The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1978, Page page 7, Image 7
monday, february 20, 1978 daily nebraskan page 7 Regents hike housing $70, approve publication ethics By Rod Murphy Although the student fees issue commanded most of the attention in the recent NU Board of Regents meeting, other matters were discussed Saturday. The board approved a $70 increase in UNL housing rates, accepted a report by UNL School of Journalism director Neal Copple, conducted an open hearing on the University of Nebraska at Omaha student government and approved some Memorial Stadium renovations. The board approved a $70 increase in board and room rates at UNL residence halls. The increase means that students will pay $1,335 a year starting next fall. UNO student government also was discussed in an open hearing at Saturday's meeting. UNO graduate student, Bill Lane member of the UNO student senate, said the UNO government wants to act as the student's final authority over student fees. This does not mean absolute final authority, UNL Student Regent Paul Hoffmann clarified, but simply the final student authority. Lane also said that eligibility requirements for student government executives were too strict. With the proposed six-credit hour requirement, Lane said freshmen part-time students would automati cally be barred from many student government positions. Almost 50 percent of the students at UNO are in these categories, he said. The report by Copple studying the NU student press was accepted by the board. Copple said the report revised n ? J, J Flowers & Gifts 930 1" St. Complete Flower Service Our lovely gift items include silver, pewter, copper, brass, crystal, wood, and wicker. Call Us About Your Spring Formal Plans Student Discount Free ity Delivery Mon. - Sat. 9 530 474 0194 utMiHG A fn'? Z ITA ' WITH I TEQUILA When you're giving a paity ... Why not be the smarty... & plan a FIESTA WITH PUNCH ! Then your It tends won't be tardy And they'll dnnk hale and hearty Cause JUAREZ is the "BESTA THE BUNCH"! GOlO OH SI I VfcR : Ml ft "M, M If you consider yourself attractive, charismatic, photogenic, and are thin, taller, and have beautiful feet. Backstage Ltd. wants you to represent us for the year. Win a $500 SHOE WARDROBE! See both Backstage Lincoln locations for entry details before March 4th. yjVQJX A I I Among the fine brands to be modeled will be these pretty lace dress heels by Impo . . I2TK Q a 5-year ethical code for campus publications. The report urged that student editors and their publi cations boards agree on the code of ethics before the editors are hired. In reponse to the issue of student fee support of student newspapers, Copple said he thought the Daily Nebraskan had done as much as possible to use adver tising for financing. He added that he thought the Gate way at UNO could solicit more advertising, they did have a problem because the Omaha businesses are not dependent on student income. Roskens' . . . Continued from page 1 Mike Turner, professor of agriculture economics, in his appearance before the board, said that the university is "long on academics, a little short on. practical experience." Practical experience could be made up to some extent, through programs sponsored by student fees, he said. The remainder of the president's proposal regarding student fees is as follows: Student governments will have the power to redistri bute Fund A money to groups established and controlled by ASUN that benefit a broad-based student population. Redistribution of Fund A money to the Union Pro gram Council at UNL and the Student Programming I ,. ..II,"""LI In another action, the board approved raising the football ticket price to pay for restroom renovations at Memorial Stadium and the Sports Complex, according to Regent Kermit Hansen of Omaha. An additional dollar will be charged on the gate price of all tickets except student tickets, effective this fall. The Big Eight officials must approve of the surcharge before it can go into effect. The next Big Eight meeting will be in two weeks, according to Regent Robert Prokop of Omaha. Organization at UNO may be done only with the approval of the chancellor. UPC and SPO may make grants of Fund A monies to other student groups to support the initial programming needs of these groups. These grants, commonly referred to as 'seed money,' can be made only one year out of four to any organization. Fund B monies may be allocated for the support of contractual agreements requiring dedicated student fees. These include the University Health Center, unions, recreational programs, and international educational services. Student groups will have the authority to charge user fees for services they provide, as well as collect voluntary contributions, according to the proposal. r j A for Tl Equipment Group Match your degree to our multitude of openings. 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