The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 01, 1978, Page page 17, Image 17
daily nebraskan page 17 friday, September 1, 1978 British artist . . . Continued from page 16 sound. This is somewhat of a shame, because Blunstone has one of the sweetest voices in rock n' roll and it is easy for it to get lost under the heavy coat of gloss. Blunstone is somewhat of an enigma, as far as British rock artists are concerned. In England, the music scene has been torn asunder by the new wave, with more sophisticated listeners turning to fusion music and the younger audience preferring disco. Blunstone does not fit into any of these categories. Rather, he seems to be little more than an artifact of the old days when young men wrote love songs. The first side of Never Even Thought wallows along in a slow-paced vein until the title song, which closes the side. This probably is the hardest hitting song on the album and shows that Blunstone really can rock when he's given the chance. Soft, sad voice The second side is better, but there are no really memorable moments. Blunstone's lyrics are quite predict- MATINEES SAT. & SUN. ONLY 11 1:20-3:30-5:20 7:20 9:20 H able, as are his melodies at times. His soft and sad voice along with the lush instrumental background would make this a good album to put on before going to bed, but, in general, albums with such specialized uses are not worth much for anything else. It is sad that Never Even Thought comes off so flat, because Blunstone is a truly talented vocalist, certainly an endangered species these days. Perhaps with a stripped-down back-up band, or just an acoustic guitar or piano, his engaging voice would be enough to carry an album, but until he chooses to make such changes, his music will remain uninspiring. "ALMOST SURE TO BE THE MOST POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT OF THE SUMMER." - Fm Rich Tim Miguin n. C3s!iX!X!!ii f Lincoln's Qual W Late shows Frl. & Sat. & j v i i it' r w mmmm fj urn ity Adult Theater Continuous shows from 11am. - Rated XXX "SEX IN THE OZARKS" See what Happens when the yi city folk go to the j Ozarks! Rated XXX COLOR Plus Second XXX Rated Feature "MASQUERADE BALL" with John C. Holmes Must be 18 - Have I.D. 1730 0" St. 432-6041 siowof "i""! ff THE ONLY GUY V, ST0 HEAVEN! j $p j a Y SN ffiB m I JpfaUM1 JB. lift jBgBt-WSBbJ 5:30, 7:30 AND 9:30 MATINEES Sat. & Sun. 4 1:15 3:15-5:15 7:15-9:15 9 S -mw l J HAMILL J S who you 4 5 $Kf rf ) loved in 0 5 "-Ki Vl "Star Wars': 4 J y sv7 ANNIE J 5 - JP Vv never Nr k for9et ? V V rTl I MATINEES 4 rwvwwi unflfc nn n n hi i - - s IUn I 2nd crass shows. 7:15,9:15 I rWi , 1 11 1, f 5y Rl I jOkeS" SAT., SUN., & MONDAY AT jjyyJj ' SnA T35G&9 40T: " " rW?T3 J s( :!; ei;!: ) sunu&mon. : vjew W Tftol U AT: 1:30-3:30 55; w 0 J 5:30-7:35-9:40 S i It was the Deltas against the rules ... the rules lost! v ro I I : feuii' si's st. "A,efe! LAHPCCtT. TK MATTY SIMMONS (VAN WITMAN PWOOUCTION T4AHOKAI LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUS lOHN 0CLUSHI HMMATHESON JOHNVERNON Ptrvkcrd by MATTY SIMMONS and VAN WdMAN MuMebyQAnfROOWSTON . urrnu rrf fiin fay STfPHEN BISHOP XJmQ mwv rwjw - ' 1 by HAAOLDRAMB DOUGLAS KENNfY OOW MILLER DW(I by IOHN LAN06 SHOWS TONIGHT AT: 7:00 & 9:20 SAT. & SUN. AT: 2:20-4:20 7:00-9:20 HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOST POPULAR MOVIE MUSICAL OF THE YEAR? tsthewoid for music . . . entertainment . . . dancing the No. 1 movie in the country. I' f I ' 'J Li ' - s John Travolta Olivia Nevvton-John JOHMTRWOllA 0UVIArWTOrW0HN X5EASE" -ST0CKARDCHmiQ.- EVEABecn.nwKEAMMflH JQWKJOrCEECOBrTirCS, SD CAESAR, AUCECH0STIEY, DOOYGOOWWI.SHAflAtVA nnr wvnun MLW1 CA Mi. , ., WJMCTSWAMDtCAStT .KDfCTHWAJSSrWI-PWKRW. .MTKMBKM 2 LITTLE FAUSS& L33LJ j Da it