The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1978, Page page 5, Image 5
monday, february 20, 1978 daily nebraskan page 5 . 'v. i l'f T V Rivera: Get ready for Taco Bell Photo by Tad Kirk Last night Geraldo Rivera spoke to UNL students in what might be the last speaker appearance paid for by student fees. Rivera is a broadcast journalist with the ABC network. The most imDortant asDect of a news srnrv is its fairness, not its objectivity, according to Geraldo Rivera, a New York broadcast journalist. Rivera spoke to and answered the questions of about 800 people in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room Sunday evening. A reporter with WABC of New York, Rivera hosted Good Night America and has co-hosted Good Morning America, both ABC network programs. Objectivity is impossible because each reporter has had different experiences which color his reporting, said Rivera in a press conference before his formal presen tation. 'The thing to look for is to see if the story has been fair," said Rivera. He said he hopes journalists of the future will be freed from traditional constraints and become more activist journalists. "I think that maybe well see more like me," he said. Before becoming a journalist, Rivera was a lawyer representing what he called "non-political, poor people." He said he used the law as an instrument of social change but became frustrated at how little he was accom plishing and became a journalist when offered the oppor tunity to reach "tens of millions of people." Through his work exposing the conditions of people in the ghetto and of people in other opporessed cond tions, he said he has become known as a ghetto jour nalist. His role gives him a chance to show how "these people, living in these areas, are more like other Americans than unlike them," said Rivera. He also talked about his later stories that revealed the conditions of an institution for the mentally retarded. He called the results of that story his greatest triumph. 'The difference between me now, as a broadcast journalist, and me as a radical lawyer is that it was easy to resort to rhetoric and demagoguery. "People like me are responsible for the lack of interest in social change. There were so many false promises. "I refuse to raise false hope," he said. Rivera, the last speaker to be funded by mandatory student fees, said the action is a curtailment of students' freedom of speech. He said he was surprised that Jane Fonda's appearance had catalized the Regents' action because she was part of the 60s movements and is less controversial now. 'The action of the Regents is decision of the 60s. "I hope you get used to hearing speakers from Taco Bell or Burger King," Rivera said. 75' OFF? Present this coupon with your order and get 75 off our regular dinner prices. expires Feb. 28 if- ' m MEXICAN STADRAMT 91 1 North 27th 474921 11 a.m. -11 p.m. c 0 u p 0 Limit one free dinner per coupon! DINNERS PINATA SPECIAL DINNER 2 tacos, enchilada, beans, chips PINATA SAMPLER DINNER taco, burrito, enchilada, salad, beans, chips PINATA FIESTA DINNER taco, sancho, enchilada, beans, chips ENCHILADA DINNER 3 enchiladas, salad, beans, chips SMOTHERED BURRITO DINNER combination burrito, salad, chips $1.70 $2.50 $2.15 $2.55 $1.70 LUNCHEON SPECIALS Starting at 1.50 Bring this ad and get! 2 OSCARBURGERS for the price of 1 5-9 nightly expires Feb. 28 Public Notice of ASUN Election Filing I- ii II 3enrh artac calarJ hoanc r4,;- cc II I I I ill il 1TIM rffiTTj 1 ! H il , MK, ,. j WttttWG SC441JJ"LKa3 U MV 11flm -11 nm III SMOTHERED BURRITO DINNER fEflT r U Q.i ii. ii p.m. ill combination burrito, salad, chips $1.70 OflEBEMSt GHKSHS lllllllJlllllJIIWMWIMiLUIMMM.1 , , LJ r mimmmmmmmm - I Jfr """"""i ' " "" I'M' ' 1 ilinii T w rriifi r ill mi iiiKimr7Mii ii -i rn I YiTJ t i iinmir r. in i mmmmn,mwnn -, " - ,- - . - mmMmmmmuitmuummMmmmmmmimmmn DQ GDQ OBBSjjp. The ASUN spring election will be held on Wednesday, March 15th, 1978. The positions that will be elected are: ASUN President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President : ASUN senators in the Colleges of Agricul ture, Arts and Sciences, Business Admini stration, Engineering, Graduate Studies, Home Economics, Nursing, Professional ( Dentis try and law), and Teachers; ( NOTE THAT THE SCHOOL OF NURSING WILL BE GIVEN A SENATE SEAT FOR THE FIRST TIME) Advisory Board members in the Colleges of Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Home Economics, and Teachers. Deadlines: All candidates seeking executive, senate, or advisory board positions are required to file with the ASUN secretary in the ASUN office, 334 Nebraska Union, by 4 p.m., February 24th 1978. All student parties must file a party state ment of intent with the ASUN secretary in the ASUN office by 4 pjn., February 24th, 1978. All candidates andor parties must file financial forms with the ASUN secretary in the ASUN office by 4 pjn. March 15, 1978. Filing forms, financial forms and other information about the spring election will be available in the ASUN office, 334 Nebraska Union, beginning February 10, 1978. v si' ... " 5 - A r -.v "v... , . v Become a navigator with the United States Air Force. Air Force navigators are among the finest in the world. They train in the ultra modern T-43 jet trainer at Mather AFB. near Sacramento, California. Two. three, and four-year Air Force ROTC scholarships are available to help you get there ... by paying tuition, textbooks, lab fees, and $100 tax free dollars each month while you're in college. Plus. Air Force ROTC is a great way to serve your country. Find out about the programs today and chart a secure future for yourself. Your destination is an Air Force commission, your check points are excellent salary promotions, responsibility, and Air Force opportunities. Find out today about one of the finest scholarships in the nation. 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