The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1978, Page page 19, Image 19
friday,may 5, 1978 daily nebraskan page 19 Susie. When we go to the itarship be sure to bring your bag because It will be reefer time in the Rockies-Evel P S. Eat it Paco ELECT ENGSTROM for Lancaster County Weed Control Authority Pregnant? Birthright is a con fidential helping hand. 477 8021. Bedding Plant Sale. Friday May 5. 9:30-5:30, East Union; Vegetables, Annuals, House plants, Horticulture Club. Vote for Don Wesely, 26th District Legislature. Don is a UNL Graduate Assistant. Attention Professorsl Responsible students wants to housesit for summer. Call Susan -472-0603. The UNL Gay Action Group welcomes everyone to a Disco Dance, Sunday 8 p.m.- 12 a.m. in the Union Basement. Brad Cole Happy Birthday May 8. Have a good weekend! To the W.B.I. 23 days down and 7 more to gol Congratulations! Your Social Committee To the sex goddess in Smith 908: You have a great pair of ankles. M'dzo Copy eds Janet, Kim, Lisa, Jill v Thanks for an interesting, laugh-a-minute semester. Keep werewolves in your hearts, " watch out for sleepers, keep scratching the surface of itchy journalistic issues, and above all, look to the stars. It's been o.k. M.E. The exciteable boy is alive and well at KU. Warewolf of Barkley To all Norfolk girls in Smith Hall: "I'm going home, I've done my time" I'll think about you in Phoenix. Guess who! To the new Chinese News Ed of the Rag: Congratulations & good luck. Above all else maintain your sanity. You'll need all you can get. Thanks for all your help this semester. "Old Ned" Marjie and Anne: You were great! Thanks for all the hard work and support!! It was the most fun semester yet! Remember the best always. Good luck, "the other one" Gamblin' Man: "In the daytime we can't see the stars, yet they exist. In the nighttime we can't see the sun, yet it exists also. When we're apart you can't see my love, yet it is there always." Forever, Dani Elaine and Sue Why are you selling that carpet so cheap? June WORKING HARD TO EARN YOUR VOTE VOTE DAVID LAND IS for Legislature May 9th Shelley Scott, You never cease to amaze me. Happy Birthday! Love, A Not So Familiar Name Tis year's end, and as R2D2 speeds off into the West, C3PO and Luke file traveling plans for spaceport Chicago. Han is disap pearing into darkest Omaha while the Director becomes a brick farmer. As the Wookie heads for Alaska and Darth Vader for Hades, a white Duck is seen boogieing in Alec. Obi Wan is settling in with Born Again Christians for a change of roommate, and the Grand Moff Tarkin curls up for his long sum mer nao. And, while Lance the Tusken Raider hangs himself by his bedchains. Head Jawa Juggles bounces off into the sunset. The STAR WARS JUNKIES may be for departing for the far corners of the galaxy, but they shall meet again Re member the FORCE shall be with you Forever. Gritdowggy & Doo-Doo Head, All your finals are hereby jlnxed. You might as well for get about studying. Let's party I!!!! -Samauri Nootgai Musfga III Queen Victoria proclaimeth, "Let this schooling come to an end. I am not amused." There fore, the Princess speedily returns home while Ladies Anne, Debra and Beverly continue waiting (for what?). The Knights disperse to their appointed sectors of the Night, Winebottle, Penguin and Tennis Ball. Cather 3 is still indentured and debentured and shall remain so until Her Majesty declares otherwise. And, finally, the Court Jester gets the last laugh -short people always do. Terry, Never had a sister before, but I sure love having one now! Out of sight does not mean out of mind-l expect lots of visits next year. Who else can I dis cuss brothers with? Love you lots. . . ' Kris Notice: The Knights of the Kiss and the Day of the Rosie Light have been inducted into the Royal Court of Queen Victoria. Long live the Queen!! Jo. Thanks for being there when I needed you I'd never have made it without you. You're the best of all friends they don't come any better. Let it last forever. . . . Kris Straight Talker, Who woulda believed this semester would go the way it did? I won't say how much you taught me but I will say this, 'Thank you for being you." Sigma Mu Upsilon Gamma An nounces that SMUGGER of the year is awarded to Lisa M. Broman, for obvious reasons. Congrats Lisa!! LAST ANNUAL IVCF Picnic and Nacht Orienteeriens Fahrt (Night Road Rally) Saturday, May 6. Pioneers Park. Meet near Indian at 4 p.m. Eat at 6 p.m. Rally at 8 p.m. Call 472-81 33. Ed S., Robert K., Robert P., Robert R., Robert S., James M. and of course Kermits H. and W.: We've had our differences but I'm ready to forgive and forget. Jim Williams Irene: You're in the real world now. Who says the age of miracles is past? Good luck, Jack, Yumi, Mike, Kim & Mark HMB, It's been a long, tough year, but it looks like I made it. Thanx for all the support cuz. Love, les!! Lisa Marie Bernadette McGee: You might be one of the strangest things that ever lived on Pound 3, but we all love you!!! Especially, the zoas. Christy Lee: Good Luck at Nationals. Get ready for Colo rado, you too Pete! AUCTION Sunday May 7, 10 a.m. 4033 Progressive Ave. Lincoln, NE JEWELRY- Fine turquoise jewelry, direct from indian reserva tions. Zuni, Navajo and turquoise jewelry. Squash blossom, Navajo and Zuni Indian rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, watch bands, crosses, belt buc kles and stick pins. FIXTURES- Jewelry showcases, glass shelves and gift items. Round glass shelves, clothing racks, (5x8) tables, sign with letters, portable sign with letters (21 x 36), and cash register. MERCHANDISE- Imported bed spreads, water bed spreads, imported blouses and shirts, assorted clothing, tapestries, lea ther purses, bean bags, Japanese grass cloth wallpaper, oriental cotton rugs, wood can ings, leather covered wine and liquor bottles, glass figurines. Imported salt and pepper shakers, porcelain figurines. Impor ted candles, Italian inlaid tables, flower pots, impor ted cnstal bamboo curtains, fish netting, flower pots wooden chests. MUCH MUCH MORE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. sponsored bv LUTFIYYA S 1028 "O" St. ZOA, I'm sure that even though you're going to be in Lincoln ell by yourself this summer, you'll find some action to be the HEAD of something!!! The remaining 3 of the CYJ group Paula Cope- Despite hanging out with Bizarre friends, you're the best!! . . . .Kimsy 23's of the Motley Gang, Thanks for all your 'Bus' help. New East Campus 13 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my favorite brother & sister-in-law Seems like 5 years can slip by so fast which is easy for me to say!! Wish you all my love for the next fifty. Signed by your adorable, pesty little sister. Carta BA, MHS, BL, TJ, SK and all ZETA's thanks for 4 great years! I'm gonna miss ya! -bl THE LAST NON-TRAD-Picnic Saturday, May 6, 3-7 or so at Pioneers. V-ball, singing, food. Kiddies too. Call Randy, 432 6561 for further info. Transpor tation available. MCAT REVIEW COURSE IMPROVE MCAT SCORE SEPTEMBER 30, 1978 Course taught by iocal CollegeUniversity Faculty reviewing their areas of expertise, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Math, Test Taking Techniques and much more including actual trial exam administered under MCAT conditions. Cost: $175 for 32 hours of instruction. Repeat all or any part of course at any time for NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Convenient UNL Location, All Materials Pro vided. Write for additional in formation including FREE MCAT Self -Evaluation Test. MCAT REVIEW COURSE 1205 N. 145 Plaza Omaha, Nebraska 68154 (402) 493-3196 Would like to borrow a clean copy of "Best of Cream" to record it. Art, 432-0570. CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. We install custom striping and permanent protective body side moldings in 14 colors. Trim-Line 467-2637. . BUDGET SELF STORAGE Don't move everything home; store with us this summer. BUDGET SELF STORAGE 5350 Cornhusker Highway 464-6351 BUDGET SELF STORAGE Do you need an extra garage for that antique car? Store with us. BUDGET SELF STORAGE 5350 Cornhusker Highway 464-6351 BETTER TYPING does help resumes, term papers, theses, dissertations expert, fast, but not expensive. Call Elaine Bullard anytime: 435-5879. Wanted: Typing, 65 cents per page. Phone 464-2234. 7 Instant Print Centers Composer Typesetting Service Folding & Inserting Services Advertising Specialties Office Supplies Business Cards Business Forms & Stationary Wedding Invitations & Accessories O O fin k'W isjfi$w SH"T- r r r Dog training classes. Basic obedience; dog must be 6 mos. old. To pre -register phone 423-5340. Guitar instruction-Private lessons for the dedicated stu dent. Beginning or advanced. We specialize in finger styles. $7.50 per lesson. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 atitm Ride needed to Flagstaff, AZ area May 21-24. Will split gas, drive. Call 472-9406. Need partying rider to Phila delphia (May 10) and back to Lincoln (May 20). Art 432-0570 Ride needed. . .to Oklahoma City-Stillwater area after May 13. John 432-6961. WEAI COLLEGE o SUMMER WORK o Part and full time positions available in Lincoln area. $90 to $300 per week all applicants must be over 18 464-0223 Call between 12 pm and 3 pm Nickel Copies While-U-Wait Quality Copies for Budget Prices 120 North 20th Street Lincoln, NE 68503 4300 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68516 Riders needed to share driving and expenses to St. Cathrines Ontario via Detroit or Buffalo (you decide!) Call Mike at 472 4128 Ride needed to San Fran cisco, May 12-20. Share expenses. Marty 474-2200 or leave message 432-8821 . If you need a ride to Gordon 512, Contact Cindy 435-4290. Need ride to Phoenix, share gas. To leave after May 14. 472 9279. 2 students need rides to N.Y.C. June 12, will share costs. 488-5573. Need ride to Maidson Chicago area, after May 12. 474-5564, 472-3679. Wanged a rider to share cost of gas to Phoenix Ariz. I'm leav ing early in Finals Week. Call 474-5738 or 472-1763. PROGRAM Composer Services for Professional Appearance & Instant Reproductions of Resume's, Term Papers Theses, Dissertations 402475-8833 402489-8853 v 5c vv """"