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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1978)
daily nebraskan Wednesday, aprll 26, 1978 page 16 How party at Chuck and Donz Saturday Niaht. Pupsk (alias Al McGuIre Jr.) If tax Is like a toy, your batteries ran down a long time ago. Unfortunately, that's not funny in Illinois OR Nebraska. South Omaha Bohunk 'ATTENTION SUMMER BOARDERS Zeta Tau Alpha sorority will not be open for boarders this summer due to remodeling and redecortating for fall We hope to see you in the summer 79! Sincerely, Beta Eta chapter Zeta Tau Alpha Instant Print Centers Composer Typesetting Service Folding & Inserting Services Advertising Specialties Office Supplies Business Cards Business Forms & Stationary Wedding Invitations & Accessories 0 0 ACROSS 1 Window part 5 Broadside salute 10 City section 14 Mental image 15 Violently 16 Person from Poznari 17 Western tourist attraction 20 Kind of cat 21 Territories 22 Possessive pronoun 23 Sunday 25 Brings forth 28 Ranee's raiment 2S Danube port 32 Pennsylvania city 33 Studio spinners 34 Show displeasure 35 Western tourist attraction 39 Was corrosive 40 Tersely witty 41 "A to Live": O'Hara 42 Influenced 43 Knapsacks 44 Roofing material 46 Wire measures 47 Climb in a certain way 48 Choicest part 51 Get by fraud 54 Western tourist attraction 58 Peevish state 59 "Windy City" airport 60 Norse inscription 61 Make a throw 62 Proceeds 63 Delightful spot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 23 If Estelle would get her hair styled at the Clipper she could throw that wig away. THE CLIPPER 124 N. 12 432-4214 H.S.S. SPRING THING, April 28-30, be there, ALOHA. ALL food must have gone up to 75 cents per meal, since we haven't seen any all year. CPN Malcontent Happy birthday Wednesday, to Dana, and Friday to Ken. Love, Robin 97 of the members of MECA are on the Blue Team: t'iQ other 3 are Old Americans for Freedom. FAST CASH Become a blood plasma donor. IMMEDIATE PAY MENT. Earn easily $65 per month. "Help us help others while you help yourself." Contact or come into LINCOLN pLAsrrm corp. 474-2335 2021 'O' St. Extra $5 with this ad, new donors only. One per person. Nickel Copies While- U -Wait Quality Copies for Budget Prices 120 North 20th Street Lincoln, NE 68503 4300 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68516 DOWN Incite to attack Bede or Smith Immunizing agents Consecrated Quondam weapons Accumulate Take on cargo London's Old Go spree whales Woodcraft, e.g. It's below the humerus Military meal Stupefy Luggage piece Meat pie i 2 3 14 1 is R 7 II i I 110 hi I12 I13 17 18 19 """"" 20 21 22 23" 2?" 25 2 27 28 """" T" 5T" 31" 32 33 34 35 3T" 37 38 - 42 43 """"" 44 J45 4T" " ST" . I m .., Aii,, 48 49 50 51 52 53 STST" 57 58 59 jM 83 DUE TO RAIN, WOODSIE FRIDAY APRIL 28-COME AND PARTY AFTER CORNSTALK-MAPS AND TICKETS AVAILABLE ON ABEL TEN. EIr. T's Barbiqnt' chicken beef ribs pork 474-6163 Best barbeque in town. 1008 R St. Mark (475-8748): Would enjoy hearing more about' dorm conditions in '72. Name the time and place Sensitive Does Mikhail Barisnakov really stuff his tights? Got an Eyeful HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB WEBB! REGENT CANDIDATES FORUM TODAY. 1 p.m. AT UNION MAIN LOUNGE. 97 of Regent Candidates are jerks, the other 3 will be at Union Lounge, 1 p.m. today. RGY, JY Patty M., Happy 21st birthday. Tom You showed 'em all up Chi Phi's! Thanks for your support! Composer Services for Professional Appearance & Instant Reproductions of Resume's, Term Papers Theses, Dissertations 402475-8833 402489-8853 puzzle. crossword edited by eugene t. matoska 24 Cunning 44 Is conspicuous 25 "Oliver's Story" 45 Something author travelers drop 26 Say in an 46 Fountain treats empty way 47 Word with fish 27 Expressed or grass publicly 48 Saclike 28 Examines structure carefully 49 Custer's last 29 War vessel major 30 Indian abode 50 Olympics' first 31 Interviewee on site Mt.Sinai 51 Smith of the 33 No honor courts students they 52 Give kudos 36 Nanook of the 53 Relative of a North fish eagle 37 Do carpentry 55 Howling success work 56 Haggard novel 38 Village in a 57 Understanding poem of 1847 Captain: Happy Special Day I Only 17 more days till the next one. Munchle Laurie-monkey, (A surprise of my own) Sorry I can't make it Saturday; thanks anyway. If I roll out the "red-carpet" will you let me take you out after we ace the final? As evar, Your neighbor in class Close Encounters of Four Kinds: The Regents Candidates' Forum is today at 1 p.m. in the Union's Main Lounge. Sponsor ed by Talks 81 Topics. Students needed for Hitler Youth. Contact YAF (Young Americans for Fascism) Wear Red, Friday 28th of April to protect the YAF. BUDGET SELF STORAGE Don't move everything home; store with us this summer. BUDGET SELF STORAGE 5350 Cornhusker Highway 464-6351 Make your name count. Douglas County registered voters sign bottle bill petition TODAY! in Union-NUPIRG Jack, Shari, Jim, and Teri will be there. Why not you? If you are taking Math 107 or above, earn some extra "cash" and review for your finals as well! Take Pi Mu Epsilon's prize exam: Tuesday, May 2nd, 7 p.m. in Oldfather 304. -$25, $15, $10 awarded first three places Be there. Pregnant? Birthright is a confidential helping hand. 477 8021 . Who's Steve Martin? Some to the H.S.S. SPRING THING TALENT SHOW, Satur day at 7:30. More excellent acts, and totally FREE! Mabel, did I tell you about Hazel? She bought a pair of jeans and a T-shirt at the Salvage Center in Havelock for the price of 1 pair of jeans in most stores. WANT COED BY BED FLOORS? Then apply for next year's RHA. Positions available include Secretary, Treasurer, Standing Committee, and RHA Cabinet members. Applications are available at residence hall desks, and ASUN Office, or by falling 472-1095, 9773, or 9059 For International Student I.D. cards, Eurail Passes, and Youth Hotel Cards, Come to the Overseas Opportunities Center, 345 Nebraska L'tion. Speak your piece! Tell us who you want to speak theirs. Come to the speakers selection meeting today in Room 232, Nebraska Union, 3 p.m. Girl in L.S. Library, How about Thursday night, 7:30 p.m., L.S. Library? Guy in red Optimistic Thursday, 12:45 p. m. Union Harvest Room. Please identify. I 'II wear burgandy (dress) . Blondie Monte, You REALLY are O.K. II Your dirty ol child molester Fight unfair marijuana laws and paraquat -tainted potl UNL NORML organizational meeting April 26, 7:30 p.m. JESSE'S. Dear Janet, One day late but happy 20th. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom 81 Dad Help clean up our highways! Douglas County registered voters UNITE! Sign bottle bill petition Union Wed. -NUP1RG Ralph You would O.K. Mom's Apple PIE! All -American take one presents John Voight and Dustin Hoffman in MIDNIGHT COWBOY The seamy side of New York City life is the back drop for this compelling character study. Thurs. 7 & 9 p.m. Union Centennial Rm. Student $1 .50 General $2:00 Concerned about making ends meet? Don't mist Ralph Nader "University Students as Consumers," Aprll 27, 7:30 -Centennial Room. UPC Blondie: How about a meeting? You name time and place. Optimistic Birthright offers you a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. Think college is ripping you off? Ralph Nader speaks on "University Students as Con sumers" April 27, 7:30 p.m. Centennial Room-Union. By Talks and Topics Committee of UPO CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 4354045. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year-round. Europe, S. Ameri ca, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information-write: BHP Co., Box 4490, Dept. NA, Berkeley, CA 94704. "Make good health a reality" Give your support to the Open Door Health Center through the 1978 AUF Spring Faculty Drive. April 10-30. BUDGET SELF STORAGE Do you need an extra garage for that antique car? Store with us. BUDGET SELF STORAGE 5053 Cornhusker Highway 464-6351 Alpha Lambda Delta an8 Phi Eta Sigma initiation will be April 25, 7 p.m., at the Union. Make-up initiation will be April 26, 5 p.m. at the Union. Room will be posted. m v -- .. fjH ti l-iM: i :-4 . V&i ' Fast, accurate typing. After 5 p.m. or weekends. 466-3654. RESUMES Job hunting? You need a sharp, concise written resume. For help call the professionals at Costello 8t Associates, 475 9777. Wanted: Someone to share expenses and driving to Wash ington, D.C. Leaving May 13th. Call Maxine, 466-1408 after 5 p.m. Looking for rider to Wash ington, D.C. area. Leaving May 12-14. Robbie 475-8291. Rider wanted to Seattle to share expenses leave May 22 4674048. ATTENTION BASEBALL FANS! The Official Major League Baseball Caps $499 Rugged, authentic caps with team color and official emblem of your favorite team. All clubs available to order: Sun Sports Co P.O. Box 894 Columbus, NE 68601 Add $1 Shipping charge Allow 2-3 weeks delivery! iteo (tomtit FOUND: Ladies watch Sat urday p.m. In Horsefeather's bathroom. Call 472-0542. LOST: Ladiei gold watch on 16th Street between Vine 81 R. If found, please call: 474 6268. Top Quality ..j-i-vr r Bottom prices and fast service, too. This is no time to feel insecure If you're going to make the most of this excit ing day, self-confidence is important. And Tampax tampons can really help. They're uniquely comfort able. In fact, once a Tampax tampon is properly in place, you can't even feel it. And you never have to worry about odor. Because when a tampon is in use, embarrassing odor doesn't form. (Which is why Tampax tampons don't offer you a deodorant and the added expense that goes with it.) What's more, Tampax tampons are designed to conform to individual body contours. So there's less chance of an accident. Tampax tampons. Because there'll never be another day quite like today. The internal protection more women trust "---.. Lr'T