I Toni Lynn, Shanda, Karen, Jackie, Mom, Julie Mike Adams, For a math tutor you're late. But we could always use a datel Cyndi & Pam WILLOW, BEWARE: Now that you can legally go for it, don't loose your contacts getting inebri ated (look it up). See ya at the Saloon. Burr 3 Fellow Boozers P.S. HAPPY HANGINGOVER Willow, Have fun judging carcasses at 6:45 in the morning . . .hung over. Happy B-day Tree Support AUF by pledging your pennies to the Alpha Delta Pi & Lambda Chi Alpha 72 hr. card-a-thon, Sept. 19-22. It's a good deal. Foreign Film Packet Seller:: There is a booth in the North Lobby you can use to sell your tickets today and all next week. Just look for the Foreign Film booth. Questions, call 472 2454, Cash advanced on most any thing. Dirty Dick's Pawn Shop, 909 O St. FREE SHOWING "We All Loved Each Other So Much" shows Monday, Sept. 18 at 4 pn. at Sheldon Art Gallery Theatre. Come on in and enjoy. UPC Foreign Films. Annual ACM Bash-Friday, Cept. 15, 8:30 p.m., Dr. Nagy's, 1921 "C" St. All interested in computing invited. Come see what we've got planned I WEVE MOVED! This semester Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will be meeting in the East Campus Union, Fridays at 6:30. Trans portation provided from the Pound and Harper lobbies at 6:00. T.A. Happy Birthday! May you stimulate and dull your senses. Drinks to you. -Me Slick: I got the C.C. Come over Wed. night. B.G. SPIRITS DRAGGING? Refresh body and spirit at First Presbyterian Church, 17th & G Streets. Bible study Sundays, 10:00 ajn.; singles luncheon once a month. Join usl Come to the "KAPPA" car wash in the Kappa parking lot. 616 N. 16th, Sept. 17, 11 e.m. 3 p.m. $1.50. See ya there! Need experience in a worth while and active organization? Want to work to improve the university? Join Student Alumni ' Board. Applications and infor mation available at the Alumni House. 1520 "R". Due Sept 19 Students Do n't let your hair get in the way of the blackbord! Get it styled by Debbie, then you'll know the facts. 2017 "O" St. 474-3040. Would you like to form group made of people who have a fear of public speaking? Any one, any age, no cost. Simply an opportunity to help each other overcome this problem. Call Ross 489-5015 5-7 pn. Greek Grafitti needs Greeks who like to write, draw cartoons or take pictures. Contact Mary at 475-4482 or Jill at 474 6268. School Bus Driver Approximately 4 hrsday; morn ing, noon and afternoon. Salary open. Will train. Contact Mrs. Ott 432-6202. Like to ski? Get involved with the UNL Ski Club! Officers are looking for interested people who want to serve on com mittees. For information, call evenings: Mark, 466-0542; Jim, 464-9671 ; Russ 466-8779. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1 for your 356-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Re search. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097-B, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213)477-8226. Do something exciting with your life be a Triangle Little Sister. Interested? Call 474 0175 (Jill) or 488-6846 (Lori). Meet U.S. Senator Harrison Schmitt, 1st civilian astronaut to land on the moon, Sept. 23. Call 474-5357 or Dave at 466 871 7 for details. DISCO DANCING Touch and free style lessons. Lincoln Dance Center 540 North 48th 466-3165 or 423-6912 OBEDIENCE CLASS TRAIN WITH A PRO Our 10-week obedience class can solve your problem. We offer small classes, individual attention, fenced exercise areas and adequate parking. Dogs must be 6 mos. or older. New class now forming. Phone 423 5340 to register. Creative writers, Fathom, the Daily Nebraskan magazine will publish short stories and poems. Mail or bring your best with name, address and tele phone number. Fathom. Daily Nebraskan. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the dedicat ed guitarist. Beginning or advan ced $7.50 hr. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 Hawaiian Campaign TONIGHT! Come out to the Villager Motel, 5200 "0" St. at 7:30. Hula Dancers, door prizes, guest emcee, cash bar, snacks, and Doug Himself. , D J. - Disco from 9:00-12:00 Tickets at the door five dollars. far lX2H0rC25S Paid for by Bereuter for Dear "Love Three", WE LOVE TO. 'Love Two' Pug Nose, It's been a great year with many more to come. 1 Love, Ginger The Daily Nebraskan Needs ReportersEditors to cover east campus activities We also need general assignment reporters, and an editorial assis tant. Apply in person at the Dally Nebraskan. Nebraska Union, room 34 or call 472 2588. Distillery Disco Dance to Orpheus, Thursday, Friday-Saturday, 2-fers 5-7 pjn. Laides night-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, all night Indian Village Shopping Center 3235 S. 13th Snowfire: A fine future teacher of rug rats, crumb catchers, curtain climbers. Capt. Curtain Climber HOTEL CALIFORNIA re minds you that there is only one time to do it right and never time to do it again. FAC starts at 4 p.m. for card holders and friends! Dad & Mom: Happy Anniversary! Hope your visit to Las Vegas was fruitfull! See you soon love from us all Barb Jim & group Please pick up unsold books from ASUN Book Exchange in Rm 115. Flights & Study Tours also offers a non-credit tour in Europe this winter. Hotels and transportation are prepaid. 345 Nebr. Union. 472-3264. Is Satan deceiving the Moonies? Of course! Ex-Moonie Chris Elkins shares experiences as a Moonie. BSU-Nebr. Union. Tuesday 7:59. Birthright offers you a choice, we understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021 You're invited to the Bible Way Fellowship Apostolic Church. 3335 N. 12th, Sunday 10 a.m. 7 p.m Wed., 7:30 p.m.. Pastor Zook 474-4191. Srbie, You old lady! Happy 21st! Marsha Sill s33 Ementt West 0- 4 Denton If you're ready to PARI? get to the biggest & best. WOODSE "78" TICKETS $2 All people who sold books through ASUN Book Exchange can pick up money on Monday Sept. 18 from 9 to 5. NIGERIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: The associa tion will meet with an Embassy officer at the Union on the 16th of September at 7 p.m. Party Congress Committee IF YOU DONT SHOP H & L Beverage 27th & Holdrege, you'll probably pay too much for your next case of beer. Ad good for 60 cents on any case of beer. Limit one. Expires 7-29-78. LADIES CENTER OF OMAHA ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU INC. Call us toll free 1-800-523-5350 Non-Profit Org. '120 So. 41 St. Omaha Get Involved! Chairperson positions on University Program Council Committees are now open. Apply R6om 200 Nebr. Union. Last day-Friday, Sept. 15. Don't miss the Nupirg staff workshop Sunday at 1:30 at Wesley house. New members welcome. Rock bands: Store your equipment here. We have 24 hour access. Budget Self Storage 4644351423-3467 Sharon, Really looking forward to tomorrow night! Jim Congratulations Doctor Uznanski-on to Notre Dame! Love Suzie Srbie. You old lady! Happy 21st! Marsha THIS AD GOOD FOR one Tequila Sunrise at The Sa loon 27th & Holdrege. Must be 19 years or older. Limit 1 per person. Expires 7-29-78. Happy Belated Birthday Rocket! Love, Blonde 2 Pam's & Cyndi You are cordially invited to our extravagant meal. (Motion Picture will follow) Sunday pn. 4 Cape-Abel guys D-S-S-K Alpha Gamma Sigma has a dynamite Little Sis Chapter. Sign up for rush TODAY ACROSS 1 Steals 5 Greek district 9 Alpine region: Var. 14 Church corner 15 Actor Jannings 16 " Ben Jonson" 17 Florida beach 18 Noted conductor 20 Novelties 22 glance 23 Fence crossing 24 Places for statues 26 'Tve under my skin" 28 Sewing-kit item 30 Chemical suffix 31 Fox-faced monkey 33 Lunch times 37 Lactic or xanthic 39 "Njal M (Norse writing) 40 Snare 41 MissAdoree 43 Settles in 46 Doctors' org. 47 Mock 49 Best classes 51 Club for greens 54 Child: Prefix 55 Upper: Prefix 56 Good conductors 61 Groups often conducted 63 Seine tributary 64 Italian measure 65 Guthrie 66 d'Azur 67 Acid and alcohol compound 68 Age group 69 Belgian river Dennis. You're quite a guy with friends galore. Best wishes on your birth day and many, many more! Barry Needed: 2 female math students (must be well stacked!) Will teach anything. S.M. & K.M. Looking for good music for your party or function? For 4 hours of non-stop music call T & D's Disco 1 1474-2220. Typing Done on the IBM Executive- the typewriter with a 'Touch of Class" Eves. 423 0077. RESUMES To land the job you deserve, you need a sharp, well-written resume. For help, call the pro fessionals, Costello & Associates 475-9777. Save your paint job. Store your car inside Budget Self Storage 464-6351423-3467 Looking for good music for your party or function? For 4 hours of non-stop music call T&D's Disco!! 474-2220. CONTACT LENSES Polished Frames Soldered The Spectacle Shop PH. 475-3937 Westgate Shopping Center West "O" judson automotive Sherry B. Tell me when your birthday is before it happens. Come out and see Rugby in action Saturday against UNO To Marie Murphy at Pi Beta Phi you are the pick of the litter DOWN 1 Shankar 2 Portent 3 Noted conductor 4 Snobbish 5 Reduces in worth 6 Chew the scenery 7 Kind of skirt 8 Nevada city 9 Twisting 10 Gershwin 11 Indian title 12 Declaim 13 Home et al. 19 Part of A.D. 21 Bass 25 Thrombus 26 High or camping 27 Formerly 28 "When I Take My to Tea" 29 Buggy 32 Club 34 "Messiah" et al. 35 Select 36 Marienbad et al. 38 Adept 42 Voter 44 Canadian peace 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 f j9 Ho 111 l2 l3 14 15 ! 16 "-- 1 --- BWIflfl --- -----. 17 ! 18 19 20 zT " """22 : 23 ; 24 25 HSBAAM A-UMt i m MWHV i tfgmg 26 27 j- 28 29 i" 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 139 jio mid I,,,,,, . Lwrnirm x 41 42 ... 43 44 4 5 46 47 7T """"j 49 50 5T"5T53 l "1 r r 55 56 57 s8 59 IbO . 'umaum -- 61 62 53 64 "" 65 66 67 68 pi In the top 5 of your class and going to do graduate work next year? Consider a Rhodes Scholarship for study at Oxford or a Marshall for study at any British University. Danforths are available in U.S. For details 1223 Oldfather Hall, phone 472-2891. Protect your cycle this winter, in our secure units. Budget Self Storage 464-6351423-3467 Binnviirii33TrLHTa SPIRITS DRAGGING? Re fresh body and spirit at First Presbyterian Church, 17th & G Streets. Bible Study Sundays, 10:00 a.m.; singles luncheon once a month. Join us! Mechanical Ag. Eng. is sponsoring a pizza feed for club members and interested persons. Friday, Sept. 15 at 6 p.m. Rm. 110 Ag. Eng. Dr. Splinter will be the guest speaker. foreign car specialists 27th and T Lincoln. Nebraska 475-9022 M crossword puzzle edited by WillWeng Nobelist 45 Great number 48 Cupid 50 Senseless behavior 51 Outmoded 52 Ones 53 Play hard 54 Mesta 57 Moss product 58 Father, in Nice 59 This, in Spain 60 Sage 62 Otto the Great's domain: Abbr.