The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1978, Page page 6, Image 6

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    page 6
daily nebraskan
Wednesday, aprU 19, 1978
Housing office to interview
for residence hall directors
The UNL Housing Office will begin
conducting interviews this week to fill
residence hall director positions.
Richard McKinnon, assistant director
for. housing-residential education, said
there are many applicants for two open
ings and two positions which may open
due to resignations.
Because some applicants last year de
clined the position, the rule requiring
directors to have a masters degree in a
relevant area such as counseling will be
suspended, McKinnon said.
Student members of the Residence
Hall Association will be included on the
interviewing committee.
Residence hall director duties include
training, supervising and evaluating stu
dent assistants, counseling and admin
istrative work.
Director salaries range from $6,800
to $7,200.
Greeks unite for events
Every cyclist needs a friend.
..... V; ?'A xXVrt, n
0 I J Ml I n
ttii4?ri - sty's' i
4701 Huntington
Water fights, pinnings and Monday night
dinners are customary aspects of Greek life
at UNL, but this week fraternity and soror
ity members have been participating in
more unusual activities.
April 17 marked the beginning of Greek
Week, which is designed so Greeks could
work toward a common goal, according to
Guylyn Remmenga, Panhellenic president.
The week's activities are designed to
create, a good public image for Greeks and
to promot the Greek system, she said.
Our philanthropy, the Greek Blood Drive,
provides a service to the community."
Gayle Riedmann, a committee chair
man, said response to the drive has been
"Our quota is 1 ,000 pints, which we ex
pect to reach, especially with the Lincoln
Community Blood Bank taking donors on
Thursday," she said.
Mayor Helen Boosalis, U.S. Congress
man Charles Thone and Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs Richard Armstrong
were donors.
According to Remmenga, a mock bid
session to see "how the rush process works
on the Panhellenic side" was held Monday
- - . mmmmmm
night in the Nebraska Union.
"The session showed how girls going
through rush preferenced sorority houses,
and how those houses filled their quotas,"
she said.
Remmenga said today is "T-shirt day".
Greeks will wear T-shirts with the slogan
"get a piece of the rock." Several Lincoln
businesses are helping support the Greeks
by giving special discounts to T-shirt wear
ers during Greek Week.
The highlight of Greek Week, a Greek
awards banquet, will be Thursday night in
the East Campus Union, Remmenga said.
A Greek Exitus, which follows a "Gong
Show" format, will be Friday night.
Remmenga said Jimmy O'Neill from
KOIL radio in Omaha will be master of
Contestants will be accompanied by a
jazz band and will be "gonged" by CBA
professor William Curtis, UNL Band Direc
tor Robert Fought and Lt. Gov. Gerald
Whelan. The show will be in the Nebraska
The activities will end with an All-Greek
Dance, Saturday night at the Airport
Ramada Inn. Music will be provided by
Stand the F-4 Phantom on its
tail and climb, straight into
the stratosphere.
Cruise at 185 mph and dive at
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Cobra gunship.
Hover in midair or shift the
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If you're in college now and want to fly, we can get you off the ground. Our
PLC Air Program guarantees flight school after basic training. If you qual
ify, we can put you in the air before college graduation with free civilian
flying lessons. Contact us now! See the team in the Ne. Union on April 4 &
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Where work is student priced.
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