The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1978, Page page 15, Image 15
Wednesday, april 26, 1978 daily nebraskan page 15 want COS Rates: Regular classified ad 10 centswdday $1 minday individual & student ads $2 minday - commer cial ads Classified Display $3col. inch Deadline 1 p.m. day before pub lication No refunds on pre-paid ads. No responsibility as sumed for more than one incorrect insertion. City Campus Rm. 34 Nebraska Union 472-1761 EAST CAMPUS Student Organization Suite 3rd floor. 472-1685 Kitchen table with four chairs, bedroom dresser with mirror. Good quality, excellent condition. Call 4354201 after 6 p.m. Best offer. Used nursing uniform for UNL's College of Nursing two year program. Call 472-0160. For Sale or Rent: Mobile home(s) (nice park). Sale price $1195-3995. Financing avail able. Rent $1 35-21 0mo. 475 9811. BUDGET SELF STORAGE Can you get your car in the garage? Is your spare room your store room? We can solve your problems. Store with us. BUDGET SELF STORAGE 5350 Cornhusker Highway 464-6351 Fine 10 -speed Zeus Olimpica touring bicycle. Perfect condi tion. 20 lbs. Plus stand and tools. Expensive but worth it. 472-8009. Gitaue Tour de France, 231a in. (all Reynolds) Mafac, Sugino, Suutour, tabulars. $180, call 432-1143 ask for Phil. Woman's 10-speed Schwinn suburban. Excellent condition, new tubes, front and rear. In stalled generator lite set. New $170, asking $80. Call 472 8030 or 472-1012. Rossignol skies, 185cm., used once $125. Solemon 555S bindings, $90. Ask for Mark, 474-0515. Waterbeds, frames and acces sories. Small shop, small prices. 423 5721 or 483-4949. LOOKING FOR A GAR? Urban motors probably has one for you. They have a huge selection with everything from the sporty fiat spider and the flashy X 19 to the economical comfort of the 131 URBAN MOTORS: They know now to make driving fun again Just stop in you'll see. 1021 North 48th 1961 Austin Healey Sprite 1966 engine. New paint, carpet, seat covers. Included. Hard top. $700 or best offer. 472-0670. '68 Chevelle SS 396,4-speed 350 horse engine, radial T-A's on Cragers, engine judy over hauled, header, big carb. Ready for street. Call 464-6964 after p.m. - 1970 BMW 2002. blue AM- FM stereo. Call 477-7933 after 6 p.m. '73 Yamaha 350RD, just over hauled, red and white, hi risers, adjustable back rest. Fast est 350 in its class. $600. Call 464-6964 after 7 p.m. FOR SALE: 1974 Honda 350-4, good condition, reason able price. Call 432-9683 after 5 p.m. Must sell receiver, 15 watts RMS per channel and BIC 920 turntable. Both excellent condi tion. Will take best offer. Call 477-9352. Ventura 12 string wcase $75. Hexel 210cm Ski's w bindings, Hursclting 912 Ski boots never worn. Best offer 474-0146 evening. Penney's 19 inch BW TV, 3 months old. $100, 474-2042 evenings. Office chair, antique, execu tive style; solid oak restored. Better than a new chair, but price is less. Home 464-5377; work 471-2891 ext 38. For Sale: 14" chrome wheels with wire covers. Cameras: Polaroid Square Shooter and Kodak 44 instamatic. 466-8814. Perfect for the Summer! Two bedroom townhouse, base ment, partially furnished. $130 mo. 3325 Starr. Evenings, 464 9651. 24th & J, furnished efficiency. Lots of windows for good light ing. Close to bus line. $130mo. 477-7783. For Rent: 1 bedroom, furnished, dishwasher, disposal, $175mo., (includes utilities). Open May 12. Call 483-2700. 1,2,3 bedroom apartments Swimming pool tennis courts jogging path bus service Call 423-5243 Summer School housing, 5 minutes north of city campus. New 2 bedroom apts., fireplace, new appliances, storage. 1817 Knox 477-7301 East Campus sublet, 4300 Holdrege, furnished apartment, 1 bedroom, air, laundry facilit ies, next to busline. $120mo. 464-8433. Move in May 15. Modern 2-bedroom apt., fully carpeted, dishwasher, air conditioning, utilities paid, call 474-2111, extension 310, ask for Cheryl or 47-5159. Avail able immediately. 877 N. 26th. Furnished, split level, 1 bedroom units. Start at $150month, lights only. 474 6442 or 477-8356. SUMMER HOUSING THETA CHI Rent a room for $16week double, $25week single. Avail able May 14. Call 432-7893, ask for information. 10th & Harrison, unfurnished, do your own thing. With a 1 year lease, we paint to please you. One bedroom, split level, from $l60mo. 475-2783 or 477-8356. Convenient air condition ed residence hall accomoda tions are avail for summer school students. Rates are as low as $2.00 per day with a variety of roomboard options available. Contact the Housing Office, Seaton Hall, 472 3561. NEBRASKA SKI PARTY Friday April 28, 8 p.m. Denton, Nebr. Bonfire, Hayrack, Music, All nighter. For detail, check the ski Nebr. booth at the Union. NEAR CAST CAMPUS Available May 16 for summer. Large 1 bedroom apartments also, reserve your fall 1978 apt. now, 466-8876. 1631 'A' St. Cute 1 bedroom apt., newly remodeled, shag, laundry, air cond., off street parking, no pets. $159 lights. Call 4-6 p.m. weekdays, before 2 p.m. weekends 488-4313. 401 S. 26th. Newer, large 2 bedroom, unfurnished, tub shower, central air, laundry facilities. $190 electric. No pets. 489-3729. 680 South 20th St. Modern, second-level two bedroom, patio, pool, available May 15th. Call after 6 p.m., 477-5933. Efficiency with basement and garage. All utilities paid. Close to campus. $130mo. Days 488 7089; evenings 488-5039 or 474-1280. BUDGET SELF STORAGE Moving away? Need some space to store your books and furni ture while your gone? Consider us. BUDGET SELF STORAGE 5350 Cornhusker Highway 464-6351 SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Special rent offer! 3617 Baldwin. Newer large 2 bedroom, air, $180mo, 489 8694 before 9:30 a.m. After 9:30 p.m. 546 So. 27th, nice 2 bedroom, furnished, air, $165 utilities. 489-3729. East Campus large 2 bedroom unfurnished 4-plex, fireplace, air. all appliances. $210 and $230mo. May 15. 466-7918. 3 bedroom townhouses, 3 minutes North of city campus, V baths, gas heat. $258mo. Monthly lease. 477-3446 450 S 25-9-room duplex, 45 bedrooms, fireplace, new carpet, formal dining with ac. Avail able May 18. $285 utilities. 423-6206. SUMMER HOUSING Rooms available for rent May 13. Female or male occupancy. $15wk. double; $20we. single. Chi Phi Fraternity. 432-3905, 432-5254. 1 bedroom apt., carpeted, ac, dishwasher, large closets, 2521 Vine. $145150 electricity. 474-6622, 47 7-5271 or 489 7000. Unfurnished, one bedroom, 711 S. 19th. $170 . 489 9361 Randy 477-4387 evenings. COLLEGE VIEW 1 bedroom, furnished. Will rent for summer only. $145mo. plus elec. 489-7200. 31st & Holdrege-1 & 2 bedroom furnished apts. avail able for summer and fall terms. $140 185 deposit. 432-3689. CANDLETREE APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments, pool, tennis courts. 40th & Hwy. 2. 423-8728 WEA COLLEGE PROGRAM o SUMMER WORK o Part and full time positions available in Lincoln area. $90 to $300 per week all applicants must be over 18 464-0223 SUMMER HOUSING TRIANGLE Room for rent $17.50week double; $25week single. Air1 condition. Available May 13 for all or part of summer. Call 474 6370, 432-0494, 477-8384, ask for Roger. SUMMER HOUSING ACACIA Rooms for rent $17.50week double, $26.25week single. Available May 14. Write to 212 W. Lake Shore Drive, Lincoln, NE 68528, for more informa tion. 2521 Vine. 1 bedroom apt., air conditioning, off street park ing, laundry, $150mo. electri city. Call Steve 432-3586 or Rex 474-6622. BALL REAL ESTATE 477-5271 Available May 1. 4 bedrooms plus; close to campus, 2230 T' $225, utilities, deposit. Call 489-8318. EXCEPTIONAL 2 bedroom, 4112 Huntington. $220mo. plus deposit. No pets. 489-9361 evenings. Randy 488 4089. AUSTIN REALTY casts) aasfflsd) HELP WANTED If you are looking for good pay ing summer work we can help. We still have some openings in our summer work program for hard working college students with the entire summer free. The students who are selected earn $3300. To learn more, apply in person: Thursday, April 27 Ferguson Hall Room 217 3 p.m. and Room 1 13 at 6 & 9 p.m. Please be prompt! LIFEGUARDS The Cafe Deluxe, located in the Clayton House Motel, at 10th & "O", is looking for certified life guards and certified pool oper ators. We are looking for energetic and outgoing ladies who have some experience as waitresses andor bartenders, this is not required. There are both day and late afternoon shifts available. We will be opening our roof top popl on approximately May 22. Appli cants must be able to wear pool side attire well. Please come to interview dressed appropriately. Call for appointment at 477 5508. Ask for Donna, Mike or Rick. CITY SUMMER RECREATION DIRECTOR Ideal job for extra experience or course work in major field for person going to summer school. Approx. 25 hrs. per week. Mail inquiries and application to Box 127, Village of Hickman, Hick man, NE 68372. Full time or part time help needed. Apply in person. JASON'S 1346 P St. Students in business, engin eering & education are wanted or summer work. Earn $1 ,210 a month. For more information call 4324417. Part-time Workers Hours 3:30-9 p.m. Monday thru Thursday, 7 a.m.-11 a.m. Satur days. Good starting pay. Dester Foundry Inc. 5945 N. 70th St. Lincoln An equal opportunity employer. Newspaper delivery Monday Saturday, approx 3 p.m.- 4:30 p.m., $100 profit every 4 wks. For more information call, 473 7351 between 1:30-2:30 p.m., 488-1202 after 5 p.m. ask for Gary. Full time male attendant wanted for non-verbal quad raplegic university student. Must be reliable and patient. Ideal for student interested in the rehabilitation field. Contact Ginny Wright at 472-3909. DAILY NEBRASKAN PRODUCTION POSITIONS Available Fall 1978 ESC TYPESETTER Position involves preparing edited copy for pasteup. Must type 60 wpm with accuracy. Available both afternoon and evening posi tions. T,W,Th,Sun. Approx. 20 hours weekly. Pays $2.65 hr. depending upon experience. PASTE UP Positions involve pasting up page layouts for newspaper. Prefer some paste up and 7200 experience. Available afternoon and evening, T,W, Th, Sun. Approx 20 hrs. week. Pays $2.65hr. For positions see Kitty in 34, Nebraska Union prior to April 26, if possible. Help Wanted-UNL students needed for summer work, earn $3,330. For more info call 432-4417. HELP WANTED Cocktail waitresses & bartenders Cafe Deluxe located in the Clay ton House, 10th & O Street, is looking for energetic aggressive ladies to work in the above positions at our roof-top pool. There are day and night shifts available. Applicants must be able to wear pool side attire well. Applicants must interview dressed appropriately. Call for appointment 477-5508 ask for Donna or Mike. EARN $400 WEEKLY. YOUR OWN HOME SERVICE BUSINESS FOR SUMMER. NO SALES. SEND $2 FOR DE TAILED REPORT TO COL LEGE STUDENT WHO KNOWS. DOUG STROUP, 41 OAK HILL, SUDBURY, MA 01776. EMPLOYMENT OPENING 'Sophomore or Junior for full or part-time work this summer and part-time work during the school year to act as building engineer for downtown office building. Farm background pre ferred. Starting pay $2.50hr. For appointment call 432-5544 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Wanted: Summer school stu dent. Part-time, drive attendant. CREST OIL CO. 1545 Cornhusker Highway Attractive ladies are now needed for escorts. Must be dependable, well mannered, and have a great personality. Call 474-0151. Oscar's needs waitresses, bar tenders and kitchen help. Apply in person, upstairs Gunny's Complex. HOW IIIRIflG SUMMER JOBS Can earn $375 week ful time. $6hour part-time. Cal 435-4818 fS8JE3Elf3E GUHIMilTEEO Rapid advancement available, no experience necessary. Three interview times; 1 :30,3:30, and 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 27, 1978. Lyman Hall,EVl.U. Full time positions for both accountants and auditors, must have a 3.0 average or above with 26 hours credit in accounting. Call 475-0744 ask for Betty. CORNHUSKER PLACEMENT SERVICE 117 So. 10th Full-time position for a sign painter with some experience in silk screening, preferably senior, $600mo. Call 475-0744 ask for Betty. CORNHUSKER PLACEMENT SERVICE 117 So. 10th PART TIME WORK $90 PER WEEK Student and Military O.K. All applicants must be over 18. Call 1 p.m .-3 p.m. only, Monday Friday. 464-0223 Wanted: "1972 Cornhusker" yearbook. Will pay top price. Call 423-7656 after 6 p.m. Roommate wanted in large house. Call 435-4369. Female wanted to help find share apartment near East Campus. For summer andor next school year. 472-0639. Needed, female roommate, $80 month, 477-8026 for de tils. Female roommate to share large 2 bedroom apt. wfire place. Nonsmoker. Prefer grad student. 477-7837. Male roommate needed to share East Campus duplex. Available May 16. 464-6542 evenings. Female roommate to share house this summer. $85month, utilities included. 472-9354 or 477-7633. Female roommate for sum mer months, 474-5260. Roommate needed for sum mer in 2 bedroom, 2 bath apt. at Superior Place. Furnished & utilities paid. Pool, tennis, $150 month. 432-2269. 2 male roommates, for '78 79 academic year. North 27th street, 435-2766. ask for Milton. To share new, 2-bedroom, unfurnished apartment, $100 month utilities. 475-1072 after 5 p.m. Female roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom apartment. Call 475-3289 after 5 p.m. Law student needs room mate for summer. Close to East Campus. 467-4880. Roommate needed, good location, $80month utilities. 435-5349. Stacy R : Better late than never. Happy 21ft birthday. Chuck B3 JOBS Call between 12 pm and 3 pm 4 V