The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 09, 1978, FIRST DOWN, Page page 4, Image 4

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Photo by Ttd Kirk wKAr
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Special Editor: Jim Kay. Advertising Mana- t I J J - -V. Jt ?! ;ilV J;VNk ' '
ger: Denise Jordan. Assistant Advertising VVA 1 i J f L V. A I ;t n r J'
Manager: Pete Huestis. Editor-in-Chief: Carta i. 1 ( P f HM i 1 I&i 1 ,1 ' r. UsULf1'!
Engstrom. . Business Manager: Jerri ' J f hr-j , .VjT it ifc "H'?"
Haussler. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. I J 11"" J "L W5r Ik PP ftli
First Down is a publication of the Daily f T f 4 S"' fftT Vf J V V fXt$&i&?? I
Nebraskan. Both are written, edited and managed I II kl-C tf " '' f f A- f ff 3t-m''J S
by students at the University of Nebraska- V ,j S frr X '- ..t &J Vfrft t
Lincoln. They are editorially independent of the (If C A; tfV-'
university faculty, administration and students. L L V . H" Ow-iJ?j
First Down is published by the UNL Publi- V N ' :y . - I 1 CITB PIlKk
cations Committee on home game Saturdays. I Vw I ' ry J IIH ' , I
Address: First Down, Nebraska Union 3', 1 f4 ' f I 1 H l-i'V
14th and R Streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68588. Tele- .J JT tf P5- J I ,Ir
Phone:(402)472-2588. I SjTj. f ill K f I SSJ
Photo by Tad Kirk
first down
Saturday, September 9, 1978