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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1978)
page 12 daily nebraskan thursday, april 6, 1978 Antlqut wooden table, 4 chairs, excellent condition, dark wood. Call 4674220 after 6 P.m. TANBERG 3600XP Reel to Reel MARANTZ 1120 Amp 60 watts. Call Rob. 4324846. Pro size foosball table, Texas style, solid wood. Great condit ion. Size 3.50-18" motorcycle tire, like brand new. 944-5321 Elm wood. For sale: Two tickets to Lou Reed Concert, April 12th. $10 $13 value. 474-6268. m agio Partially finished 2 bedroom house wcentral air, $225mo. gas electric. Available May 15 -August 21.4674054. 1007 S. 17th. Large unfurn ished, 1 bedroom. $145mo. deposit, electricity and cooking gas. Petless 474-2437 or 423 0343. House for Rent: 4 bedroom older house in University Place, close to East Campus and bus. $275mo. utilities. No pets. Call 466-2635, 6-8 p.m. 1836 H. Large 1 bedroom, newly remodeled, furnished, shag, no pets. $175mo. utilities paid. Call 4-6 week days, before 2 weekdays. 4884313. 2128 B. Large 1 bedroom, recently remodeled, shag, laundry, fireplace, furnished, no pets. $l69mo, utilities paid. Call 4-6 p.m. weekdays, before 2 p.m. weekends. 4884313. 877 N. 26th. Split-level, furnished, 1 bedroom unit at $150 and up. Laundry, parking, picnic area. 474-6442 or 477 8356. 1236 N 26th. Economical. 2 bedroom. Appliances, off street parking. $175mo gas, electri dity and deposit. Mary Marshall 4674724 Gateway Realty 489-0745 Summer housing available May 1. Newer 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, carpeting, dishwash-, er, air. $300 utilities. Petless. 475-7315 after 5 p.m. Available May 15. Near East Campus. 2 bedroom apt., energy efficient. $230 and $240. 467 1482. New duplex, 2251 Orchard. Appliances, fireplace, central air, washer hookups. $225mo. 477-8621. We've got a place for you I Cornhusker Co-op has openings for summer and fall housing. Summer: Rm only $17 double. $25 single. Fall: Rm & board $500 semester. Come see us at 705 N. 23rd or call 475-6796. ask for Denise. 2947 North 50th. 2 bed room, fireplace, garage, stove, refrig. central air, no pets. $275 mo. utilities. Call 4-6 p.m. weekdays before 2 weekends. 4884313. SUMMER STUDY IN NEW YORK CITY Columbia University offers over 350 under graduate, graduate and professional school courses. Write for bull etin: Summer Session, Columbia University 102C Low Library, N.Y..N.Y. 10027 !&?!?&!!!!! Tired of door nicks0 Get permanent protective side molding. We also specialize in custom striping. 467-2637 Efficiency with basement and garage. All utilities paid. Close to campus. $130mo. Days 488-7089; evenings 488 6039 or 474-1280. SUMMER HOUSING 123S N. 16th Room for rent $17.50week double; $25week single. Air condition. Available May T3 for all or part of summer. Call 474 6370, 432-0494, 477-8384, ask for Roger. 2500 S. 10th -Unfurnished, 1 2 bedroom. $160-$190mo. New, laundry, parking, picnic area. 475-2783,477-8356. EXCEPTIONAL 2 bedroom, 4112 Huntington. $220mo. plus deposit. No pets. 489-9361 evenings, Randy 488 4089. AUSTIN REALTY Near Ag campus! Large 2 bedroom duplex with all appli ances. No pets. Couples only. 466-3708. -xm ttvf iifj- Wanted underhand fast soft ball pitcher. Call Dick, 488 4107 evenings. Wanted used 10-speed in good condition. 464-7088 Chris. Experienced men's under hand fast-pitch softball pitcher wanted to play on AA team. Call after 6 p.m., 4884107. Qlffi) CZSIISS) Kitchen help needed. Hours vary. Apply in person between 9-11 a.m. or 24 p.m. OSCARS Gunny's Complex Waitress help wanted. Part time day and night positions available, flexible hours, pleas ant personality needed. Apply in person at Fiesta Cantina, 321 N. Cotner. Looking for girl to live with us and be part of our big family, do some "mother's helper" type chores in exchange for private room, meals and wage. Could attend summer school. Call 475 9660. Pizza Co. needs part-time delivery help. Must be reliable with dependable car. Apply after 5 p.m. at 611 N. 27th st. DAISY GATEWAY Opportunity for sharp, aggressive, mature individual in sales. Fashion Merchandising or Business degree desired. Excel lent benefits. Call for interview, ask for Margo. 464-9144. r HHBHHMaBiaBaaisEaaMMHBSHiaaiai laukdroma?" appreciates v YOUR BUSINESS ! CUP THIS COUPON (WORTH 25c) AND PRESENT IT TO THE ATTENDANT WHEN YOU COME IN FOR YOUR NEXT WASH AT DADDY'S LAUNDROMAT 241 So. 20th LINCOLN i liny ncio ni ' nimnvc vLnn ul unuu i 411 THIS COUPON WORTH if ON ONE LOAD OF We have AMWAY products Sunday-Friday 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. -8 p.m. Coupon expires Dec. 31, 1978 Mature Student-part-time babysittinglight housekeeping In exchange for board, room, salary. Start In the Fall. 475 6949. College students looking for summer employment. Between Hastings and Minden Hart well Neb. Quad States Const, will be building a new grain stor age. If you live around there and would be interested, drop a card to Quad States Const. 6000 Cornhusker Hwy., Lincoln, NE. Life guards needed. Contact Nebraska National Forest, Halsey, Nebraska. $3.81 nr. Attractive Ladies are now needed for escorts. Must be dependable, well mannered, and have a greet personality. Call 474-0151 for more information. Free furnished room in ex change for occasional child-care. 477-2022 or 472-1248. SUMMER JOBS Full time positions for both accountants and auditors, must have a 3.0 average or above with 26 hours credit in accounting. Call 475-0744 ask for Betty. CORNHUSKER PLACEMENT SERVICE 117 So. 10th Man for part-time work this summer. Afternoons, evenings and Saturdays. Apply in person. MARTIN TEXACO 401 S 10 Wanted bartenders and floor men, male and female. No experience necessary. UNCLE SAM'S 25th & O Equal Opportunity Employer Manager wanted for full-time employment on large hog con finement operation. Prefer animal-science major. Excellent salary. Call 913-325-2905. Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for delivery positions for 1978-79 school year. Need car. Need to be free from 9-10:30 a.m. M.W.Th.F. See Jerri in 34 Nebr. Union be fore April 15th. Part-time and full-time help needed at Jason's. Apply at Gateway and ask for Tom; Downtown, ask for Parviz. Part-time help wanted. 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mature female. Call for apt. DAIRY QUEEN 901 N. 48th 464-2654 Full-time male attendant wanted for non-verbal quad raplegic university student. Must be reliable and patient. Ideal for students interested in the rehabilitation field. Contact Ginny Wright at 472-3909. classifieds get results! 1 i miiiiniin in in JtSj nnur it araiy j iuiil ii nun mi WASH AT DADDY'S Babysitter, my home, for In fant and 4-year-old. Occasional weekdays. May thru early August; then part-time, after noons, 78-79 school year. Own transportation. 40th & Hwy. 2 area. 423-5351 after 6 p.m. and weekends. Help wanted: Summer work (full-time) on large hog confine ment operation. Call 913-325-2905. Female roommate wanted : 2 bedroom furnished apt. $100, all utilities paid. 474-5497, 5-9 p.m. Two roommates wanted im mediately to share 3 bedroom townhouse. $95 each plus 13 utilities. Call 467-4220 after 5 p.m. Female roommate to share duplex with 2 girls, own bed room and bathroom, $95 plus 13 utilities, 489-8760. Dear Breathing Hard: My brown bag will be wait ing for you in the Union. Stay tuned. F.R. Yuckl Term paper time again. Need topics or refer ences? Try NUPIRG's Consumer Clearinghouse. Nebr. Union rm. 117. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information-write: BHP Co., Box 4490. Dept. NA, Berkeley. CA 94704 Winkle initiates and pledges unite! Winkle mania Friday night. Go for it. UN L Students, World War I is on again in "All Quiet on the Western Front". Be there!- Lew Ayres Venezuela Exdelegate, Don't step in any doggie hiho, it's hard to get out from between your toes with a cast on. DOR ACROSS 1 Scrrpe roughly S Retired t Fog's fellow traveler 13 Defined limits 14 Touchy 15 Famed sleigher 18 Deer's antler 18 Clan's symbol II Improve in appearance, with "up" 28 Bachelor's last words 22 Scurry 23 Physicist's monad 24 Cheers up 28 G.I. fare 28 Name for some hens 29 Number by Davis and McCoo 38 Any one of the Thousand Islands 31 Bank (on) 34 Atty.'s governing body 35 Sketched roughly 37 Shoe width 38 Creator of Captain Hook 48 Row 41 Medicinal measure 42 Where Hessians got a surprise: 58 Si 8 CI C2 63 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 S II 1776 Box-score item "Act One" 44 45 author 47 Double-decker, eg- French article Ibsen character Most loyal Ringo or Bart "Devil's Ford" author 48 41 58 54 58 ToP.K8 97 of UNL's employed are underpaid: the other 3 are regents. prof's kids Hey Mary M. I DONT GIVE UP EASILYI Throw out the old and bring In the new. Love, Santa Congratulations new initiates Kay and Newt I Rho Mu Phi livesl If you want to see somebody do it bareback come to the Rodeo I 7, 8 & 9th Dance your hooves off. Cornhusker Ballroom, April 8th, 10:00 p.m.-1 :00 a.m. Rodeo Cowboys, We hear cowboys "do it best". So prove it) Invite us to party with you Friday night after the rodeo. Respond in per sonals. 3 Female Rodeo fans, B,S, & M Sue the Nun, See you at the H20 Hole on 4-24 for my birthday. Steve from Beatrice "Cute as a Button" For a repeat performance bring this ad for a free onel Kegger Friday night, April 7th at Thomasbrook Apart ments Clubhouse. Starts at 8 p.m. E-WEEK is Thursday and Friday, April 6 & 7. Jules Berg man, Science Editor of ABC-TV will speak at the convocation, 10:30 a.m., Friday, April 7, in the Centennial Room. 97 of Abel-Sandoz resi dents are stupid; the other 3 eat in the East Union. Ehhl, DDR. AP,MC,TM, R E-WEEK Open House: Thursday, 5:00-10:00 p.m. Friday, 12:00-5:00 p.m. Birthright offers free pregnancy tests, confidential understanding help. 477-8021. Kappa Kappa Gamma Car Wash! Saturday, April 8 from 11-3:00. Cost is $1.50. Located in Kappa Kappa Gamma parking lot. The pro ceeds will go to the Open Door Health Center. Paved the way Fluffy ravelings Scamper away Hightailed it Like child's play Parry DOWN Cheers for eleven Khachaturian Some shots in the arm True-blue native Paleasaghoot Favor Slip a cog Thread weight Late Chinese leader "Deep of Texas" 11 Toby's relative jj 12 Gentles 33 15 Cited often in historic lore 41 17 Pack away 43 21 Temper 44 24 Warm hazing 45 25 Recipe abbr. 28 Tobacco- 48 exporting 47 country 50 27 Peace of mind 51 28 Present-day 52 O.S.S. 28 Small flounder 53 38 Theaters-in-the-round 32 Greek temple 55 33 Drop bait gently 57 35 One who resists the new order 'pi34 5 I6 I7 I8 I 9 l0 11 w u - p - 19 - "" 20 2l"" 22 M s 5 39 ""J 4? 5 3 "p" b 1 J """4 ""ST 51 (S2 S3 54 -55 """" 56 57" 5 fe CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. Hotel Cel.; Hey, thanks for a CRAZY night I J.& K. Wheelchair vet needs live-in. Little help. Free room and board. Male or female. Starting middle of May. Call Bob at 475 5228. Professional typing service for students. Theses, papers, letters, etc. Reasonable rates, prompt service, proofreading. Call 423-8264 evenings. MM? 1 'Jl'(f!V I i) '"A : , .. -, !T ' ! t "Sf i! t . i- i'T - 't , ' Ul. I.l-H' ' !, f Mtfr-.tliK- L.1 '.V.I I I " V.V.I ' V.I V -i L Receive a Fulbright Scholar ship. Find out how today at 10:30 a.m.. Oldfather 208. For more information call 472 3076. Ad Club-Tuesday, April 11 at 5 p.m. Union, room number will be posted. Current members and anyone interested in adver tising welcome! For assistance in setting your short and long term goals so you can make choices about your future, sign up now for Coun seling Center Life Planning Workshop to be held Saturday April 15, 12-5 p.m. in the East Campus Union, 3rd floor. Room number will be posted. For information and sign up call 472-3461. Hillel meeting si ideshow Israel info. Sunday, April 9. 8 p.m.. Student Union. P.E.O. -College Group Meeting, 5 p.m., April 9 at 1850 Broadmoore. Call 489-2314 by Thursday night for reservations. OII7tIo CfOSSWOfO edited by eugene t. maleska Healthy glow N.Y. Central etal. Opposite of spear Soprano Lull Nine on Parnassus Like some beer Quite daft Swamps Man of mysteries Gun for a Tommy " Off," book by Dave Hill Flushed Mouth of a Spanish river