The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 06, 1978, Page page 14, Image 14
page 14 daily nebrasKun Wednesday, September 6, 1978 want ads i ) i tfte Come join us for a learning experience that you won't soon forget. We promise you fun and adventure. Happening Clinic Try your hand at descending a wall by rope and the seat of your pants. Expert instruction. Demonstration. Student participation. When & Where Thursday & Friday, September 7 & 8, M & N Bldg., 14th & Vine St. Sponsored by : Army ROTC For information, contact: Captain Harris Order any Pizza and get TWO FREE Colas! Offer good Wednesdays only 611 N. 27th Lincoln 475-7672 OHJfasfc free delivery Franchise area only 67 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR vinyl hardtop, automatic, air, new battery and a good per tonality. $275, evenings 423 5319. Single bed mattress, 2 mos. old, excellent condition. 474 3639 Gary. 1975 Kawasaki, 400. Low mileage, must sell, $550. Mark 488-6702. Refrigerator Wtih Freezer Compartment-Six Cubic Foot, Built-in, Ideal For Office, Dorm. $100.00.483-7125. Air conditioner, 10,000 BTU, 110 volt. Cools great. $140,483-2490. Vega, 1972 in great running condition. Rebuilt engine. $300. 466-8475-432-3056. Huffy Marathon it. wt. 10 speed, only ridden 4 months. Excellent condition. $100. 474 4524 evenings. 1975 Suzuki 750 GT. Mint condition, low mileage, fair ing, back-rest, carrier. Re duced to $1150. Call 423-7276. Red Cross F is counting p on you. A Public Serve olThsNewsoacwr RSI SThe Advertising Council EM We buy and sell records and tapes. Bring in your old records (etc.) In good shape and receive cash or a trade. TRADE-ATAPE 1127 P St. 474-9675 SOLAR ALTERNATIVES NOW. For sale: Sun Catalogs containing Solar Water Heaters, Solar Panels. Contact Alter native Energy Equipment. Box 82, Niobrara, NE, 68760. 857 3751. STEREO HIFI EQUIPMENT AND CAR STEREOS DISCOUNTED PRICES TOP BRAND NAMES AND QUALITY CALL MIKE 464-1897 evenings ASAHI Pentax Spotmatic 35 mm camera, plus 3 extention tubes. $165. 423-2436. Schwlnn 10 -speed, like new 477-9965, evenings. $75. Signet Flute for sale. Ster ling silver, excellent condition. 432-8686. Advent speakers, Thorens 160 turntable, Feji bicycle. 467 2976. Duerr's reconditioned TV's and appliances Color TV's, refrigerators, vacuums, stoves, laundries. Buy sell, trade, rent. Delivery avail able. 2211 N.Cotner (10 a.m.-Sp.m.) 464-5949 Tuesday -Saturday SaMSMilHaMaSHWM Plant Talk moving sale. Mov ing from Ben Simons, Gateway. Everything must go. Up to 50 off and more. Cornet with case and music stand. $50,464-7601. '52 Chevy Coupe $450; '72 Chevy 4 door $350; both run good, new stickers, tires. Call 483-1070. See at 5540 Spruce. For sale: Male ticket to California football game. Call 474-0028, evenings. fi3?CJ3H3 US 1 (.; " 1631 A St. 1 bedroom, recently remoedeled, furnished, laundry, off street parking, available immediately, no pets. $169mo. plus lights, heat paid. Call 4-6 pm weekdays; before 2 weekends. 488-4313. Furnished apt. near campus. $190 elect., cable paid. 474 2848, 477-8026. Nice 1 bedroom, near east campus, heat paid. $165. 432-9662, 474-1132. RENT TO OWN new TVs washersdryers refrigerators stereos freezers no credit check rent applies to ownership just call we deliver CAR I TV & APPLIANCE 2226 No. 48 467-5277 Efficiency apt. with base ment and garage. AM utilities paid. Close to campus. $130 mo. Call 488-5039 or 474-1280 after 5; or call 488-1280. THEATRE ARTS AT LINCOLN 1978-79 PLAYBILL THE CARETAKER Pinter OCTOBER 3& 4 5,6,7,8 THE SHADOW BOX Christofer NOVEMBER 28. 29,30 DECEMBER 1,2,3 L STUDIO THEATRE J OTHERWISE ENGAGED Gray FEBRUARY 20,21 & 22, 23, 24, 25 An Original Script Play Not Yet Chosen APRIL10,11,12& 13,14,15 INDIVIDUAL TICKETS Students & Senior Citizens $3 All Others $4 SEASON SUBSCRIPTIONS Option 1: HOWELL StudentsSen. Cit. $10 All Others $14 Option 2: HOWELLSTUDIO StudentsSen. Cit. $18 All Others $26 BROCHURE A VAILABLE UPON REQUEST THEATRE TICKET OFFICE IS LOCATED 104 Temple Building 12th & R Streets Lincoln, NE 68588 TELEPHONE: 472-2073 after 1:00 p.m. CURTAIN TIME 8:00 P.M. THE PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN WORLD Synge OCTOBER 20. 21 & 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 THE SEA GULL Chekhov DECEMBER 8, 9. 12 & 13,14,15,16 c HOWELL THEATRE J SCAPIN0 Dunlop & Dale MARCH 2, 3 & 6,7,8,9,10 RASH0M0N Kanin APRIL 20, 21, 24 & 25, 26, 27, 28 SEASON SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM NAME. ADDRESS. CITY .STATE. HOWELL ONLY .HOWELLSTUDIO .ZIP. $ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ENCLOSED UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 103 TEMPLE BLDG. 12 & R LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 68588