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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1978)
monday, february 20, 1978 page 12 daily nebraskan '66 Chevy, good rebuilt engine. Best offer. 477-1003. For Sale: 84" couch in excellent condition. Console stereo t.v. with walnut finish cabinet. Call 467-4220. After 5 p.m. WATERBEDS Mattress, heater and liner. $99 King or Queen size. 1907 0 St. 474-3171 2 bedroom apartment $165, utili ips paid. 435-3402 or 475 7305. 1948 Q St. Efficiency with air, appliances, bed, carpet, drapes, garage. No pets $140 mo. 475-6523, 474-1 222. 4035 St. Paul. Newer 2 bedroom duplex on quiet street, 960 sq. feet. All appliances, laundry hook up and off street parking. $225 utilities. Call Nancy 423-1550 or 474-1880 after 5pm. 31st & Holdredge, lovely 1 bedroom, furnished unit in 5 plex: living and bedroom, car peted $140 deposit, no pets or children, 432-3689. New duplex near campus. Carpeted, draped, central-air, washer-dryer hook ups, utilities and deposit. No pets. $240. 477-8621 Exceptional 2 bedroom, car peted, draped, stove, and refrig erator. Utilities and deposit. No pets. . .$225,477-8621. Landlord will be helpful but not down your neck. Clean 2 and 3 bedroom apartments with stove and frig. Shag carpeting and air. Nice. 489-1938. Large three bedroom town house. 1 baths. 2 minutes north of city campus. Owner pays heat, water and garbage. Tennant pays electricity. Monthly lease, $260mo. 477 3446. 2030 N. Cotner, very clean and well kept 2 bedroom duplex unit. Appliances and laundry hookups. $190 utili ties. 2020 N. Cotner, 2 bed rooms. $160 utilities. Call Nancy at 423-1550 or 474 1880 after 5 p.m. 3303 Orchard, whole 1st floor of large very well kept older home. 2 bedroom, full basement, double garage, fur nished in beautiful antiques (optional). $300, all util. paid. 2nd floor of this house also available. Very large 3 bedrooms. $240, util. paid. Call Nancy at 423-1500 or 474 1880 after 5 p.m. 1212 S. 23rd Spacious 4 bedroom home in beautiful condition. Range, re frigerator, washer and dryer, garage, $325 utilities. Call Nancy at 423-1550. 474-1880. Excellent opportunity for university student. We offer a chance to work your way through school and gain valu able experience working with youth and adults. Must have auto and be available by 2:30 p.m. Mileage expenses paid. Approximately 30 hoursweek. Call Jerry 473-7349 for appt. interview. Counselor and activity direc tor positions available this summer at a girls and boys camp in Minnesota. Camp direc tor will be in Lincoln Feb. 17 to interview qualified applica tors. If interested mail resume to: Minnesota Camps, Box 81607, Lincoln, NE 68501. Camping and backpacking, co-ed explorer post forming. Advisors 21 or older needed. Scouting experience hefpful. Call Wesley House 432-0355 WaitersWaitresses, part-time, full-time. Fry cooks, dish washers. Apply in parson 1603 W. XT St. Country Kitchen Permanent part-time oppor tunity working 4-8pm evt, ings and 5:30 am to 12pm Sunday. Must have auto. Knowledge o' city streets helpful. Call Jeiry 473-7349 for interview appoint ment. Downtown newspaper deli very 45 $60 every 4 weeks. Call Scott 473-7341. Interested in becoming a para-professional in the mental health field? OUTREACH train ing begins March 8, deadline for applications is March 3. Apply Rm 104 Health Center. Residential instructor wan ted. Part-time work, after 4 evenings or on weekends to fill in for fjill-time staff. Pay $3.63 hr. We will provide training. Contact Mike Vaughn. SCORM. Phone 112-944-7557. The Daily Nebraskan Pro duction Dept. needs a part time evening typesetter for an ESC. Would consider training person with good typing skills. Apply room 34, Nebr. Union, Kitty, between 10-3. Miller Seed Company is looking for a journalism major with Ag background to work part-time. Primary duties would be to assemble information and compose company newsletter along with other related duties. Possible full-time employment. Apply in person at 1540 Corn husker Hwy. Music director to serve local church. Responsible for direct ing choir andor preparing spe cial numbers. 489-7206. Today is your last chance to register for Free University classes in the north lobby of the Nebraska Union. ASUN needs one student court justice, 1 CSL represen tative, and a faculty advisor. Apply in the ASUN office, 334 Nebraska Union, by 4 pm, February 20th. WORK WANTED NEEDED Professional painter with 5 years experience needs work. Free estimates. Interiorexter ior. Outside job contracts. This month will be less than those taken during the warm months. 472-2588. Ask for Doug. Mellow Female wanted to share large house. 474-2470. 2 male roommates, respon sible. Own room, fire place, laundry. In Lincolnshire. Phone 489-2132. 611 N. 27th LINCOLN, NE. MONDAY M A Yell Squad Yell Squad tryouts begin Wed nesday at 4 p.m. in Mabel Lee Hall. Squad candidates must be registered for at least 12 hours, have a 2.0 cumulative GPA, Bi well as 2.0 for the first semester of this academic year. For more information, call Bill Murphy at 472-1174. courtesy rlr Young Democrats Present Carolyn Clark Lancaster County Chairwoman Feb. 21 7 pm Nebraska Union Cool Czechoslovakian guy (muz) anxious to meet Ameri can girls (divka). Prosim call 435-3371 or reply. MID CITY TOYOTA Shop now why selection is greatest all styles of Toyotas in stock, and available for immediate delivery. Stop in and see our fine line at 12 & Q. Birthright offers you a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. This summer, take a Char ter Flight to London, Frank furt or Amsterdam. For more information, contact the Flights and Study Tours Office, 345 Nebr. Union. What: Fitness, Weight Loss and Stress. Mike McGahn is Who: the featured speakers When: 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21 Where: Abel Hall, North Lounge sponsored by Abel Health Aides Applications due March 1, for membership in the Inno cents. The 13 member senior honor society. Applications are available in and may be returned to Nebraska Union 200, the Interfraternity Council Office, the ASUN office, the Daily Nebraskan offices. Union 222, and Ag Hall 101 (East Campus). 87, Meet me at the ballet. Say when. Kniff BAD NEWS IS COMING, LUTHER ALLISON, FEB. 28 MAR. 1, THE ZOO, 136 N. 14th. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES If you're serious and sincere about people and people and kids, Lincoln YMCA day and resident camps are now taking applications for all positions. For job list and application call or write: YMCA CAMP OFFICE 139 No. 11th Lincoln, NE 68508 475-9622 OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year-round. Europe, S. Ameri ca, Austrailia, Asia, etc. All fields. $550-1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information-Write: BHP Co., Box 4490, Dept. NA, Berkeley, CA 94704. National F.F.A. week meet us at Fannys tonight to cele brate I LeeAnne, Happy 19th B-Dayl from Burr East's 3rd floor Rowdies. "If" you tell the front door cashier "Happy Birthday, George" or "if" you've had a birthday in the past week, you get in FREE tonight at Uncle Sam's-50 cent drinks. MADJUGGLER: We know that ya gotta know people. The question is, do we know you? For that matter, do you know us? We know our line what's yours? STARS WARS JUNKIES Hurrrr; BEWAREI You can't hide from Doug, even if it's just a quickie! (Go) Chico: CONGRATULATIONS! You've made it half way! -Hang in there and keep smilin'. Remember: The MARINES are the BEST! See ya in 51 weeks? Miss ya, Cindy BOTTLE BILL SUPPORTERS Please call your state senator and voice your opinion. For more information contact NUPIRG Rm 117, 472-2448 Monday it's the Pitz! FAST CASH Become a blood plasma donor, immediate pay ment. "Help us help others while you help your self." Contact or come into Lincoln Plasma Corp. 2021 "0" St. 474-2335 Reg. 12" Pizza 2 Cokes D a (p) ONLY $325 A mi estudiante de back gammon, de nada-el gusto fue mial Hasta luego, Seg She thinks life's a blast, but it's passing too fast; It is a real drag to grow old. And the time she spends for her millions of friends. Is cause her big heart's made of gold. She has girlish form and she lives in the dorm. And today she will turn twenty-one; What more can I say than happy B-Day and I hope that today is really fun. IMPORTANT NOTICE: We forgot Jon Mallam's Birthday. Please call him at 432 9006 to express your happy belateds. (Anything that's kinky will be appreciated.) We're getting together Tues. at 7 PM, Room 117, Union. A support group for divorced and separated women. For more information call Student Y, 472-2584. Childbirth Education Associ ation. Lamaze classes for cou ples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. COSTUME RENTAL Want to be the best dressed at a costume party? You can be by renting such costumes as Disney characters, cookie monsters, gorillas, rabbits,1 colonial outfits, Abe Lin coin, pre-1950's styles, roar ing 20's styles, and animal outfits for adults and chil dren. Also available are top hats. Come in and see what we have at FRINGE AND TASSEL CORNER OF 27th & VINE M-S 11:30-5:30 Thur. till 9:00 475-9861 SEEDS OF CHANGE II Symposium: An examination of issues related to feeding the world's people, on consecutive Mondays February 20 and 27, 1978. WHERE: Great Plains Room, East Campus Union. WHEN: 11:30 - 1:30, February 20 and 27, 1978 Eating space will be provided. PRESENTATIONS AND DISPLAYS ON THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS February 20, 1978 Dave Worrall-U.S.A. PhD Candidate. Agronomy WORLD POPULATION GROWTH: TRENDS, PROBABLE CAUSES, RESULTS Ahmadu Ayebo Ghana, Graduate Student, Dairy Science FOOD PRODUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: CHALLENGES AND RESPONSES February 27, 1978 Kathy-U.S.A., Graduate Student, Food and Nutrition NUTRITIONAL CHALLENGES: U.S. RESPONSES TO FOOD NEEDS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Jeremaih Afuh Cameroon, Graduate Student, Agricul tural Economics FOOD PRODUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CONSIDERATIONS This program is sponsored by: International Educational Services International Agricultural Awareness Program Peace Corps Coordinator - wPepperoni, Mushrooms, or Hamburger TAX QK QUICK KEYS & ASSOCIATES Remember us for profession al typing of dissertations, theses, termpapers, multiple individualied letters, corre spondence, typesetting and graphics design. 464-3005 UNL Rugby Club Practices changed to Tues. & Thurs. 6pm Military Sci. Bldg. Found: Calculator. Call 464 8062 to identify. COLLEGIATE RESEARCH PAPERS. Thousands on file. All academic subjects. Send $1 for mail order catalog. Box 25918-Z, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8474. OPEN 4:30 P.M. NO COUPONS ACCEPTED