The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 31, 1978, Image 1

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    dailu nebraskan
thursday, august 31, 1978 lincoln, nebraska vol. 102 no. 4
Sheldon Film Theater faces deficit, but not extinction
By Sara Martens
Operating costs are expected to over
shadow the income of the Sheldon Film
Theater for the sixth consecutive year, but
solutions to this problem are being sought
by the theater's director.
Dan Ladely said the theater will operate
with a $5,000 to $6,000 deficit this year
following a similar loss for the 1977-1978
Net losses for the theater since its open
ing in the fall of 1971 total $73,898.
Miles Tommeraasen, vice chancellor for
business and finance, estimated the actual
deficit at $40,000 after contributions from
other university funds are added.
Sheldon, part of the College of Arts and
Sciences is aided by excess funds in other
departments of the college.
"Basically we are unable to come up
with enough funds to run the theater the
way we want," Ladely said.
UJP.C, Film-makers featured
The theater will show the University
Program Council Foreign Films and Take
One American Classics series plus the Film
makers Showcase and a series of documen
tary films this semester.
Film rentals and freight costs make up a
majority of the theater's expenditures with
advertising and projectionists' fees adding
to the total.
Ladely said advertising will be kept to a
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Photo by Mark Billingsley
Joe Myers chomps down on a slice of watermelon given by the Farmhouse and
Phi Delta Theta fraternities and Alpha Chi Omega sorority to celebrate the first
week of school. Little Jimmy Valentine and the Heart Murmurs offered music
for the throng of watermelon munch ers.
minimum with inexpensive flyers used to
announce film showings.
Transfering theater employees' salaries
to NU's budget rather than having them as
part of the theater budget would also ease
the financial situation, Ladely said.
'Income for the theater is provided by
three basic sources; grants and donations,
UNL, and ticket sales.
Donations received
Sheldon Film Theatei receives $10,000
yearly from the National Endowment for
the Arts and $4,000 from the Nebraska
Arts Counsel.
Ladely is seeking other grants from
Toyota to sponsor a Japanese film series
and from the U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare's museum grant
Also he is interested in organizing the
Sheldon Film Society, a group of citizens
to solicit contributions for the theater.
"We are trying to generate as much
income as possible with the university
making up the deficit," Ladely said.
About one-half of the theaters expenses
are met from ticket sales, he said, but
ticket prices are kept as low as possible
with no show costing over $2.00.
"There is a good-sized hard-core audi
ence that comes to everything," he said,
adding that as long as attendance doesn't
drop the theater will have no added
A bit of the UN is heard on
Raymond language floor
By Sue Brown
The residence hall floor resembles any
other floor of the Neihardt complex.
Colorful construction paper cutouts
decorate each door, introducing the
student, their hometown and their major.
The difference, however, is noticeable
as one walks down the hall and hears
students speaking in various foreign
languages. This is the modern language
floor located on the second level of Ray
mond Hall.
The modern language floor was designed
to allow students enrolled in a foreign lan
guage class to practice outside of the class
room as well as engage in extra-cultural
activities. Languages spoken on the floor
are French, Spanish, German, Italian,
Russian, and Portuguese.
Teacher's idea
The idea was originated last year by
Associate Prof. Mark Cory and German
teacher's assistant Jan Goebel of the
modern language department.
The modem language floor is not to be
confused with the International House
which also is in Neihardt complex. In
I-House, an American and foreign student
room together.
The modern language floor assigns
students who are learning, or who speak
the same language as roommates. Due to
housing problems, the floor is not totally
composed of language students. Although
24 students are involved in the program,
other floor residents have expressed
interest in some of the activities as well.
TA coordinator
Resident coordinator for the modern
ASUN joins
AUF in fund
driven projects
At ASUN's first meeting this school
year, a bill to join with the AH University
Fund in a student fund drive to finance a
variety of possible things was passed by the
The bill survived a motion to table
because of technical wording "flaws"
because of the need for immediate action.
ASUN will now set up a Student Fund
Drive Committee to investigate and
recommend projects.
Seven possible projects for the commit
tee's consideration were discussed at the
The financing of a rape crisis line on
campus was listed as a possibility.
It was suggested by ASUN President
Ken Marienau that money from the fund
could go to hiring student employees for
the Sports Complex so that the complex
could remain open for longer hours and be
mere accessible to the students.
The possibility of financing political and
ideological speakers on campus, which last
year lost all student fee support because of
regent action, was also mentioned by
A typing lounge in the Nebraska Union,
complete with typewriters, desks and
chairs, could be a worthwhile project he
said, as well as child care facilities for those
students with families.
Funds from the drive also could finance
a new black student orientation and grants
for student research projects.
These are all suggestions and possibili
ties, Marienau said, that will be decided
on at a later date.
No fund drive could be conducted with
out the cooperation of AUF, the only
campus organization allowed to solicit
from students.
language floor is graduate student Karen
Johnson of South Sioux City. Johnson has
a double major in Spanish and French and
hopes to teach Spanish on the university
level. She currently is a teaching assistant
in Spanish 102. Her main goal as floor
coordinator is to see progress among the
students as they utilize their language
and enjoys the opportunity to practice
the language.
Practical experience
Sandy Sokolik, a senior from Ralston
majoring in Spanish and French said she
has benefitted from the practical
experience of using the languages outside
the classroom situation. She said she
feels that it is exciting to interact with
students having similar interests. Students
do not have to be language majors to take
part in the program.
A grand opening party will be tonight
August 31 at 7:30 in the Raymond T.V.
lounge of Neihardt. All language students
are encouraged to attend. Musical enter
tainment will be provided by German and
Venezuelan singers.
Johnson will help to organize the extra
cultural events. The agenda for this
semester includes guest speakers, foreign
films, musical groups, dancing lessons, and
slide presentations. Other suggestions
include mini4essons in unfamiliar languages
and translation games. Students also plan
on joining a modem language instructor
once a week for lunch in Nefliard's snack
Resource room
A resource room for the floor in
Centennial Hall of the Neihardt complex is
in the planning stages. This room would in
clude dictionaries, verb books, magazines,
and visual aides, for all languages, as well
as pamphlets from all over the world.
Students have shown similar motives
in choosing to live on the modern language
floor. Victor Saporta, a sophomore from
Omaha, said he feels that he can help
people because he is from a Spanish back
ground. Both of his parents have lived in
Argentina. Saporta can speak Spanish
fluently, but writing it still causes some
grammatical problems for him. He says
that he is used to a Spanish atmosphere
inside thursday
Registration blues: A UNL official
contends students are less upset
by drop-add hassles than in years
past page 2
A new cafe, naturally: Two Lincoln
ites are opening a health food
restaurant in ths old Palms
Cafe page 9
Putt your best foot forward: Student
finds happiness and money on the
professional putting circuit
page 10