The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 11, 1978, Page page 16, Image 16
page 16 daily nebraskan monday, September 1 1, 1978 Moped for sale near new parks in bike rack -$200. 466 6835. STEREO HI-FI ""EQUIP MENT AND CAR STEREOS. DISCOUNTED PRICES. TOP BRAND NAMES & QUALITY. CALL MIKE 464-1897 evenings Pioneer TP777 8-track car stereo with two Jensen 6"x9" speakers. Excellent condition. $90. 475-9347 after 5 p.m. Asahi Pentax S1A, 28 mm, 135mm, bag, all $260. 474 1394 or 489-3205, Bennie. Signet Flute for sale. Sterl ing silver, excellent condition. 432-8686. For Sale: Ventura 12-string. Will deal. Call 477-5800. Cornet with case and music stand. $50. 464-7601. We buy and sell records and tapes. Bring in your old records (etc.) in good shape and receive cash or a trade. TRADE-A-TAPE 1127 P St. 474-9675 Five cubic foot refrigerator with small freezer compartment. $60, evenings. 475-9354. Bunk beds made for dorm beds. $20. 488-2795. DUERR'S RECONDITIONED TV'S & APPLIANCES Color TV's, refrigerators, vacuums, stoves, laundries. Buy sell, trade, rent. Delivery avail able. 2211 N.Cotner 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 464-5949 Tuesday-Saturday Bunk beds, $35. 477-4232. (CD ram RENTAL I Rent air-conditioners, 7 TVs, refrigerators and I stereos. Black & white or color TVs available. Rent furniture, living, bedroom & dinette $49.95 mo. Any furn iture or appliance. ACE FIIHTDE 2429 "0" 432-4486! Furnished apt. 25th & Lynn. $190 elect., cable paid. 2 or 3 bedroom. 474-2848, 477-1911. 1 month rent can make downpayment on mobile home which can be paid off in 1 year. Also renting $145-215 on 6 mo. lease. 423-6975. 141 N. 30th. Stately stone home for rent. 4 bedroom with fireplace. $280mo. utilities. 489-3671. Top of duplex, 2 bedroom, remodeled, furnished, parking. No pets. $180mo. utilities, $100 deposit. 3102 Kleckner Ct. 474433 (6-8 p.m.). One bedroom furnished basement apartment. 3410 Dudley, dishwasher, shower. $165,'mo. includes utilities. 464 9703 after 5p.m. 2202 "T". Ideal for stu dents. 2 bedroom clean inside. $125 deposit utilities. Call 489-8318. 2504 Vine. Clean, 1 bed room. Walking distance to campus. Off street parking, laundry facilities. $170mo. CHERRY HILL REALTY 483-4736 Nice 1 bedroom, near east campus, heat paid. $165. 432 9662. 474-1132. RENT TO OWN new TVs Washersdryers refrigerators stoves freezers no credit check rent applies to ownership just call, we deliver CAR I TV ft APPLIANCES 2226 No. 48 467-5277 Efficiency apt. with base mem and garage. All utilities paid. Dose to campus. $130mo Call 488-5039 or 474 1 280 after 5; or call 488-1280 1506 "B". 2 bedroom house. Newly remodeled. New appli ances, new carpet, laundry, garage. No pets. $250mo. utilities. Call 4-6 p.m. weekdays, before 2 p.m. weekends, 488-4313. RUSSELL STOVERS CANDY, INC. Temporary part-time employ ment 5:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply in person. Personnel office 201 No. 8 St. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. No experience necessary. Equal opportunity employer. We have several openings in our warehouse for part-time help. Choose your hours be tween 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Full time opportunities during vaca tion for proven employees. Call Jerry Lewis at 432-7663. Stevenson School Supplies. PART TIME OPENING $99 a week 15-20 hours a week Ffaxibb schedule Must be neat Cal after 10 am. 464-0223 PART-TIME JANITORIAL WORK Hours arranged. St. Marks-on-the-Campus. 432-2251. Students, if you are depend able and aggressive, you can earn $100-$300week part-time in display advertising. Must have transportation. Call Monday Friday. 1-4 p.m. for interview appt. Mr. Hansen. 466-3100 435-1696. Driver needed from 3-9, Monday-Friday. Must be 21, bondable, with good driving record. $4hour. Call 341-4077 in Omaha. Help Wanted. All shifts avail able. Apply in person. Taco Bell 474-9484, ask for Al or Rich. 4500 O Street. Waitress help wanted, day and night shifts available. Flexi ble hours. Apply in person. Fiesta Cantina, 321 No. Cotner. Business increasing rapidly. Must add noon food waitress and night waiter. Inquire at Nick's, 301 N. Cotner or phone 466-2339 for appt. Part-time general mainten ance assistant in apartment building, 4 hours per day, 5 days per week. Tools and own transportation are helpful. $3 3.50hour depending on exper ience. 475-5176, ask for Carol. Part-time Help Wanted. Apply in person 1:30-5 p.m. TACO INN 13th & R HELP WANTED Pontillos Pizzeria Full and part-time help. Apply between 2-4 p.m. 1246 "Q" St Waterbed manufacturer needs workers full and part-time Hours flexible. Call 423-0788. 5011 S. 16th, Suite 4. BUS DRIVER YMCA needs competent and experienced driver Monday thru Thursday afternoons. Call 464 7481 for additional informa tion. Part-time help wanted. Even ing and weekend hours avail able. Apply in person from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday thru Fri day. BINGO-RAMA 4515 N. 56th Part-time job. Worker with car. Run errands and do light maintenance work. $2.60hr. plus mileage. 466-1946. PT residential instruction to provide living skills training supervision to handicapped adults. 8-40 hrs. a mo. evenings 4-11 p.m. and weekends. $3.73 an hour. Contact Mike Vaughn, Ashland 944-7557. Wanted, part-time kitchen help and cocktail waitresses. Apply in person to Terry or Bill at Godfathers. 12th & Q. PART-TIME Telephone survey work. $2.65 hour. 467-4681 after 1 p.m. CUSTODIAN WANTED general cleaning. Varied duties. Monday through Thursday 5-8, Saturday 9-1. Misle Chevrolet. Contact Mr. Young 50th & "0" 483-2261. Part-time employment avail able at Long John Silver's Sea food shop. Evenings and week ends. Apply at 3400 S. 10th. The Nebraska Club is hiring college students for part-time kitchen help. Apply in person 8-11, 2-5 Frist National Bank Building 20th Floor. BRANNIGAN'S 1228 '?' St Night dishwasher needed. Apply in person between 2-5 p.m. WENDY'S Quality minded people needed now who can help maintain Wendy's standards of quality, cleanliness and friendliness at our new location opening soon at 14th & 'Q'. Part-time or full time jobs available, hours flexi ble. For interview contact Don Please, 2615 S. 48th. 483-1700 or Jim Gage, 930 N. 48th, 464 221 1 . Busboys needed. Phi Mu house 1125 No. 16th. 472 9861. Female roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment. $97.50 14 electricity. Call 474-2247 after 5 p.m. Faculty member to share 4 bedroom housegrad or faculty. $150 utilities. 472-1690 days. Female roommate wanted for new 2 bedroom apartment near east campus. Prefer pro fessional grad student. $80mo. 464-0412 evenings. Need female roommate to share nice 2-bedroom duplex. Close to both campuses. $100 . Call 474-6219 after 5 p.m. Wanted: Female roommate. Call 435-1682. Male roommate. Own room. $80mo. Upperclass or graduate. 435-7011 even. 2546 S St. No. 3. Roommate wanted. $77mo. $75 dep. 435-5616 after 5 p.m. Female roommate wanted to share two bedroom house $125. Non-smoker. 466-2282 evenings LUTHERAN (Yfisconssn Synod) "GQitiE & SEE" Where: The Lutheran Chapel 1510 Q St. When: Thisafternoonat3:45 Why: The first meeting of the Lutheran Collegians Purpose: 1. Searth the Scriptures. 2. Discuss your concerns and problems in the light of God's Word. 3. Meet fellow Christians. WELCOME! Do something exciting with your life be a Triangle Little Sister. Interested? Call 472 0175 (Jill) or 488-6846 (Lori). All Food and Nutrition stu dents or those interested in Food and Nutrition are invited to attend the Student Dietetics' Association Ice Cream Social, Tuesday, Sept. 12 7 p.m. at Dr. Fox's house 1231 N. 38th. Prospective Law Students are holding their reorganization meeting 9-13-78 in the Union. 8 p.m. Hi Bear, Greetings and felicitations on the day following the anni versary of your rortivity! Let us go wassailing! Bupples DO IT WITH A DROIDI lra317KlFi OPEN HEARING of central planning committee naming of baseball field "Buck Beltzer Field" will be held Thursday, Sept. 14, 3:30 p.m., Administra tion Building 308. Enjoy the fun and friendship of Sigma Mu. Become a Little Sister. Call immediately-474-9525. YES I There is a Young Democrats meeting tonorrow night in the Union. Room will be posted. Everyone is invited. For information: 472-9799. Don't forget the Young Democrats meeting tomorrow 7 p.m. UNION. 472-9799. Looking for something to do? Interested in making friends. Discover a UNL student organization at the Activities Mart. Wed., Sept. 13 on the Union Plaza, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOC. Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. MCAT REVIEW COURSE IMPROVE MCAT SCORES Course taught by local Col legeUniversity Faculty re viewing their areas of exper tise. Chemistry, Physics, Bi ology, Math, Test Taking Techniques and much more including actual trial exam administered under MCAT condition. Cost: $175 for 32 hours of instruction. Repeat all or any part of course at any time for NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Convenient UNL Location, All Materials Pro vided. Write for additional in formation including FREE MCAT Self-Evaluation Test. MCAT Review Course 1205 No. 145 Plaza Omaha, Nebraska 68154 (402) 541-7782 (402) 493-3196 DISCO DANCING Touch and free style lessons. LINCOLN DANCE CENTER 540 No. 48 466-3165 or 423-6912 Where can you find out about Feminism & the Church Dance & Movement in Worship Personal Communication Science & the Christian ? DISCO VERY-'78 Registrat ion-432-656 1 Last chance to take visible anatomy 101. 'The Deep" to night at 9:00 p.m. East Union. ACROSS 1 6 Flow Announcement: Abbr. Study hard Papal name Stir up Bonheur Arthurian furniture piece Mass. town Flair for Carelessly Emperor Gains 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 Breed of dog 28 Make brandy 29 Commercials 30 Assignment in a French school 32 Glacial ridge 35 Over (finished) Protuberances Employ Sharpen Type of column Penpoint Greek letters 37 39 40 42 44 45 47 Counterparts of 24 Across Indicates Make weary Absolve, in 49 51 52 Scotland 53 Widely approved 57 Frosty 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 Mixed drinks Moslem teacher Writer James Garment Sherlocks, for short Kind of paper Last words DOWN Your link to another world the Overseas Opportunities Center-345 Nebraska Union. The 3 Stooges go over 'The Deep" end- Sunday- 7:30 East Union. Italian Psychology I Learn and earn 3 credits by conjoin ing with natives and appreciat ing the cultures of London, Paris, Florence and Rome. Flights & Study Tour, 345 Nebr. Union. 472-3264. Are you bored on Tuesday nights and feel uninvolved in the world you live in? Join Angel Flight. Sign up on rush posters by Sept. 11. OBEDIENCE CLASS TRAIN WITH A PRO Our 10-week obedience class can solve your problem. We offer small classes, individual attention, fenced exercise areas and adequate parking. Dogs must be 6 mos. or older. New class now forming. Phone 423 5340 to register. BIRTHRIGHT offers you a choice, we understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. Two-fers this week in the Union! A T-shirt and a Student Y membership for only $5. Get with it I Join a UNL stu dent organization. You can pick one just for you at the Activities Mart, Wed., Sept. 13 on the Union Plaza, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. K.C.G., My you look butch in your uniform. I understand you pack a big rod. So, please beat me when I sneak into Abel. ZOBO (Cheezaires) I've missed my "teddy bear" bunches these last seven nights. To all people who have sold books through ASUN Book Exchange checks will not be ready Monday -day will be post ed in the Personals. $100 WEEKLY MAILING CIRCULARS!!! Free Supplies, Immediate Income Guaranteed! Send Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope: Homeworker. B427 6FV, Troy, MT 59935. Hear John Walker, Chris Griffith and Steve Blazek at Jesse's, Sept. 13. Help forward the cause of marijuana reform. Apply now for membership on the Talks & Topics com mittee, Rm. 200 NE Union or 4722454. 1 Koran chapter 2 Cut, as a photo 3 Lie next to 4 Fixing a window 5 Words after kiss or show 6 Madrid art center 7 Loose garment 8 Beach pollutant 9 Becomes sunny 10 Lobster's relative 11 U.S. civil-rights leader 12 Show to (usher) 13 Martin and Poppins 18 Soup dish 22 Memorandum 24 One who yearns 25 Cries of contempt 26 Prepare for print 27 Enormous 28 Extinct birds 31 Musical additions 33 Lake 34 Uprisers, for short 36 Bear-bare, hair hare, etc. 38 Ingredient of 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 " j i5 j li T7 18 19 20 Ha" wi4fi.liini i 23 ; 24 miifiiiiiniitl : i 25 26 27 r"28 1 ?9 Hal -32 srpr 35 36 Tl 37 38 39 41 'mm- J) """""44 "45 rT7 T 49 S0 "51 53 54 5S 66 57 """"j 58 aT" 60 61 62 63 S 65 Car tape player: AMFM, 8 track, In dash model, $30. 472-3219. LADIES CENTER OF OMAHA ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU INC. Call us toll free 1-800-523-5350 Non Profit Org. '120 So. 41 St. Omaha Get Involved! Chairperson positions on University Program Council Committees are now open. Apply Rm. 200 Nebr. Union. Last day-Friday, Sept. 15. Creative writers, Fathom, the Daily Nebraskan magazine will publish short stories and poems. Mail or bring your best with name, address and tele phone number. Fathom. Daily Nebraskan. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the dedicat ed guitarist. Beginning or advan ced $7.50y hr. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 Old grove available for parties of up to 300. Inquire at Royal Grove 477-2026. GUITAR LESSONS Learn to finger pick with your music 45 min. lessons beginn ing or intermediate. Best rates in town. REX REED 489-8192 qjeb dame Found-ring in Andrews 15. Call 2-9360. Describe to claim. edited by will weng crossword puzzle glass Piccolo Mrs. Martin Luther King Brandt or Kant Plant wall 41 43 46 48 49 Get rid of rodents Banish Asian trees 50 51 53 Again 54 Polynesian deity 55 Pigment from grapes 56 Military medals: Abbr. 59 Ripen