The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 31, 1978, Page page 12, Image 12
page 12 daily nebraskan thursday, august 31, 1978 r now iiirii!g Part -time student help Waiters Waitresses t Banquet help Bartenders Fill out application at 3200 So. 24 between . (9-5 Tuesday through Saturday. nnniN . uimwui C0UNTRYJLU8 Need bus person for noon and night. VA hours of light work in exchange for hearty meal. 432-0583 -morn, or eve. Wanted reliable person for occasional afternoon and even ing babysitting. Call 475-3956 after 5 p.m. Part-time rock band needs keyboardist. Call 475-3971 . Guitarist needed for comm ercial rock band. Call 475-3971. Chemistry tutor wanted. Fee negotiable. Call Roger Basement apt. 2 male stu dents. 2 bedrooms. Share kitchen facilities. $75mo. each, includes utilities. 1645 N. 32nd. 464-2294. 1631 A. 1 bedroom, recent ly remodeled, furnished, laun dry, off street parking, avail able immediately, no pets. $169 a mo. plus lights, heat paid. Call 4-6 pm weekdays; before 2 weekends. 4884313. Efficiency apt. with base ment and garage. All utilities paid. $130mo. Close to campus Call 488-5039 or 474-1 280 after 5; or call 488-1280. 1 BR 2 BR, 935-937 "A" $115, $150. Garages, air. 432-9662.474-1132. See our 5 x 10 units. Only $16 a month. Budget Self Storage 464-6351423-3467 RENTAL 3 cubic 95 per TVs, stereos, air conditioners dinette, bedroom or living room furniture -ANY FURNITURE - ANY APPLIANCE ACE (FURNITURE 2429 'O' St. 4324466 ITs Text Book Time! Earn $100 a month! for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time Donate Plasma You may save a life! It's easy and relaxing Be a twice-a-week regular. $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses. this ad worth $5 extra New donors only. Phone for appointment Lincoln Plasma Corp. 2021 O St. 474 - 2335 Available now. 2025 N. 31. Small, cute 2 bedroom house. Finished basement, appliances. $179, utilities, deposit. 466 6642. 31st & Holdrege; 30th & Orchard. Available now, 2 BR, carpet, ac heat. No child ren or pets. $185 . 432-3689. ' is' .: 1 'J't.5 ' ATTENTION Last day to sell books to the ASUU Book exchange. 12-5 pm. Sigma Omega Beta F.A.C. Friday 4:00 Chesterfields Y'AII Cornel llll! If you are a UNL undergrad uate from California, we've got a fun evening planned for youl Call Barb H. at 472-2841. Save your paint job, store your car inside. Budget Self Storage 464-6351423-3467 OBEDIENCE CLASS TRAIN WITH A PRO Our 10-week obedience class can solve your problem. We offer small classes, individual attention, fenced exercise area, adequate parking and free choice. Dogs must be 6 mos. or older. New class now forming. Phone 423-5340 to register. foot refrig. month or fjQO Aug. 28-May 15 Applications are now being taken for positions on the Stu dent Advisory Board for the Health Center. Stop by and pick up an application at the Univer sity Health Center, Rm. 227. COLLEGE LIFE Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and entertainment Thurs., Aug. 31. 7 p.m. at the Theta Chi house. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. Need ride this weekend to St. Paul Minn, or surrounding area. Can leave after 2:00 on Thursday. Call Marcee at 467 4935. FEMALE TO SHARE ROOM Co-op with 6 others, rent-free in exchange for sharing mainte nance. Participate In study proj ject on world hungar - credit possible. Vi block from campus. COMMONPLACE UHME 333 N. 14432-6561 Female roommate wanted. Two bedroom apartment, $82.50month. 33rd & R St. Call 477-2323 after 5 p.m. Immediately) Wanted 1 fe male roommate for nice, new 2 bedroom apt.; for info, call 474-6515 anytime. Roommate wanted. 2 bed room apt., close to campus. $85 a month includes utilities. Call 754-6564 after 11 a.m. Female roommate wanted for new 2 bedroom apt. near east campus. Prefer professional or grad student. $119mo. 464 2782 after 5:00. Mate roommate wanted to share nice two bed. apt. by East Campus. 466-1535. Female roommate wanted; please call 477-2778. Male roommate to share three bedroom house. $75 uti lities. 464-0035. Female roommate wanted. 2 bed. apt. across East Campus. $127mo. Call 472-3435. Rm. 603 till Sept. 1. Faculty member to share 4 bedroom housegrad or faculty. $150 utilities. 472-1 690 days. Female roommate wanted: four bedroom house. $68.50 utilities. 477-7954. 3rd & 4th persons to share house. 1 500 C St. Rent with 3 $88.34; with 4-$66.25. 475 0730. BUSINESS MAJORS! AIESEC offers practical busi ness experience. AIESEC gen eral meeting; Sept. 6, 4pm, Neb. Union. Pregnant? Birthright Is a confidential helping hand. 477 8021. Happy Brit hd ay Minadell Love, Winona Cash advanced on most any thing. Dirty Dick's Pawn Shop. 909 0 St. ALPHA XI DELTA pledges: It's great to have you aboard. LOVE. Your Actives Deadline for Fulbright scho larships for study abroad is Oct ober 1, 1978. For information contact Institute for Internat tional Studies, 1033 Oldfather or phone 472-3076. Childbirth Education Assoc. Lamaz! classes for couples and single movers. Call 435-4045. TASSELSI If you rrissed meeting and need ticket, eave ID and checkreceipt in box. Room 115-Union. Kathv Ruggers: Do you still have your leath er balls? Rugby practices will be every Tues. & Thurs. at 5:30 7 30 behind WPE starting tonight. Creative writers, Fathom, the Dally Nebraskan magazine will publish short stories and poems. Mall or bring your best with name, address and tele phone number. Fathom Daily Nebraskan , What's the answer? What's the question? Biblical studies, theological discussion, human relations. DISCOVERY '78 Coming September 18 Register now for winterim study tours in Germany, Spain, India, England, Mexico, Italy or France. Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebraska Union, 472-3264. Lambda Chi Alpha Fraterni ty is very proud to welcome the following new associate mem bers: Maurice Babcock Greg Bally Mike Barks Steve Blrkel Jeff Coe Mike Butt Bob Carlson Doug Cowan Brent Curry Dave Domeier Dan Epp Ken Goodwin Mike Haney Chuck Hart Rus Hoover Kenny Knosp Tim Kantor John Keim Dirk Maley Steve Noel Mark Pinkerton Dave Remington Craig Rolain Andy Schack Tom Scholer Bryan Shank Craig Slaby Jeff Stewart Mike Ward Congratulations Guysl CHRISTIAN CO-COP LIVING Agape House, 1633 Q St. Call 474-9092 or 467-4458. HOIiEY BUY YOIKI BOOKS AT THE USUI! book oxchango- Gity and East Campus 12-5 pm ACROSS 1 Revival-meeting advice 7 Lincoln Memorial, for one 15 Commencement speaker 16 Parrot, e.g. 17 Fodder 18 Find new quarters 19 Organic compound 20 Ending for mob or lob 22 Wrist-holder's finding 23 Inward, in anatomy 25 Power 26 In toto 29 Jaeger or skua 33 Fine lace 34 BB-gun discharge 36 Bank transaction 37 Flee 39 One, in Berlin 40 Beetle Bailey's boss 41 Wrinkle 42 Slanting 44 Message: Abbr. 45 Junior crowd 47 Fortified elevation 49 Baseball's Mel 50 Pia or alma 51 Soprano Lucine 54 Bridge seat 55 Mars: Prefix 53 Ritual basins 61 Young eels 63 Extreme conceit 64 Mole or vole 65 Washington V.I.P.'s 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONICA: The Big Cater pillars are hard to steer, bull dozers need good mechanics that know how to use their Tools. Need a good musical rock group? Call 477-5265. Any candidate Interested in trying out for the baseball team should report to 200 South Stadium this week at 4 p.m. Join a Winning Campaign Bereuter for Congress 11th & K-4 14-4004. Free and legal marijuana. Find out more at the NORML Benefit, Sept. 13. Want something for FREE? Sell 20 UPC Foreign Film Series Tickets and get your own ticket for free! Contact CAP office 472-2454. DISCO DANCING Touch and free style lessons. Lincoln Dance Center 540 No. 48 466-3165 or 423-6912 Lincoln's finest stylist in vites you to visit and receive a free t-shirt and your hair cut am' styled in their all new ex quisite PLAZA SALON 333 N. Cotner 466-2385 Offer good thru Oct. 1st. Old grove available for par ties of up to 300. Inquire at Royal Grove 477-2026. Need some fast bucks? Have a block of 3 or 4 hours free any day? I need an occasional day time babysitter. I don't know the days or hours yet. Call and we'll set up some times. Nancy 423-3700. Rolling hills area. Anyone interested in form ing a Juggling Club-contact Pete Nicolaus at Cornhusker Co op. 475-6796. Former employees or train of Wear-Ever Aluminum Inc. please contact Randy at 435 1397 or leave name and number at 472-2588. Tired of your roommate already? Store him here. You lock It, you keep the key. Budget Serf Storage 464-6351423-3467 LANGUAGE MAJORSI AIESEC offers the chance to work abroad. AIESEC general meeting, Sept. 6, 4 pm, Neb. Union. Pull up (move) DOWN 13 Hornless sheep 14 Lumber source 21 Word for Chicago's Sears building Neck part Old hand Manifest Face Funeral speech Madrid ladies Arterial trunk Daiiy double, eg. Took a certain Miss Stein's flower " go bragh" Alto Display, in Paris Egg drink 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Railway bridge Bogged down Hebrew measure Nonexistent Perfect spot Irish darling Common Latin abbr. position 35 Diamond 38 Extensive view I 2 ft C 5 6 rj7 8 9 110 ill 112 113 114 15 "16 II " ; 20 21 """" 22 2T2T" "25 26 27 28 """j 29 30 31 32 33 "134 IT ""36 37 5"" ni9 n- LaJ 5 46 f 47 48 -JJ-,- I 51 p 53 ' ritr ' STS6 157 158 55 60 616T" &3 ' Interested In a career In In ternational Business? Come to the AIESEC General Meeting, Sept. 6, 4:00 pm. NE Union. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private Lessons for the dedicat ed guitarist. Beginning or advanced $7.50K hour. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 WE BUY CARS $50 -$1500 cars SELL US YOURS Weird Wally's 2323 P St. mimmm !M.' Otitis $ti'lt-- Dorm room too crowded? Store with us. Budget Self Storage 464-6351423-3467 $ Www iei i: ::: ::i ::: hi ::j j:: h: ::: ::: ::: it: ::: hi ::: u hi hi in hi ::::::! t:::::t ::::U:fH s:: ::: ... STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Sell First Downs on Foot ball Saturdays. . . make $10 to $40morning. For more information call 472-2588 or stop by the Daily Nebraskan Office. Hurry, positions must be filled by Wed. Sept. 6th crossword puzzle edited by Will Wang 40 Dotted, as porcelain 42 At the age of: Lat. 43 Comic's lingoes 46 - Mater 48 Moscow paper 50 Western sights 51 Drinks 52 One of the Biblical wise men 53 English river 54 Small dam 56 Fume 57 Ocean bird 58 Kilns 60 Wahoo 62 Destiny