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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1978)
friday, april 14, 1978 daily nebraskan page 1 1 Custom wool bucket seat covers for '67 Malibu. May fit others. No wear. $50, 474- 3985. '68 Road Runner, 40,000 miles, excellent condition inside and out. 488-6560. '71 MG Midget, top shape. Blue, rack, 472-2167 or 423 6032 after 5. 72 Honda 500-4. 18,000 miles, good condition. $900. 946-3622 evenings; 761-2800 days. 1972 Suzuki GT380, like new, $700 or best offer. After 5:30 p.m., 4754630. 1974 MG Midget. Excellent condition. $2000. 475-7802. 1974 Pontiac Firebird, Formula 400. 472-8956. 1975 Honda 500. Good condition. Sissy bar. 472-0758. 1975 Kawasaki 400 S3-A, low miles, $750 or best offer. 432-6147. 1976 HONDA 550, wind jammer, sissy bar, excellent condition. $1495 or best offer. 474-1187. t'i O fl WIl o 4 in)J Qv I 0 J i t t QjO -A - - 1 AAAvmw " ' twist cap bottle. ""vj Make it yours. W s (A fMi '& r TybrC" H II 1976 GT-550, Windjammer SS, 3,500 miles, asking $1350 call 464-7814. '77 Jeep CJ-5. Very good condition, 20,000 miles. Call 477-1637. Dual 601 turntable with Shure VI 5 and new stylus, $175, Kenwood Z400 receiver, $125, Guild D35 guitar with delux hard case $300. 488-1302. 331 Sansui Stereo Receiver Mint, Still under warranty $125, Call Doc at 474-9525 SONY KV-1510 4 years old. Perfect, negotiable. 477-1562 $250 Jansport D-3 backpack used only once, $60. 488-7772. FIAT.. One Urban Motors 1021 No. 48th 467-2559 Fiat offers 24,000 warranty on all Bed for Sale-frame mat tress, good shape. $25. Call 4674220 after 5 p.m. Eureka canaster vac, A-1 condi tion $20. Compact Mr. Sweeper Store 467-3638 GARAGE SALE by SAI Music Honorary 3018 Ryons Sat. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. 1 p.m.-6 p.m. Something of interest for everyone. John Denver 472-8184. tickets $7.50 Peavey Deuce guitar amp, 120 watts, two channel, master volumn, $300, Call Thor, 488 4712. of a kind mile or 2 year 1978 fiats. 4 Goodyear 10-1 SLT mud snows on six lug rims, $150, 4 Goodrich LR60-15TA Radials $175. Like new 2 ton life miltary winch $175, 435-2036. Huffy 10-speed, 26" wheels, excellent condition 435-7541. MOVING SALE Appliances and furniture, kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, rec-room equipment and drum set. Call 472-9561 on Friday, 9 a.m. 9 p.m. (Fremont). TANBERG 3600 XD reel to reel MARANTZ 1120 amp 60 watts. Call Rob 4324846. Nikon F black body. Call Mike at 466-8902 or 472 2588, leave a message. Waterbeds, frames and acces sories. Small shop, small prices. 423-5721 or 4834949. BO 4000 receiver, 60S speakers. Lady Schwinn Cont. 435-2430. GIBSON GUITAR. J45. $325. 435-2036. ffip CHUG 1 Bedroom basement apart ment. Close to Campus. $130 mo. Utilities paid. 1012 Charles ton, 435-4067. 1521 S. 22nd. Large 3 bed. room, recently remodeled, laundry, fireplace, no pets. Available May 15. $240mo gas and lights. Call 4-6 week days, before 2 p.m. weekends, 488-4313. 31st & Holdrege-1 & 2 bed room furnished apts, available for summer end fall terms. $140-185 deposit. 432-3689. 1 BR apt. available near East Campus for summer months. $170 electricity. Call Anne 466-9387. House for rent, 1016 "F". 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, $250 mo. 477-2895 after 4:30 or weekends. EAST CAMPUS 4221 Holdrege No. 9, 2 bed room, ac, dishwasher, $225. 464-0523, 472-3731 Ext. 277. Unfurnished, 1 bedroom apt. In super condition with balcony and all appliances. $180mo. utilities. Available for rent May 1. Call 477 4703 after 3jp.m. Near Ag campus! Large 2 bedroom duplex with all appli ances. No pets. Couples only. 466-3708. 2521 Vine. 1 bedroom apt., air condition, off street park ing, laundry, $150mo. electricity. Call Steve 432-3586 or Rex 474-6622. BALL REAL ESTATE 477-5271 221 So. 29-4 bedroom old er home, good condition, all appliances, double garage, no pets, available immediately. $350mo. plus utilities. Call Nancy. 423-1550 or 474-1880 after 5 p.m. Near East Campus, Deluxe 2-bedroom Apt. All electric. $225 and $235month. 467 1482. Available May 14. Except ionally nice 2 bedroom house between campuses. $195 utilities deposit. 466-6642. EXCEPTIONAL 2 bedroom, 4112 "Huntington. $220mo. plus deposit. No pets. 489-9361 evenings. Randy 488 4089. AUSTIN REALTY Available May 1 . 4 bedrooms plus; close to campus, 2230 T $225, utilities, deposit. Call 489-8318 Summer Housing, 464 N 16th. Rooms for rent$15week double; $20week single. Open kitchen and parking. Available May 13. Call 474-9802, ask for summer manager. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. 2745 Q. Large 2 bedroom, first floor of duplex, partially furnished, basement, storage, $200mo. electric. 489-3671 . Large 2 bedroom apartment. Recently remodeled near campuses. 2910 Starr. $170mo. plus utilities. 488-7940. Efficiency with basement and garage. All utilities paid. Close to campus. $130mo. Days 488-7089; evenings 488 5039 or 474-1 280. Two 1 bedroom apts. $160 month, cable, air, utilities paid. One available May 1, other June 1.477-8026. SUMMER HOUSING ACACIA Rooms for rent $17.50week double, $26. 50 week single. Available May 14. Write to 212 W. Lake Shore Drive, Lincoln, NE 68528, for more informa tion. SUMMER HOUSING $17.50week Contact : Brown Palace Inc. 1900 B St. phone: 432-2583 Ask for officer. CANDLETREE APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, pool, tennis courts. 40th & Hwy. 2.423-8728. Furnished, carpeted, sir conditioned carriage-house, effi ciency for summer sublet. Sheri dan Blvd area. $115mo, utilit ies paid. Call Robbi 475-8231 . 877 N. 26th. Split-level, furnished, 1 bedroom unit at $150 and up. Laundry, parking, picnic area. 474-6442 or 477 8356. 546 So. 27th, nice 2 bed room, furnished, air, $165 utilities. 489-3729. 1007 S. 17th. Large unfurn ished, 1 bedroom. $145mo. deposit, electricity and cooking gas. Petless 474-2437 or 423-0343. SUMMER HOUSING TRIANGLE Room for rent $17.50week double; $25week single. Air condition. Available May 13 for all or part of summer. Call 474 6370, 432-0494, 477-8384. ask for Roger. New, spacious (980 sq. feet), 2 bedroom with fireplace, dish washer, laundry facilities, $225 and only 3 month lease. 5 blocks from UNL. 489-7200 We've got a place for you I Cornhusker Co-op has openings for summer and fall housing. Summer: Rm only $17 double, $25 single. Fall: Rm & board $500 semester. Come see us at 705 N. 23rd or call 475-6796, ask for Denise. For Sale or Rent: Mobile homes (nice park). Sale price $1 195-3995. Financing avail able. Rent $135-210mo. 475-9811. Attractive Ladies are now needed for escorts. Must be dependable, well mannered, and have a great personality. Call 474-0151 for more information. Kitchen help needed. Hours vary. Apply in person between 9-11 a.m. or 24 p.m. OSCARS Gunny's Complex Full time position for a sign painter with some experience in silk screening, preferably senior, $600.00 a month. Call 475 0744 ask for Betty. CORNHUSKER PLACEMENT SERVICE 117 So. 10th Full time positions for both accountants and auditors, must have a 3.0 average or above with 26 hours credit in accounting. Call 475-0744 ask for Betty. CORNHUSKER PLACEMENT SERVICE 117 So. 10th PART TIME WORK $90 PER WEEK Students and Military O.K. All applicants must be over 18. Call 1 p.m.-3 p.m. only. Monday Friday. . 464-0223 Full-time male attendant wanted for non-verbal quad raplegic university student. Must be reliable and patient. Ideal for students interested in the rehabilitation field. Contact Ginny Wright at 472-3909. Babysitter, my home, for in fant and 4-year-old. Occasional weekdays. May thru early August; then part-time, after noons, 78-'79 school year. Own transportation. 40th & Hwy. 2 area. 423-5351 after 6 p.m. and weekends. ATTENTION : Applications are now being accepted for life guard and pool manager posi tions for this summer and for the 1978-79 academic year at the Abel-Sandoz pool. Appli cation forms are available from Lauri at the Abel South desk. Application deadline is April 20, 1978. Equal Opportunity Employer Wanted: 1 or 2 students to do regular moving and some light yardwork for elderly woman. $2.50hr. 435-5400. Art student needs female model, $30 per session. For more information write Erne Simmons, P.O. Box 80541, Lincoln, NE 68501. Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for delivery positions for 1978-79 chool year. Need car. Need to be free from 9-10:30 a.m. M.W.Th,F. See Jerri in 34 Nebr. Union be fore April 15th. WOODWORKING SIMPLE HOME REPAIRS YWCA needs part time in structors to teach adult classes. $3.50hr. Call Neva at 432-2802.