friday, april 7, 1978 daily nebraskan page 3 short stuff CSL revises bylaws, urges O.K. of parking policy board There will be a free drop and add session during final exam week for anyone who pre-registers by April 21. The UNL French Club will meet today at 3:30 at Oscar's. The Intervarsity Christ ian Fellowship will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Ne braska Union. The Free China Associa tion will present a movie Saturday at 7:30 pjn. in the Nebraska Union Small Audi torium. Baha'i Association will meet Sunday at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska Union. Room number will be posted. Pi Mu Epsilon will meet Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in Old father Lounge 722. The Hillel organization will have a slide show at 8 pjn. Sunday in the Nebra ska Union. Room number will be posted. 1 UIIIUIII calendar The Society of Women Engineers will meet Mon day at 7 pjn. in Nebraska HallW183. 10:30 a.m.- E Week Convocation- Jules Bergman, Nebraska Union Centennial Room, Ballroom. 11:30 a.m.- LDSSA, East Union Student Organization Committee Room. 11:30 a.m.- IANR con ference committee, East Union Sycamore Room. 11:30 a.m.- Child Development- Chi Omega lunch eon with Elizabeth Orman, East Union Sunflower Room. 12:30 pjn.- Muslim Stu dent Association, Nebraska Union 337. 1 pjn.- Nebraska Assoc iation for 4-H Development, East Union Cottonwood Room. 1:15 pjn.- Office ofUni- The most effective tampon is the most economical, too Tampax tampons are made with a special, highly compressed material to give you maximum absorbency. What's more, unlike most other brands, they expand in all three directions length, breadth and width to conform to indhidual body contours. Which means there's far less chance of leakage or bypass. And here's some thing else you'll like about Tampax tampons: the price. The economy-size package oi 40 costs less tampon for tampon than any other brand. So if you w ant a lot of protection at very little cost, open a package ot Tampax tampons. We promise you, it's there. versify Information- Berg man News Conference, Ne braska Union 232. 7 pjn.- Latin American Student Association, Nebra ska Union 232. The Prayer & Praise organization will meet Mon day at St. Mark's On-The-Campus Church, 13th & R streets. The Council on Stadent life approved a revision of their bylaws at a meeting Thursday evening, bringing the bylaws into conformity with new CSL authority. The council decided a month ago to consider appeals not only on the basis of procedure, but on the basis of substance and merit as well. Council chairperson Joan Wadlow explained that matters brought to attention of the council over the past two years have concerned themselves with sub stance and not procedure. "There was nothing we could do," Wad low said of the past matters. The revised bylaws, which relfect the new role of CSL, were passed without dis sent. Associate professor of education Vern Williams was installed as a CSL member for the remainder of the semester. Williams, who also is director of the UNL Counseling Center, will sit in for associate professor of education Earl Green who was named to a vacancy on the council. The council also voted to recommend revisions and indicate disappointment with the proposed bylaws of the Parking Advi sory Committee. The council has gone on record in the past as favoring the establish ment of a parking policy committee, as op posed to an advisory committee. CSL members expressed disappointment that the parking committee's proposed by laws did not establish that committee as a policy committee. The council voted to return the parking bylaw changes made at the CSL meeting to the parking committee and to Chancellor Roy Young. By this action, CSL hopes to urge the chancellor to support CSL's position on the bylaws. A committee report on what CSL should do in response to the regent resolu tion cutting mandatory speaker funding was postponed until the next - and final -CSL meeting of the semester. 9 1 I - 1 A Fit- fr" '"""'W."".'.'.'.wiMKm i BiiiiiiiiW"""J'"'i'l' 1,11 ' iJi"""1-;" """""wwiiih iii'iii"if'MMi !"J" Wkmmmtw(Mv The internal protects" more women trust TAMPAX.