The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1978, Page page 11, Image 11

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    thursday, apri!6, 1978
daily nebraskan
page 11
Student enters race
for Regent's position
A UNL student recently joined
the race to fill the 1st District
regent's seat as a write-in candidate.
Kirk Ehrlich, a 23-year-old junior
majoring in journalism and theater,
said he decided early this week to
run for the office now held by Ed
ward Schwartzkopf.
Although campaigning as a write
in candidate is difficult, Ehrlich said,
the fact that he is a student and that
"a lot of students are dissatisfied
with the regents right now" should
be advantageous in his campaign.
However, Ehrlich acknowledged
that he may be at a disadvantage
with other voters in the 1st District
who are not aware of his write-in
If elected, Ehrlich said he would
work to re-establish mandatory fund
ing for the speakers' program and
begin an investigation of how student
fees are spent. He said also he would
favor voting privileges for the student
Ehrlich lives in Lincoln with his
wife and two children.
ABC science editor featured at E-Fair
A white, geodisic dome structure has
landed south of the Nebraska Engineering
Center, 17th and Vine streets, to signal the
arrival of UNL's Engineering Fair on Thurs
day and Friday.
The dome structure is one of about fifty
student projects to be displayed in and
around the engineering center during E
Fair. Many projects will be in temporary
structures or what one engineering student
called "shedus maximus" in the outside
parking lot.
Open houses will be Thursday from 5
p.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday from noon to
5 pjn. The projects will be judged between
6 and 9 p. m. Thursday.
Jules Bergman, ABC science editor, and
space flight commentator, will speak to the
public Friday at 10:30 a.m. in the Nebras
ka Union.
Bergman was chosen because he is an
appropriate speaker for the E-Fair theme
"Engineering in Everything," and is in
volved in all aspects of engineering said
Tim Moylan, student coordinator.
An Energy Road Rally kicked off E-Fair
at 1 p.m. Wednesday. About 25 cars en
tered, six of them sponsored by car dealers,
said Roger Fobair, a junior engineering stu
dent. Each car was tested for pollution
standards and given plus or minus points
Contestants drove a 64-mile course
which took about two hours. They also
were given points for good gas mileage.
Prizes for road rally and other contest
winnter will be awarded at a banquet and
dance at the Airport Ramada Inn, Friday
University Bookstores keep free Union space
Nebraska Union Director Al Bennett says
it looks like the University Bookstores will
not be paying rent or turning over opera
tions to Nebraska Union's management in
Nebraska Union Director Al Bennet says
it looks like the University Bookstores will
not be paying rent or turning over opera
tions to Nebraska Union's management in
the near future.
Bennett commented after the Fees Allo
cation Board recommended the change to
Richard Armstrong, vice-chancellor for stu
dent affairs.
"The union would only be interested if
the university, that is, the regents chose to
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two box springs and sheets, $50.
be," Bennett said. "The unions are not tak
ing an active pursuit in this matter."
Bennett said the unions would have to
study the matter before a decision is made.
Larry Behrends, manager of both book
stores, said since the bookstores are part of
the university, the UNL assistant business
manager, Ray Coffey, will represent the
Coffey said if the bookstores had to pay
rent, some of the profits which are re
turned to the students in the form of dis
counts and coupons would have to be used
for rent.
Students currently receive a 5 percent
discount on a $50 or more purchase and re
ceive discount coupons in the mail before
each semester.
"This kind of proposal would be coun
terproductive to the students, since the
money for rent would have to come from
them," Coffey said.
The bookstore in the Nebraska Union
used to be located in the Temple Building
and was called the Regents Bookstore. The
founders of the university had mandated
that the NU Board of Regents provide a
bookstore for students.
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